Thursday 21 March 2013

THE WHIPPED NIGGER - Public House (sic) Yarnfield Staffs. ST15 0NL. Andrew Macdonald CWU(full time)Representative/Officer in BT's workplace - South London, Surrey & North Hampshire Branch.

c. Jan. 2011 to Aug. 2012.

Post began on 28/3/13.


Updated 28/6/13

CWU SLS&NH branch Rep Andrew Macdonald believes black people are niggers who deserve to be, and who should be whipped by white people.

Statement of honest comment: CWU SLS&NH branch Rep. & BT employee Andrew Macdonald is a closet racist, and a mendaciously cowardly closet racist at that. 

If that were not the case and you disagree with that honest comment statement, please explain to yourself exactly why such a filthy cowardly racist expression would, unsolicited, be given voice too loudly and clearly in a BT/CWU classroom containing eleven white men and one black man within less than two minutes of that classroom formally commencing. (Oh, and good luck bullshitting yourself!) 

The first words shouted out of andrew macdonald's sick cowardly racist's trap within less than two minutes of  I, a black man whom he had never met before, being in his and ten other white men's presence. ( BT employees / CWU members all ) was ...Yeah it's called The Whipped Nigger. 

Immediately following which CWU SLS&NH Rep andrew macdonald indulged in laughter, along with other white CWU Reps sitting at the same BT classroom table as andrew macdonald.

CWU BME Reps such as, for example, CWU SLS&NH Rep. Colin Bell his CWU colleague Gus Allayne and their numerous numerous BME CWU Reps. colleagues at CWU Wimbledon and elsewhere within the CWU need to take a good hard look at themselves in the mirror and be honest with themselves as black men and black women within the CWU and within BT Group plc.

FYI - Exactly why the closet racist CWU Rep. andrew macdonald would never ever voice his sick, stupid, ignorant racist filth to BME CWU Reps, such as CWU SLS&NH branch Rep. Colin Bell et al, or other black CWU member he either knows or has dealing with - even on an irregular basis - why that is, will be explained in vivid technicolor in a future post by the black (ex)CWU member to whom the closet racist CWU Rep. andrew macdonald gave vent to his pent up racist mindset, his stupid, cowardly, pig ignorant, sick and bullying coward's mindset. Okay!

n.b. It will not make for comfortable reading for BME CWU/BT members/employees, I can promise you that much!

A full, accurate and very detailed description of exactly who and exactly what the CWU white racist Rep andrew macdonald is and exactly what macdonald and white CWU Reps of a similar and/or of like minded mindset as andrew macdonald represent, and exactly how such white workplace racists and/or white workplace bullying mendacious cowards CWU members such as a. macdonald, l foulkes, p douglas et al are assisted, aided, helped, looked after, protected and facilitated to get away with their sick racist bullying cowardly gang mentality conduct and behaviours within the CWU and within BT Group by other white people within the CWU and within BT Group, will be accurately, fully and honestly articulated and described and sent into the www-Cloud by this BME former CWU CC&TV member.

A black man who, unlike the likes of CWU black men and black women full time CWU Reps. within CWU SLS&NH branch and within other CWU branches and within the CWU's RAC, within the CWU BWC, within CWU Wimbledon and elsewhere. All of whom, deep down, deep within their hearts and within their consciences go in fear of (exist in fear within the CWU and BT) exist in fear of white closet racist CWU members such as andrew macdonald and his cohorts. Those CWU members of similar and /or like mind to andrew macdonald. Those CWU BME members will never have the moral courage, the integrity and the dignity as black people to openly stand up too, to openly challenge and openly oppose the likes of white closet racists bullying workplace / trade union place mendacious racist cowards such as CWU SLS&NH branch Rep andrew macdonald and/or any of anderw macdonald's CWU white fellow Reps. his white CWU/BT mates, supporters, backers and managers etc.

My five day - BT classroom - experience of the white closet racist, bullying, dishonest coward CWU Rep. andrew macdonald in Jan 2011, and how he and his other CWU SLS&NH branch Reps. mates and the CWU's National Disciplinary Committee conducted themselves in protecting, shielding and safeguarding their white closet racist CWU colleague (sic) andrew macdonald from May 2011 to June 2012. Plus my two day experience of that same lying white closet racist bullying coward a. macdonald (and his BT/CWU suck buddies) at my Reading Employment Tribunal hearing, all will be described by me within my Blogger sites and else where. in due course.

n.b. I unfortunately have no identifying photo of the CWU racist Rep to post at the present time, in order to put a face to the name.

p.s. Within future posts the reader will struggle to believe just how stupid, ignorant and thick BT employee and BT workplace (full-time release) CWU Rep. andrew macdonald in fact and in reality is. Thick as fuck, honestly. And I'm not saying that because I know CWU Rep. andrew macdonald is a cowardly closet racist, I'm saying it as a result of spending five working days with macdonald and other CWU members in a BT classroom.

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