Saturday 27 July 2013


It is the historic case that: White people in positions of workplace authority, in positions of workplace control and in positions of workplace decision making power within BT and the CWU could have chosen to say to bullying harassing white BT employees whom they employ and manage: Leave him alone, stop doing what you and your mates are doing to him. He is intolerant of you and your mates workplace racism, he is not afraid of you and your mates and he will always oppose, resist and confront your racist harassment, racist bullying and subsequent victimising of him. So leave him alone within BT's workplace.

Those same white people in positions of authority, in positions of control and in positions of power within BT and the CWU - those hypocrites - chose NOT to do so. Those white people instead chose to support, chose to endorse, chose to back up, chose to empathise with, chose to sympathise with and chose to speak up for and on behalf of white people wrong-doers BT workplace abusers, BT workplace mendacious cowards and BT workplace dishonest racists and halfwit morons against one single isolated complaining black BT/CWU employee/member who had raised and pursued wholly ligitimate BT/CWU workplace FS1GCs and Formal grievance appeals.

And now that that black man wants to tell my story of what took place, what happened and why it happened to me inside of BT and inside the of the CWU and want to articulate in a forum accessible to any member of the public who freely, voluntarily and unsolicited, chooses to learn of those historic and contemporary events and/or to learn of that which is now happening to me within the criminal justice system. Numbers of cowardly white persons and black persons all of whom desperately desire to hide and conceal their true cowardly sad selves from public scrutiny now seek to use the police, to use the CPS and to use the law in pathetic attempts to silence me, in stupid and imbecilic attempts to gag me, in desperate and futile attempts to stop me to prevent me from exercising my right to freedom of expression, stupidly attempting to deny me the right to the freedom to express honest comment as a black man who is an ex BT/CWU employee/member.

Result: I will, if necessary, see myself imprisoned by that same police, by that same CPS, by that same law rather that capitulate to BT/CWU white person coward hypocrites and BT/CWU black person coward hypocrites i.e. stupid persons - attempted gagging of, attempted silencing of a black man.

Question: Why am I willing to have my liberty taken away and be handed a custodial term of imprisonment for publicly expressing honest comment?

The answer is straight forward and easyily understood even by the most stupid of BT/CWU white persons and/or that most stupid of BT/CWU Uncle Tom black person(s).
Answer: Because I have absolutely nothing I have need to, want to or desire to hide, conceal and/or be ashamed of. If other people have such a want, have such a desire, have such a need - be you white persons or black persons BT/CWU persons - please by all means go to the police and go to the CPS and they will help you, assist you, aid you in your desperate need, your desperate want, your desperate desire to silence and to gag a black man named Colin Jarvis.  
But ultimately it is NOT the police, NOT the CPS and NOT the law who are responsible for the type of person/ the sort of person / the kind of sad, sick, pig ignorant, thoroughly dishonest and cowardly person(s) that you and your BT/CWU suck buddies in fact and in reality are!  

You alone (individually and/or collectively) bare responsibility for your BT/CWU workplace deliberate, sick and cowardly conduct. Bare responsibility for your own words, actions and behaviours. You being the false lying BT/CWU workplace coward(s) you are. xxx

The elephant in the room that makes up a good part of BT Group's and the CWU's workplaces is the fact of the substantial Pinocchio noses poking out of the boat race of a great many BT/CWU white persons and the BT/CWU Uncle Tom Prick black person(s). The dirty, long Pinocchio snouts sticking out just above your facial sphincters which you all are compelled to spend the rest of your sad BT/CWU work lives pretending you cannot see jutting out of the front of the mush of your vacuous BT/CWU suck buddies. 

p.s. a word of caution: Please be mindful of passing on infections when near each other, as all of your BT/CWU white people and Uncle Tom black person(s) Pinocchio snouts are covered in your BT Friend(s) (sic) fecal matter due to where you and your BT/CWU suck buddies have habitually inserted your collective cowardly (and in some caes - your racist) Pinocchio snouts as you "make a living" ripping off and undermining the white people who own and run the FTSE 100 company that is BT Group. As you and your sad white suck buddies & your Uncle Tom black person "friends" undermine and render useless and pointless the purpose of the TU that is the  CWU.

p.p.s. One can only hope you all end up stabbing each other in the eye when you kiss each other good night after a long day spent collectively ripping off your employer i.e. the owner of the very large and decentralized company that is, by necessity, run on the basis of delegated trust, honesty and professional intergrity.

(BT Group - poor fool! If only you knew the extent to which these "workers" and their line managers(HA!) friends undermine you and your business in the field on a daily basis...)


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