Friday 12 July 2013

The so very entertaining schadenfreude and so very satisfying circumstances and outcomes surrounding my involvement within the criminal justice system makes me laugh so hard my nuts hurt.... The FACT of an extremely "SHY" white BT employee / ex CWU-CCC member Crown witness - who sadly dropped out half way through the fun and games & The FACT of a bombastic, loud, high-sounding (i.e. like a woman with a deep voice and a lisp), inflated, pretentious black person BT employee CWU-CC&TV member (who accompanied his "SHY" BNP suck buddy on his third time around the criminal justice system as a CPS witness) & who - hilariously - looked so totally dumbstruck and disbelieving when Colin Jarvis, a black man with dignity and self respect for myself and my race as a black man - was told by the law of the UK ...There is no case to answer. Mr Jarvis you are free to go. - that belly-hugging laughter makes my nuts hurt even more.... :-)

a BNP supporting racist bully racist coward racist parent fulfills his destiny in life i.e. What he was born and dragged up to do i.e. Hide and lie. Lie and hide.

a Trinidad Uncle Tom black person parent fulfills his destiny in life! i.e. What he was born and brought up, sorry I mean dragged up to do. i.e. Using his facial orifice as pictured above and then cleaning, with his tongue, the sphincters of numerous (he's not choosy) dishonest, deceitful, bullying cowardly white people in private, in confidentiality (sic) in confidential interviews held at BT (sic) xxx

Between Feb. and June 2007 on a point of principle as a black BT employee / CWU member who has dignity and self respect for myself as a black man, I attempted - via a no win no fee solicitor - to march a bullying, cowardly, lying, halfwit white racist BT employee ex CWU member into a public Employment Tribunal witness box there to be questioned and cross examined under oath by people who are not white BT employees and/or white CWU Reps. That cowardly, bullying racist retard opting to spend thousands of £'s of his own money instructing an expensive private solicitor - a partner in Horwood & James Solicitors - to resist my ET claim at all cost and ensure his 'client' avoids any employment tribunal appearance public exposure.

I manifestly failed in that principled endeavour.

Between Sept. 2011 and Aug. 2012 on a point of principle as a black BT employee / CWU member who has dignity and self respect for myself as a black man (unlike some Uncle Tom black person twats I could name) I attempted, single-handed and against the legal machine of a FTSE 100 Company, I attempted to march five white BT employees... i.e. phillip douglas (aka phil the nigger) lee foulkes aka phil the nigger's (sic) puppet master, keith benwell aka a sad old sick old man, danny thorp aka phil the nigger's (sic) lee foulkes's and chris davies's BT suck buddy, CWU Rep andrew macdonald aka a retarded, dishonest closet racist coward, and BT Group's legal representative... into a public Employment Tribunal witness box, there to be questioned and cross examined under oath as hostile witnesses by the Claimant, a black BT employee / CWU member. c.1999 - 2012.

I manifestly failed in that principled endeavour.

However on a point of fact and as a matter of public record, as a defendant within multiple criminal prosecutions in a public court of law but this time without me having to lift a finger - other than to use a PC keyboard, obviously - I manifestly succeeded in marching one white BT employee / ex CWU-CCC member into a public Magistrates' Court witness box and into a Crown Court witness box and I witnessed, that is to say, I heard but I was prevented from seeing, that one white racist, mendacious coward BT employee take the oath on the Holy Bible (off we go to Catholic school mutt) there to be questioned as the Crown's witness by a white man and then to be cross examined as a hostile witnesses by a different white man. Neither man was either a BT manager nor a CWU Representative. This Crown "evidence" was heard before a three person Magistrates' Bench.  One none BME female principle magistrate and two BME male magistrates, a none BME female Clerk of Justice, a none BME female Court usher and a number of none BME and BME members of the public who were present to observed my public trial. 

However on a point of fact and as a matter of public record, as a defendant within multiple criminal prosecutions in a public court of law but this time without me having to lift a finger - other than to use a PC keyboard, obviously - I manifestly succeeded in marching one black person BT employee into a public Magistrates' Court witness box and I witnessed, that is to say, I both saw and heard, that one black person BT employee / CWU-CC&TV member take the oath on the Holy Bible (off we go to church now son, that's a good girl) there to be questioned as a Crown witness by a BME CPS lawyer and then to be cross examined as a hostile witnesses by a none BME defence lawyer. This Crown evidence (sic):-( was heard before three Magistrates. One none BME female principle magistrate and two BME male magistrates, a female Clerk of Justice, a none BME female Court usher and what appeared to be a rent-a-crowd white members of the public there to 'support' (sic) the Crown's one remaining witness for the prosecution. 

All present heard the verbal diarrhea that (was) passed for Crown evidence (halfwit black persons really should not have bowl movements in public - you grossly humiliate yourself in front of white people and black people who certainly don't know you and the type of person you are and/or certainly don't care about you e.g. when was the last time any of your white rent-a-crowd supporters in court, or any of your white BT massas / suck buddies welcomed you into their home or socialised with you?) following which I instructed my Solicitor to make an application that the trial be stopped as there, manifestly, being NO CASE TO ANSWER in respect of the Crown's witness's stupid, risible, infantile and childlike testimony. 

I instructed my Solicitor to state within the defence's application to the court the fact of the Crown's one remaining witness having no credibility whatsoever and his "evidence" (:-(( as having no merit whatsoever.

My Solicitor made such an application to the court and Their Worships concurred and entered the following judgement: ....Therefore the court finds there is no case to answer. Mr Jarvis you are free to go.


An Uncle Tom Prick's chosen station in life. Which Uncle Tom Prick desperately keeps hidden from and keeps secret from his nearest and dearest.
An important part of Uncle Tom Prick's World as described to me by Uncle Tom himself. c.Winter 2010/11 @  (nick)Griffin Ln. HP 19 8BP: ...Colin I've bought a load of oversize cloths so that I can try out my brand new sowing machine. I love sowing, when I was growing up...blah blah blah. (sic)! I replied: Oh, that's nice mate. (Not for the first time, I could NOT believe the vacuous shit I was hearing from Uncle Tom Prick) 

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