Wednesday 3 April 2013

CWU HYPOCRITES & COWARDS - a little example...

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. God willing, Aylesbury Magistrates Court won't allow itself to be deceived and will recognise perjury for what it is. i.e. CPS witness's multiple attempts to deceive, egregiously mislead and abuse the criminal justice system, as with the civil justice sysytem c.2007


Q)-6(iii) Can you confirm that in April 2003 (Aylesbury TEC) after verbalising a tirade of racist invective from a print out of BNP literature, attempt to post it on the wall and then handed the literature to me? (sic)

The answer entered by the "substantive C1 grade -BT IT Gold User- team leader supervisor" respondent within a public employment tribunal statutory questionnaire response)

A)-6(iii) No, that did not happen. I believe also (and have been subsequently advised by a union representative) [i.e. john grey CWU Luton branch secretary*] that such political sites are in fact inaccessible on the BT Intranet. I would not wish to visit such a site and to print out any literature from the same. I find the assertion vexatious. (sic)

ipso facto

Either Colin Jarvis is expressing the truth OR the BT employee "substantive C1 grade -BT IT Gold User- team leader supervisor" is expressing the truth.

It is impossible for both of those two versions of events to be true.

innit !


ps: June 2012. In what turned out to be my last phone conversation with CWU NEC member & former CWU-CC&TV branch secretary chic mcglynn. I was, for the upteenth time, discussing with mcglynn the truly sick, perverse and "fucking" disgusting contents of the substantial quantity of BT in confidence / highly confidential / privileged / accenture-copyright documents disclosed to me by BT legal re BT employees/CWU members-p douglas, l foulkes, a macdonald, p allington, c traynor, p martin, m aubrey, d thorp, k benwell, d roberts, * ****** aka UTP, etc etc etc. When mcglynn revealed to me, for the very first time, the fact that it was CWU Luton branch secretary - john grey, who in fact was the CWU representative who accompanied a named BT employee at BT FS1GC and BT Outcome hearings c. Dec.2005, / Jan.2006 & Apr2006. I recall visiting mcgylnn at his CWU Cowley Barracks office in April 2006 and recall mcglynn's pathtetic squirming explanation about the workplace survival of a BNP workplace racist who was represented by the CWU whom I had brought before BTs management in Dec. 2005. mcgylnn saying, amongst other things ...he - the trade union hating "substantive C1 grade -BT IT Gold User- team leader supervisor" who the CWU Rep john grey had spoken up for and protected at BT hearings - that he had "...probably claimed "vexatious" (sic) against you...blah blah blah... and other CWU/mcgylnn bullshit.

c mcglynn, a bushrod and many other CWU full time reps were very careful not to reveal to me who the CWU rep "accompanying" the BNP trade union hating BT employee "substantive C1 grade -BT IT Gold User- team leader supervisor" CWU member throughout BT FS1GC hearings, in fact was.
It was only in June 2012, six years later, that mcgylnn let it slip, that it was CWU Luton branch secretary john grey who was that "accompanying CWU rep ...all those years ago. (sic)

That was the last time I spoke to that trade union hypocrit and unprincipled, disingenuous, coward c mcgylnn.

ipso facto

chic mcglynn, a bushrod and john grey are trade union hypocrites. cowardly sad hypocrites. mcglynn and grey (and many many many of their white & black union buddies) ALL have - dirty filthy hands. And their so-called trade union principles bullshit is just that, fucking bullshit. Cowards - one and all !

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