Wednesday 24 July 2013

The paradox, the absurd and so so telling paradox. BT Group EAP 2006/7 & The CPS 2013.


During the process of making use of BT's FS1GC and GA procedures I made use of BT's Employee Assistance Programme in 2006/7 in 2011 and in 2012.

BT Group provide this independent counselling facility to all employees who request it.

In early 2006 during the course of a counselling session the counsellor... (thoroughly good, thoroughly decent and thoroughly honest, very professional, very able, very competent and extremely capable counsellor, who held supervisory decision making authority) whom I was allocated informed me that a "person" (no name no pack drill - discussed) who obviously a racist (sic) had refused, point blank refused, the counselling services of the Black and Minority Ethnic professional counsellor who had been allocated to counsel him when that racist person had requested the use of BT's EAP. 

That same rejected / refused BME counsellor was supervised by my counsellor. I was told that this "obviously racist person" (sic) point blank refused to entertain the prospect of talking too, of being counselled by a none white, independent, professional, qualified and very able counsellor. I was told that my supervising counsellor made the decision to reallocate a white counsellor to the ...obviously racist person. (sic) in order avoid any problems and complications etc. etc...(sic)

Personally speaking if I held the responsibility of that supervisory decision making authority, and a white, ...obviously racist (sic) client sent by BT refused the professional counselling services of  a BME counsellor and the racist person demanded and insisted on a white counsellor, I would have shown that racist person the door and informed the employer as to the reason as to why they had been sent packing.

FYI 1 - In 2006 an Italian-ish BT employee - who had volunteered to be my eyes and ears at BT's (nick)Griffin Ln. HP19 8BP yard c. 2006/7 when I was absent from work on sick leave for 12 months (full pay) informed me that and I quote: Colin, frank - the plank - hackett told me that: ------ had told them to fuck off when they gave him a black when he went for counselling. (sic) unquote.

FYI 2 - The same Italian-ish BT employee further stated that he then, very carefully, tried to illicit more info directly from ------ himself: Colin I said to him: ----- what's your wife think of what's happening...what's she say about it to ya....? and so on and so on. 
He said to me that: ------ was evasive and was very wary of me Colin, but he did say ....I'm even having fucking counselling dominc (sic). The same Italian-ish BT employee the said said to me: I mentioned you to ------ Colin and that you're coming back to work and ------ said to me: ...he can't come back here dominic, he can fuck off, no one'll work with him, we don't want him here no one does, he won't last here, we'll make sure of that, he finished in BT he is, I'm telling ya dom...(sic) etc. etc. etc.

FYI 3 - Both, that same Italian-ish BT employee and his BT "friend to his face" buddy i.e. a generic Uncle Tom black person BT employee often repeated and separately volunteered the following information to me c. 2007/10/11.  
Colin when I went with ----- for his counselling / Colin when dominic came with me when I was having counselling... [i.e. Milton Keynes, which was where the independent BT EAP Counselling service provider was located.]... we were early and parked up sat in the car waiting, when dominic said...Fuck me there's ------ the cunt, he's just come out, look (sic). 
I was told that Italian-ish BT employee and his suck buddy a generic Uncle Tom black person mate then debated whether they should call out to ------, but they quickly decided not to make their presence known to ------ (n.b. In 2006/7 I myself had seen and spoken to a BME BT employee I knew from Alyesbury, at that same MK EAP Counselling service provider, in the same car park when the start and finish times of our respective appointments coincided.) 
n.b. The above described "sighting" took place during the period of time that the Italian-ish BT employee quoted was 'expertly' advising, guiding and coaching his black person BT employee "friend and buddy" through BT's FS1GC procedure which that black person BT employee had raised against BT line managers under whom he and his Italian-ish BT suck buddy worked.(2Bcontd)

The paradox. The absurd and so so telling paradox.

On 11/7/13 I and many other people, BME and none BME people bore witness to a very good, a very competent, a very able, a very professional BME CPS prosecutor advocate strenuously and determinedly advocate on behalf of a white person who has, historically, communicated to me - (and communicated to many other BT employees) - obsessively and fixatedly communicated to me his utter loathing of, his utter contempt for and his hatred of people of BME lineage, be they British Asian people, British black people or any people of colour.

Prior to fiercely advocating on behalf of the CPS witness that same BME CPS prosecutor. having firstly consulted at great length with that white CPS witness. That same BME CPS prosecutor was, paradoxically, not rejected nor refused on the grounds that he/she was not a white person. That BME professional prosecutor being the person whom the Crown had allocated to the CPS's white (BT employee (ex) CWU member) witness and also allocated to their BME (BT employee CWU-CC&TV member) witness.

Moral of the tale? moral of the paradox? 

I know what I think. 

You the reader, the unsolicited reader of this blog, can make their own mind up. 

It is worth pointing out that I, speaking personally, would have been extremely proud and extremely grateful to have had as a legal representative of the calibre of the BME CPS prosecuting lawyer who advocated against the defendant's - Colin Jarvis's - legal representative at my 11/7/13 High Wycombe trial and at my 16/7/13 sentencing hearing.


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