Tuesday 19 March 2013

TRUTH OR LIES - THAT IS THE QUESTION! "...Go on hit it, hit it like you're knocking a black man off y'u granny". (sic)

Re: My 9.5.13 arrest and detention following accusations / allegations of criminal conduct attributed to me, that were made to Aylesbury Thames Valley Police by two 'persons in tandem', identified to me by both my Solicitor and by the investigating police officer at interview as: one none BME and one BME - 'persons' by the names BT employees Neil Landymore and mathew gordon.

In the words of the late - and very funny - Max Bygraves ...I wanna tell you a story...

[You - being, for example, the BME 'person' identified to me as being, in part, responsible for my arrest and detention by ATVP on 9.3.13 and responsible for charges of criminal conduct contrary to the PHA 1997 that was laid against me by the CPS on 15.3.13.  

When BT employees carry out the unskilled manual labour task of erecting a telegraph pole, this necessitates, labour intensive, manual digging of a hole and the manual punning down of the ground around the wooden pole once it is in situ. Okay? Yes I agree - not complicated is it!

FYI: On Thurday 19 July 2001 somewhere in High Wycombe, for the second time I assisted to carry out such a task on behalf of the employer BT Group Plc. in the company of three BT employees (i) steve wiiliams - sean muir's step father (ii) dick ingermells - a former agency worker and (iii) a "substantive C1" grade - BT IT Gold User - " team leader supervisor " who operated the PEU BT plant.

Okay so far? Goody good!

When at the conclusion of task, steve williams was vigorously and properly punning down the raised ground and earth around the base of the pole as I and the two other BT employees watched him. The BT employee "substantive C1" grade - BT IT Gold User - " team leader supervisor " who operated the PEU BT plant spoke to steve williams.

He said: ...Go on hit it, hit it like you're knocking a black man off your granny.

Okay still? Good.

FYI. 1  - As an unskilled. uneducated 43 y/o black man of average intelligence, I was - up until that moment - unaware that I possessed the propensity to mug and rape elderly white women until that white racist retard, that cowardly, bullying, sick white racist retard "substantive" C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor BT employee Cunce, enlightened me of that inclination which I and other black men possess. - That racist halfwit Cunce being 100% certain of his absolutely BT employment security of tenure, his employment seniority and his BT workplace advancement, and certain of his total safety to puke up his inbred racist filth - he has proudly inherited and "improved upon" - within BT Group. End of FYI. 1 

I was looking down at the ground when that BT employee had begun to speak, I was looking direct at that BT employee immediately after he had begun to speak. steve williams was looking at the base of the wooden pole doing what he was doing, d ingermells was likewise looking at the base of the pole. The 36 y/o BT " substantive C1 grade" - BT IT Gold User - " team leader supervisor " employee who had spoken was also looking down at the base of the telegraph pole AND that 'person' was smiling. Broadly. That racist bully retad 'person' did not, chose not to, look at me, this black man, in my face following puking up his racist inbred filth.

Still with me?

FYI. 2 - That so so pleasant and so so everyday combination of words, I would - over a period of four years - learn came with variations. e.g. ..go on hit it, hit it like you're knocking a fucking black off your granny - or - ..hit it, hit it like you're knocking a Gunga off your granny - or - hit it, like you're knocking a fucking nigger of your granny - or - hit it like you're knocking a...... Well you get the picture. - End of FYI 2

Let me describe for the benefit of the reader - for example - any BME BT employees with whom I had, periodically, worked along side between say Jan. 2008 and Aug. 20011, let me describe exactly what I saw when I looked at and stared at that white 36 y/o BT " substantive C1 grade - BT IT Gold User - " team leader supervisor " employee on that Thursday afternoon in July 2001.
The broad, grinning smile worn on the face of the aforementioned individual showed the pronounced gap/space between his two front teeth. That broad, contented, grinning smile ALSO conveyed, displayed and advertised the following traits and demeanour: - absolute untouchable self confidence and security / gleeful relish / complete self satisfaction and total contentment - in a message properly and unambiguously conveyed to the three other BT employees and the BT customer (a farmer) who were present.

The CPS have arranged for myself and the BT "substantive C1 grade - BT IT Gold User - " team leader supervisor " to whom this post refers, to face each other in the legal forum of Aylesbury Magistrates Court at Trial on 26.4.13 when the Crown is to prosecute me to achieve a criminal conviction be handed down to me and a criminal record imposed upon me.

Let the full weight of the law of my country take its rightful course, says this black man.

I am without fear, and IMPORTANTLY and CRUCIALLY - I am a black man with dignity and self respect in and for myself and in and for my race, who is going into a court of law with clean hands.

Unlike the BME and the none BME persons whom my Solicitor and the police investigating officer at interview informed me were responsible for and the cause of my arrest and detention on 9 March.

Both of whom I will be defending myself against in the not too distant future, God willing.

IMPORTANTLY AND CRUCIALLY - Please feel absolutely free and at liberty to verify the veracity and accuracy of the above factual information with any of the following BT employees and/or ex BT employees:

1)Tony Williams - Minton Keynes 

2)Jason Jennings - Wales 

3)John Ivey - Aylesbury, 

4)Steve Williams - whereabouts - unknown.

5)anderw ruzic-KA - whereabouts - I couldn't give a rat's arse about the whereabouts of this particular bullying workplace mendacious gob shite coward - (p.s. look out for some entertaining[laugh your nuts off] - tales re: pandy poouzicKA c.2001/11). 

6)Graham Davis/andrew nash &/or any number of other Oxford, Reading & Colindale BT PEU operatives c.2001 to 2005)

Okay? Good!

See you*... next in a open public court of law. Where I and you will be asked to take the oath on the bible and then proceed to present evidence by providing answers under questioning and cross examination - under oath

See you*... - Oh so sorry, I forgot. One of the CPSs star witnesses has pleaded and begged for public courtroom special measures (sic) or he will take his ball and go home*. That is why Colin Jarivs the defendant was denied sight of that CPS witness at my trial on 25/6/13. Where apart from the CPS prosecutor, the white female principle magistrate, the two black male magistrates and my solicitor, neither I nor any of the members of the public present could see the CPS's star witness at my 25/6/13 trial. I could only hear mumbling perjurous drivel coming from behind a screen positioned in front of the witness box.

*Which is precisely what subsequently occurred when that white  BT employee CPS witness abandon his co-witness, the black person  BT employee he had secretly and covertly used and taken advantage of on 3/12/12 within a legally binding witness statement document intended for the public prosecution and conviction of Colin Jarvis. Following that white BT employee hearing his 11/7/13 CPS co-witness black person BT employee openly mouthing off  about Colin Jarvis to other BT operatives in the signing on room on BTs (nick)Griffin Ln. TEC premises on Thursday 29 Nov. 2012.

That black person BT employee mouthing off about how: ...Colin Jarvis has apologised to me (i.e. Uncle Tom Prick) in an email and he has removed all of the social media content, including my photos, which identifies me and/or that refers to me from all of his websites after I sent him  two threatening ...Open Letter. (sic) via email on 22 & 26 Nov. links> 1st-threatening-letter. 2nd-thretening-letter. 

Please note the fact of the existing content of all my social media mass communication websites puts paid to that untrue, false statement, that lie presented to other BT operatives by Uncle Tom Prick.

FYI ...oath... as in: A solemn, formal declaration and promise to fulfil a legal function in law having called upon God as witness: 

I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

I said the same thing on 7. Aug.2012 (and phil the nigger[sic] his puppet master lee foulkes and twelve 'Others' witnessed me do so and then sat and listened to me give evidence under oath for over two hours!

And I never heard a squeak out of BT Group's clients: phillipa, leeanne, paula, daniella, sick benny, retard macdonald and co. as they sat less than two metres directly behind me. 
See y'u... 


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