Sunday 14 July 2013

Nothing is achieved, absolutely nothing is achived when white people in an employer's workplace take it upon themselves to protect and defend the indefensible through cowardice and hypocrisy simply because YOU (white people) hold the power, the control and the decision making authority and YOU (white people) KNOW that the black people you employ (i.e. black employees / black members) will NEVER STAND UP TO YOU AND CHALLENGE YOU because those black people are NOT willing and will NEVER be willing to put at risk the crumbs, the little gains, the little advances YOU (white people majority) throw black people. However I as a black man will NEVER swallow your white people's cowardly workplace DISHONEST, DECEITFUL BULLSHIT. You cowardly, dishonest, fearful, unprincipled hypocrites! How so? My dignity and my self respect as a black man, admittedly, by my choice an uneducated, unskilled black man. A prinicpled black man of average intelligence who's dignity and self respect is NOT FOR SALE AND WILL NEVER BE COMPROMISED for a job of work for BT's white management nor for membership of a CWU trade union run by white management. I will leave such conduct to the Uncle Tom black person's you have in your employ / membership. (One of whom I (and other BME and none BME people) witnessed undergo gross public humiliation in a court of law on 11/7/13.

BT , CWU white management are you listening, are you taking note of the sentiments of my sick sad racist friends - racist halfwit twats one and all - at Yes, You're Racist... you BT , CWU cowardly, dishonest, disingenuous, deceitful, disgraceful, unprinicpled hypocrites you.

RT @BearySuave: So... #Zimmerman shot a black kid. What exactly did he do wrong?


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