Sunday 21 July 2013

White people & Uncle Tom black persons

Labi Siffre: Something inside so strong.

As a black man of average intelligence who has dignity and self respect for myself as a black man, I consider it grossly insulting, highly offensive and tiresome - in the extreme - to be told: ...put this behind you, ...move on, ...let it go, ...get on with your life...(bullshit... bullshit... bullshit)... by white people in positions of authority. White people who hold decision making power and control, all of whom know fuck all, know absolutely fuck all about what it is like, what it means to be a black man who has to confront and deal with pig ignorant cowardly gang mentality racist retards and racism on a near daily basis as a grown man. (or as a young black man or black school child come to that.)

Ignorant hypocrites white people in positions of decision making authority really should be careful about which orifice they talk out of when talking to decent honest black people about something about which they know fuck all.

For example such BT / CWU white people should stick to what they are good at, for example: protecting, safeguarding, supporting and covering up for sick cowardly bullying white people the likes of: phil the nigger (sic) his puppet master lee foulkes, CWU rep. andrew macdonald, daniella thorp, keith benwell and other dunce lickers when such dishonest twats, cretins and morons are legitimately and properly brought to the attention of the white people who control and run the (workplace / trade union-place) environment in which such deceitful cowardly racists, morons and gainsayers exist and thrive. :-(    
[...In a white man's world that is very over populated with affective and effective numbers of ignorant, mentally retarded redneck racist cowards - and their equally vacuous cowardly white mates who are of similar and/or like-mindset and/or white people who support, empathise, sympathise with their backward, retarded, cowardly racist white 'bredren'... :-) ] 
Well meaning but essentially ignorant white people who know shit about what the affects are on "a person of colour" who is subjected to a prolonged and sustained course of conduct by white workplace racist cowards, white workplace racist bullies, white workplace harassing cowards who chose, who deliberately and purposely chose to target and then  to inflict retaliatory victimisation on a complaining black BT employee / CWU member. A black man who determines to not accept the racist course of conduct and who determines to not accept the subsequent workplace victimisation of white gang-mentality workplace cowards. A black man black BT employee / CWU member who determines to not accept the backward, retarded, the truly puke-inducing, cowardice, cowardly and shameful course of conduct and workplace victimisation of stupid, mendacious BT/CWU Uncle Tom black person(s).

I'm afraid no law exists which is intended to and/or which is going to stop me, which is going to prevent me from legitimately expressing myself - - Charles Wright: Express yourself.

- expressing and articulating exactly what took place within BT's workplace and within the CWU Wimbledon / CWU CC&TV/CCC and other CWU branch(s). Expressing exactly that which white people cowards and hypocrites and Uncle Tom black person(s) stupid cowards perpetrated against one black man who resisted, opposed and challenged BT/CWU racists, BT/CWU racism and BT/CWU Uncle Tomism ...



The western world is the white man's world. 

(i) Within that white man's world there exist a lot of Uncle Tom black persons who will always go in fear of, always exist in fear of the white man, the white workplace racist, the white workplace bully, because of the harm, the damage, the detriment the white man (and his moronic twat mates) individually and collectively can do, and will do, to black people in the workplace in order to keep black people 'in their place' (sic)  

(ii) Within that white man's world there also exist a lot of black people with dignity and self respect as black people who will never accept that which is the Uncle Tom black persons'  (the Uncle Tom Prick's) stock in trade: 

(stock in trade: i.e. the complete lack of mental resources and/or the total inability that is peculiar to an individual BT/CWU Uncle Tom black person or group of BT/CWU Uncle Tom black persons.)

I belong to the latter group of black people.

BT employees CWU/TU members who are named multiple times, who's name(s) appear multiple times within all of my social media mass communication websites belong to and make up a part of the former group.(look and you will find yourself !)

I am going to tell your - Uncle Tom black person - story as an integral and germane part of telling my story to the www.Cloud / the BT Cloud - et al. xxx  : )



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