Friday 26 July 2013

CWU CC&TV USR c.2009 to 2011.

In early March 2011. The minute I made my BT workplace voluntary TU health & safety role visible within BT's workplace I was immediately targeted by cowardly, sick, stupid morons for consistent and persistant harassment bullying and victimisation throughout the BT patch I covered as CWU CC&TV branch USR.

In late April 2011 I detailed to the CWU CC&TV branch and officials, to Openreach's CEO O. Garfield and other of her colleagues the exact nature of the bullying, harassing, victimising course of conduct to which I was being subjected by unidentified, anonymous BT employees and their BT mates. I purposely chose not to cite, not to detail the racist nature, the racist element of that bullying, harassing, victimising course of conduct to the senior BT/CWU white people to whom I was complaining. I limited myself to the anti-trade union workplace nature, the anti-trade union element of the course of conduct being perpetrated against me by numbers of cowardly, anonymous, faceless BT/CWU employees/members.

Absolutely nothing was done about the reported BT workplace abuse by either BT's management or CWU CC&TV branch officials.

I removed myself from BT's workplace on 11 Aug. 2011. The harassment, bullying and targeted victimisation still on going.

In January 2012 in the presence of myself and the CWU's head of legal services, a CWU CC&TV branch official was asked by a Solicitor... (who's legal services the CWU were using to tell me why the CWU were cutting and running from affording me legal representation at Tribunal.) ...What have the union (i.e. CWU CC&TV branch) done about it, what are you doing about it? 

That Solicitor received the reply: We're waiting for BT management... (sic). [To be clear. That is ...waiting... since March 2011...]

End of !

The Solicitor made no reply but simply looked at the CWU branch official then looked down at the papers in front of her.

Neither the branch official or the CWU head of legal services made any further comment. Neither did I. The Solicitor then returned her attention to asking questions of me and being given information by me.

The CWU legal rep present made only one comment throughout the hour or so the meeting lasted. At the conclusion of the meeting when the racist course of conduct, the bullying, harassing and victimisation course of conduct I was being subjected too was discussed for the final time, the CWU's legal reps contribution was: Yeah it's something that's in society, I suppose.

End of !

That is simply one little example of just how proactive the CWU TU is willing to be when it comes to honestly and openly addressing racism, racist bullying, harassment and the subsequent victimisation of an isolated single black CWU member within BT's workplace who is intolerant of racism and racist BT / CWU employees / members. A black man who paid the price for standing up and being counted within a white employer's workplace, within a white trade union's workplace.



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