Friday 29 March 2013

ray lassan & keith benwell c. Mar.2012

A friendly update call to my BT workplace mobile from ray lassan...* 

FYI - ray lassan being: an ordinary, straightforward elderly BT operative who was decent enough to admit to me c. early 2010 that he had been taken in and deceived by the bullshit lies and dirty malicious falsehoods that were presented as facts within BT workplace against me and my recent actions against dirty lying cowardly white BT employees c. 2005/6/7.  who had and have a great deal to hide and lie about. When having a private, serious, honest cards-on-the-table conversation with ray lassan, lassan said to me: we can all make a mistake Colin, I didn't know what to believe about what ***** and his mates were saying about you.

Over a period of time ray lassan opened up to me as his trust in my honesty grew e.g raymondo detailed to me how he had been subjected to cowardly bullying and harassment by the BT racist bully coward danny thorp and so initiated a formal complaint against thorp via his CWU branch but was talked out of pursuing that legitimate grievance against thorp by the CWU branch. 
ray lassan is no villain of the peace. He is however, mores the pity for him, a friend of keith benwell due to his and benwell's BT employment longevity. I have nothing detrimental or negative to present about lassan.

* are you...blah blah blah... Thanks for that union H&S info you emailed me re: my medical restrictions at work and my neil landymore 1:1 etc...etc. problem raymondo any time.   
r.l ...benny's said he going to say on after he's 65 in October, said he's going to tell BT that he wants to say on.
CJ...ray, the useless cunt does fuck all as it is...
r.l. ...he hasn't done fuck all for the past ten years...
CJ ...and the twat thinks BT are going to say ..yeah sure benny no prob, work on as long as you like...

I then proceeded to describe to ray lassan how, in January, benwell... (comically and pathetically aided and assisted by the e-side c/o king ken woodward) ...made a desperate and hilariously pathetic - I'm on my summer holidays in ken woodward's static caravan in Skegness - bullshit ruse to ReadingET via BT Legal, in a stupid and cowardly attempt to escape his Reading Employment Tribunal July 2012 front seat appearance.... alongside his BT cohorts suck buddies leeanne foulkes, phillip douglas aka phil the nigger (sic), daniella thorp(or as I prefer: torp) et al. ....which I had reserved for benwell & Co. back in Sept.2011

A failure to agree between me and BT's lawyer... (I said that BT's sad old sick old client k.benwell was, obviously, trying to pull a fast one and delay the civil proceedings he had been ordered to attend with his bullshit "I'm on holiday" tripe.) ...simply meant the Employment Judged moving the hearing date from 21.7.12 to 06.8.2012 during the course of the 3 Feb. 2012 CMD. The CMD which BT Group lost! 

ray lassan would occasionally update me on benwell's & Co. conference calls and visits to BT Legal etc as told to him by benny boy, as one of five BT employees, unhappy, Respondent to my ET claim.


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