Tuesday 16 July 2013

So. This is what happened, why it happened, who were involved and the part played by each individual concerned. Re: my 25/6/13 MK magistrates' court conviction. Please, nobody panic needlessly. I'm not trying to hide anything - (Why would I? That would defeat my whole purpose!) - the details of that magistrates' court conviction...[which is the subject of an appeal]...handed down on 16/7/13 to the convicted criminal :-) who is Colin Jarvis will be detailed and published in due course. NOTE BENE: ...move on, ...draw a line, ...let it go, ...get on with your life, ...get over it, ...put this behind you... etc. My response: With respect, please take your ignorant, your in-denial, your easy way out, your insulting and your crass ...move on, ...draw a line. ...let it go, etc. etc. etc. white peoples' BULLSHIT / your white people hypocrites' TRIPE and please go forth and multiply. Multiple times. Clear? Re: UK Courts - ...you are ordered not to name names[now where have I heard that before? Oh yes I recall: "... uhh, yeah I'll tell 'em Colin, but I'm NOT NAMING NAMES" (sic) c.Feb. 2011 HP19 8BP Uncle Tom Prick/BT whipping boy] ...you are ordered not to identify, you are ordered not to... etc.yawn. etc.yawn. etc.yawn... Colin Jarvis response: Okey dokey! As in: yez su massa su, if youz sayz so massa su ! Happy now? xxx :-)

Sam Cooke - A Change Is Gonna Come + Nina Simone, James Brown et al.

In Sept. 2005 I twice contacted BT Security in respect of my workplace circumstances and was advised to make use of BT's FS1GC procedures in respect of workplace bullying and harassment.

In Oct. 2005 I contacted the CWU Central Counties Combined branch secretary and informed him that I would like a meeting with him in order to gain the CWU-CCC's assistance and support in raising a FS1GC against a racist bully "substantive" C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor BT employee who had conducted a campaign of racist harassment and racist bullying of me over the preceding four and a half year. The branch secretary said yes come along to CWU-CCC Cowley Barracks branch office tomorrow and, 'do I mind if the CWU-CCC equality rep took part in the meeting?'  I said no prob, see you then.

The meeting lasted some two hours and I gave full and complete details of the BNP racist scum course of conduct I had been subjected to by the racist "substantive" C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor BT employee / CWU-CCC member in question. 
I evidenced to those two senior CWU CCC branch reps the persistent and prolonged course of racist conduct which had been witnessed by me and also witnessed by many other BME and none BME BT employees / CWU-CCC members in the Aylesbury, Oxford and Reading areas the racist "substantive" C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor BT employee / CWU-CCC member worked alongside and operated in.

A summary of the information / evidence I presented to CWU CCC Reps: andy bushrod and chic mcglynn:

2Bcontd... until the complete tale is told. :)   


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