Saturday 9 March 2013

BT employees / CWU members - p douglas aka phil the nigger (sic) & l foulkes.

This post is - The Ramblings of a MAD prick...(sic).  Thoughtfully and kindly attributed to me c.15. Nov. 2012 courtesy of BT employee CWU member brian prince aka Uncle Tom Trinidad Prince aka John (Coffey) aka link> "The Art of war" (sic)

WHAT like "The Art of war" (sic)... that was the FACT of YOUR gross public humiliation in a public court of law on 11/7/13 in front of complete strangers - including the white rent-a-crowd who accompanied YOU and sat at the back of the court cheering YOU on? (even after THEIR '"man"' cut and run and left YOU - their OTHER "man" - to YOUR fate. Left YOU to fulfil YOUR destiny in life. What YOU were born and dragged up to do.

...So I ask YOU again Uncle Tom Prick is THAT "The Art of war" (sic) YOU are referencing to Colin Jarvis on the 15 Nov. 2012? :-) 

Re: BT employee, CWU CC&TV member and United Reformed Church member - phillip douglas. (n.b. my apologies for the lack of face photo of p. douglas and his puppet master lee foulkes)

FYI - The below message is an amended version of a FB post I sent to The United Reformed Church facebook page: 7.03.13.

I have a question that I would like to politely and respectfully pose to the United Reformed Church.

Question: How exactly, that is to say precisely what wording, would your member - phillip douglas supposes - God - would choose to use when alluding to (sic) / when inferring (sic) / when implying (sic) the word: nigger? For example within a phrase such as the sick, loaded, cowardly, ignorant, backward and abhorrent racist sentiment that is "'re not working me like a nigger" (sic)?

I only ask the question because, I am positive - unless of course I am a deluded lying fantasist - that in the presence of myself and his friend lee foukes, I am 100% positive - let me not put it any more strongly than that - positive and certain of the FACT that phillip douglas voluntarily, wilfully and with premeditated malicious aforethought, deliberately presented, in a distinct and clear voice, loud enough to ensure that I heard his every utterance - presented the phrase - "'re not working me like a nigger.." (sic). Immediately following which his friend and sidekick lee foulkes laughed and chuckled loudly in response to the cowardly racist filth phillip douglas had just puked up. Whereupon phillip douglas continued "... yeah, he said - your not working me like a fucking nigger, i'm do this then i'm going home (sic). Followed by further grinning and nodding agreement from his friend, companion and puppet master lee foulkes.

Or perhaps / maybe / possibly I in actual fact, had simply imagined the whole thing and therefore am simply a mendacious, vexatious, unprincipled liar? Yes, I agree, a somewhat unlikely eventuality in the circumstances. At least that is what I would argue.

FYI as an aside; on 7 Aug. 2012 in the formal legal setting of an Employment Tribunal, I willingly and gladly took the oath on the bible in front of the twelve white persons present and was questioned and cross examined by legal experts for over two hours.

Following which, an extremely capable and competent legal advocate i.e. a BT contentious lawyer - who was the Claimant's (i.e. my) legal adversary c. Oct. 2011 to Aug.2012 - that lawyer, with the wholly lawful- accommodating - agreement and judgement of an employment tribunal judge - that very able professional BT lawyer was 100% successful in ensuring / in guaranteeing that phillip douglas (and four other white BT meployees Respondents ) were able to totally avoid and completely escape having to take the oath on the bible and then to be questioned and cross examined under oath by me, the black BT employee Claimant.
OR should that be - according to United Reformed Church member phillip douglas (and his sick, bullying racist coward sidekick & work mate l foulkes) - ...take the oath on the bible and then to be questioned and cross examined under oath by a nigger (sic)? and / or by ...a fucking nigger (sic)?


For example - What's in a word such as: God? or a word such as Oath? or a word such as Truth? or words such as: Lies, Liars, Cowards, Dishonest, Wilful bullies? or...words such as...?  Well you take my meaning !

Let me repeat myself for the benefit of BT employee / CWU CC&TV member and United Reformed Church member phillip douglas,


For example: ...In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John [1:1]

Y'u get me, do you douglas? You ******* cowardly, conceited, dishonest, mendacious hypocrite. No?

Well let me elaborate. c. 14.03.2011. Brian Woods CWU branch secretary North Anglia Branch ....He (p douglas) is a man of faith and conviction...(sic)

[n.b. full email and all other CWU docs. and transcripts to be published at a later date]

Faith and conviction...? Is that the faith and conviction that without any hesitation whatsoever, within BT and within the CWU - white people will protect white people will protect white people against one single isolated complaining BME employee / BME CWU member? That FAITH and CONVICTION?

Cowardly, dishonest hypocrite!!!

Rhetoricals :

Do you, the reader, think God knows what the word HYPOCRITE means?

Do you, the reader, think United Reformed Church member phillip douglas either knows, comprehends and/or understands the meaning of the phrase - SAD, COWARDLY HYPOCRITE?

Do you, the reader, think p douglas's employer - BT & Openreach management - either knows, comprehends and/or understands the meaning of the word - HYPOCRITE? / HYPOCRITES?

Do you, the reader, think p douglas's CWU Wimbledon & Regional (so called professional) trade union officials either knows, comprehends and/or understands the meaning of the phrase - SAD COWARDLY HYPOCRITES?

For myself - I DO KNOW what the word HYPOCRITE means.

I also KNOW, as a matter of FACT, that I am NOT any such thing!

Unlike some!

Re: The United Reformed Church & their member phillip douglas:

I personally, readily, confess to being: totally completely and utterly imperfect, very flawed, very weak, averagely sinful, and - so on and so on... most definitely. Of that there is no doubt.


Am I a hypocrite in the eyes of God? NO.
Am I a liar in the eyes of God? NO.
Am I a wilfully, deliberately malevolent and dishonest workplace coward in the eyes of God? NO.

How so certain of these things:

The answer is very simple and straight forward and it is as I have previously stated - I am NOT A HYPOCRITE.



To conclude:

My expressed personal opinion / fair opinion / fair comment as follows: FAITH and HYPOCRITES / HYPOCRISY mixes like water and oil.

When a person - who purports to be a person of faith (sic) mixes and/or chooses to mix those two things - faith and hypocrisy - no matter how secretly / how underhandedly / how surreptitiously / how covertly / how guardedly / how unattributable that person conducts himself in so doing.

Whenever a person such as United Reformed Church member(and volunteer) phillip douglas mixes those things together and/or acts to bring together and mix those two contradictions - oil and water / faith and hypocrisy - the result will be this - the one will ALWAYS pollute, corrupt, poison, corrode and adversely impacts upon the other and give off a sickly filthy stench.

Not dissimilar to the stench, the cowardly racist, pig ignorant, BT workplace stench which I, often times, noticed emanating from two manhole cable chambers in Letchworth c. Nov.2010. End of expressed personal opinion / fair opinion / fair comment.

Thank you for your considered attention.

Sincere best wishes to The United Reformed Church.

Rgds Colin Jarvis.
ramble ramble...ramble ramble....(sic) ...Who Phil the nigger? (sic) c.Feb.2011 HP19 8BP spoken to Colin Jarvis by a BME BT employee.

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