Thursday 18 July 2013

Happy anniversary! - from a :-) convicted criminal. ...The law is an ass...(sic)


It was on the 19 July 2001, 12 years ago that I was reallocated onto BT's Aylesbury PEU (i.e. Overhead & Polling (sic) team.

By the end of that first day I (and importantly) along with two white BT operatives and a white BT customer, had been treated to: ...Go on hit it like you're knocking a black man off your granny. (sic) ...Gungas, fucking gunga dins innit... & treated to the sad, the pathetic, the retarded, mocking and ridiculing racist person's impersonation of the supposed "accent" and the supposed "dialect" of Asian people, when Asian people were (mysteriously, unnecessarily and obsessively) brought into the topics of conversation and idle banter taking place taking place. 

The hilarious paradox being that on 11/7/13 I witnessed an extremely capable, very competent, very diligent and professional Asian CPS prosecutor advocate very strong and effective legal representation for the provision of courtroom "special measures" on behalf of that same racist coward who's BT workplace habit was to obsessively and to constantly give voice to his racist despising of and his loathing of Asian people. Or more accurately, his racist despising and loathing of ...gungas (sic) and/or ...fucking gunga dins (sic) and/or ...dirty fucking gungas (sic) etc. etc. etc. What a turn around.

Please see blog post: Tuesday 19 March 2013 & blog post: 25 April 2013 for the facts of the matter as to the course of conduct I and/or I and other BT operatives and/or I, other BT operatives and BT customers (white BT customers & black BT customers) were treated too, were subjected too on my being contractually placed under the BT workplace authority and supervision of a bullying closet racist BT operative who held BT employment longevity, BT workplace seniority, BT workplace responsibility, authority, control and power.

With reference to one small part of the VIS submitted in public court by the CPS at my sentencing hearing of the 16/7/13 at High Wycombe Magistrates' Court No. 2. The magistrate told the convicted black man that that documents' content contributed to the sentence handed down to me by the bench. 

quote ....he (Colin Jarvis) is playing psychological mind games with me.... (sic)

Ahh, is that what you and your sick, cowardly, gang-mentality, sad white BT/CWU mates thought that that was what you were doing in a white employer's, BT Group's, workplace: Playing a game! 

Ahh, is that what you and your sick, cowardly Magic Roundabout slimy snail Uncle Tom black person co-witness suck buddy thought that that was what you were doing with the police, with the CPS and with the Courts: Playing a game! 

No no no my generic sad, little-brained racist friend. That is no game. And I am NOT engaged in a any type of "game" now. My dignity as a black man is most certainly not a game. 
[True, an Uncle Tom black person who may have befriended generic sad little brained racist cowards certainly has no dignity and/or self respect as a black man whatsoever. That is absolutely true... [and that is why such persons are referred to as a black person - as in: uncle tom black person - and not referred to as a black man.] was clearly and plainly evidenced by the Crown evidence given in a public court of law against me in a case that was so stupid and illegitimate that the law determined that ...There is no case to answer, Mr Jarvis you are free to go.]

But as far as any crass stupidity along the lines of ...Colin Jarvis is playing psychological mind games with me.... (sic) goes. Consider the below conclusion which, logical, must follow from such VIS drivel.

Conclusion - ( the hypothetical i.e. the presumed conclusion)

So it is okay, it is perfectly acceptable for YOU as a white racist person to play psychological mind games with, to adversely, negatively and harmfully impact upon a black man who YOU do not know, a black man who YOU state YOU consider to be inferior, subordinate and subservient to YOU by virtue of that man's race and skin colour. Simply and purely because YOU as a white person consider YOU have the perfect right and entitlement to do so because YOU are a closet racist person who considered himself free and at liberty to safely conduct such a racist course of conduct inside a white employer's workplace / trade union place?

But that it is not okay, it is not acceptable when YOU feel psychologically impacted upon.

But that it is not okay, not acceptable when YOU are adversely, negatively and harmfully impacted upon by the response and reaction of that "inferior" "subordinate" and "subservient" black man?

Is that how you and your ignorant gang-mentality BT/CWU mates thought the rules of your game are written?


It is, I'm afraid, no more complicated that the age old adage:

If you - individually and/or collectively cannot walk the walk, then you had better not talk... ...YOUR cowardly, moronic, white supremacist, segregationist, pig-ignorant, retarded, racist bullshit to this black man.

The fact that YOU AND/OR YOUR SAD BT/CWU WORKPLACE MATES exist - comfortably and securely exist - within a part of a white employer's company and a white trade union.  That fact, I'm afraid, means absolutely fuck-all IF YOU AND/OR YOUR SAD BT/CWU MATES happen to pick on the wrong black man, happen to pick on the wrong personality type.

Tip of the day to all perjurious, cowardly, gang mentality, lying scum, racist, bullying, harassing BT employees: Select and target your next black BT/CWU victim with more discerning diligence in future. 

A black man's apparent circumstances, appearance, resources and apparent situation can prove to be very deceptive to, for example: the average BT/CWU workplace racist coward, the average BT/CWU workplace bullying coward, the average BT/CWU harasser, the average BT/CWU Uncle Tom black person.

You, my generic stupid little brained retarded racist friend, you and your sad, cowardly white BT/CWU mates and your generic Uncle Tom black person friend(s) are: 

(i) simple in the head.

(ii) simply guilty of ...judging a book by it's cover.

It does not always pay to consider yourself to be too 'clev'a' (sic) when in fact and in reality: YOU AND YOUR SAD COWARDLY WHITE BT/CWU MATES & YOUR SAD STUPID COWARDLY BT/CWU UNCLE TOM BLACK PERSON "MATE" are the antithesis of 'clev'a' (sic)

...good innit...(sic)


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