Friday 5 July 2013

FYI BT/CWU generic Uncle Tom black persons.

For the information and enlightenment of BT / CWU white persons: Your BME Uncle Tom black person(s) colleague(s) (sic) speak about YOU i.e. white people - in VERY unflattering terms when they talk about YOU and discuss YOU in private, have private conversations about YOU with black people such as me. I will describe many such examples of such Uncle Tom black person's drivel in future blog posts, to illustrate the FACT.

Uncle Tom black person - e.g. stupid twat Trinidad Uncle Toms - cowards are VERY "brave" and "outspoken" about describing white BT/CWU workplace racists, white BT/CWU workplace bullies, white BT/CWU workplace cowards to other black people in private when white people are not present. e.g. "...Who Phil the nigger? (sic) c. Feb 2011 (ain't dat so John(Coffey) - aka you Uncle Tom Prick)


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