Friday 29 March 2013

BT employees/CWU members - lee foulkes, steve halsey, phillip douglas(aka phil the nigger[sic] & their BT house negro uncle tom whipping boy BME BT employee colleague (sic)

p.s. Re: The CPS's 11/7/13 prosecution of me...  

(observed by, amongst others, a BT rep., apparently! a BT rep. was at my 16/7/13 sentencing hearing also - from what I observed!) 

...I'm not exaggerating. Honestly. I so so wish the reader had been in High Wycombe Magistrates' Court to witness the spectacle on 11/7/13. It really was an excruciatingly hilarious, so so pitiful and so so telling a sight to bare witness too. 

It was in fact a whole-life defining moment for the black person Crown witness in question. That is to say a PUBLIC whole-life defining moment for the black person Crown witness in question, which I and numbers of other people witnessed being played out in a public court of law on the 11/7/13 at High Wycombe. (I'll have to get around to narrating, describing and reporting the actual public court proceedings. The Crown evidence spoken by a CPS witness who had just witnessed his mate and co-prosecution witness cut and run from court when that Crown witness was refused "special measures" courtroom facilities by the law. :-) 2Bcontd...  

I as a black man who has dignity in and for myself and dignity in and for my race. A black man with self respect and moral courage. I would NEVER not even for a single moment tolerate, being called by the name John (Coffey) by white BT employees. I periodically worked alongside a BME BT employee who - voluntarily - informed (sic) me, on numerous occasions, of the fact that he was habitually, constantly and openly addressed/called/referred to by the name John (Coffey) by BT employees lee foulkes and steve halsey c.2008 to 2011.

FYI. It is my fair comment, my fair opinion - that for a black person BT employee to happily swallow, stomach and tolerate being likened to and called by the name of a fictitious black man who is portrayed as being a backward, halfwit, overgrown simpleton, possessing a very stupid absurd healing ability, who is a convicted child murderer and who's sole ambition in life, prior to having his little brain fried by electrocution, is to stare like a gormless backward black fool at a black and white Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers film musical - for a black person to inform me that ...I don't mind. ..Its like them calling mat gordon a cotton picker and him doing nuffin bowt it..(sic) + ...I'd do something abowt 'em if I wanted too...*(sic) - simply demonstrates, perfectly, the type/the sort of black person BT and the CWU like so much! i.e. Compliant, subservient sphincter licking house negros.  
*(sic) -That after I saying to that BME BT employee ..why are you bending over and taking that from that cowardly scum foulkes and halse

In July 2011 that same BME BT employee, voluntarily, informed (sic) me ...I saw lee and steve today, they came up to me and shook me hand ...hello brian hello brian,.. they were saying.(sic) 
I responded by saying ...Yeah? They didn't call you John then? To which that Uncle Tom Prick BT employee black person squirming reply was ...Ah uhh no v'ey nev'a (sic).

Yes Uncle Tom Prick I know they nev'a (sic). Because - you see - by July 2011 when John(Coffey) was busy shaking hands with his Oxford massas lee foulkes and steve halsey. lee foulkes and phil the nigger (sic) aka phillip douglas, had, in May 2011, been forced to evidence to a BT FS1GC investigating manager their fucking stupid, sad, desperate and pathetic denies and obvious crass-stupidity lies, in their and their sad BT line manager's - paula allington [British Army TA & magistrate (sic) c.Nov. 2006] attempts to explain away their cowardly, gang mentality racist bullying and harassment in BTs workplace. Which they were all intent on getting away with. (As in: we're not going to make the same mistakes our BNP mate john wayne made when he was out-ed by Colin Jarvis.)

So by lee foulkes's and steff halsey's July 2011: ...hello brian... ...hello brian mate... hand shaking bullshit - l foulkes, s halsey and p douglas knew, for a fact, that Colin Jarvis had rejected BT & BT HR management's FS1GC stupid and perverse outcome decision letter and that I had submitted a formal grievance appeal demanding a further investigation into foulkes and douglas's FS1GC bullshit and fucking stupid evidence they and their line manager suck buddy puked up to BTs black investigating manager c. May 2011.

In other words I stated to phil the nigger (sic), his puppet master l foulkes and their sad, sick, thick BT Friend manager paula allington... (who, unsurprisingly, declined to accompany his suck buddy lee foulkes as foulkes's "BT Friend" on the second occasion I sent leeanne foulkes around BTs bullshit internal grievance complaints magic roundabout) ...Oi ...where the fuck do you think you cowardly moronic twats are going? Get the fuck back in that chair and puke up more of your crass-stupidity, desperate garbage, verbal diarrhea evidence for your BT and HR manager friends to swallow down their stupid throats, in abject humiliation and so so desperation acts of protection and shielding of white BT employees. Okay!

Now - go and shake a house negro uncle tom black person workmate by the hand and address him by his birth certificate name and not by the name John(Coffey). And after shaking his hand, offer him your sphincters to shake with his tongue. 

ramble ramble....ramble ramble...



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