Thursday 29 August 2013

Harassment phone calls - no problem ! I'll speak to anybody who calls my home land line. Harassment phone calls to my home via Skype untraceable numbers - a problem ! You see I'm NOT able to call you back and have a natter with you OR with muvva in law (sic) come to that. Yes I can report that criminal course of conduct to the Aylesbury Thames Valley Police - and I did so. Yes I can report that criminal course of conduct to BT Nuisance Call Bureau and I did so. Both agencies palmed me off with - Ahh... untraceable numbers, there is nothing we can do to assist you further in this matter Mr Jarvis. Fair enough, I cannot make my service provider BT Group or make the police do something they clearly are not willing to do in respect of reported criminal conduct of harassment perpetrated against me. NOTA BENE: I cannot help but notice that the police are all too willing to arrest me and detain me - a total of 30+ hrs - and question me under caution - a total of six times in seven months. I cannot help but notice that the CPS are all too willing to bring me before a court and prosecute me - a total of seven times in seven months. But then again maybe I - Colin Jarvis- am simply being: ...paranoid about so many things and I believe this is made worse by his use of cannabis. (sic)...1/3/13 stated to police in legally binding "evidence" against me by a scum, cowardly, stupid-as-pig-shit Uncle Tom Prick black person BT/CWU whipping boy. NOTA BENE: Nothing of what ANYBODY, ANYBODY AT ALL does to me OR has presented/said to me (historically OR contemporaneously) - is in any way: private or secret or confidential. I will make YOUR actions, conduct and statements - historical and contemporaneous - known in the public domain and open to public scrutiny in the court of public opinion :) NOTA BENE - Exactly like Steve Biko, I Will Write What I Like and there is NOTHING you individually and/or collectively - whoever YOU are or whoever the f**k YOU think YOU are can do to prevent me, to stop me. And if the police and the law want to prosecute me and remove my liberty for so doing, I will of course - as having no alternative - obey and comply. Then simply continue where I left off until my overriding objective is completed. :)

Jarvis Productions presents :

R-acist B-igots  are the W-hite M-an's B-urden

link>An extract taken from a formal witness statement I made to ATVP on 12/3/13. if you wish to know the facts of the matter in relation to the celebratory harassment phone calls... (two of many such harassment calls made to my home land line over a period of years, via untraceable numbers and fax machines, by a scum Dunce racist Cunce coward and his twat associates) ...following my instant sacking/summarily dismissal by BT Group Plc's... i.e. irresponsible, cowardly hypocrites white people protecting bullying, mendacious, stupid white people protecting cowardly, scum racist white people, which were  made to my home phone number by two anonymous and extremely shy* individuals - the female of that species - accompanied by the noise of laughter of some sad twats who could be heard giggling - like little girls - in the background. What kind of men (sic) hide behind the females they breed and pollute my environment with? what I ask myself.

As shy* and cowardly as a Crown witness the CPS stuck behind a pathetic sight-blocking screen in a court of law so that that sad twat could mumble his bullshit 'evidence' tripe into the public record against me. Which resulted in my conviction based, in part, on that perjury I as the defendant had great difficulty in hearing as it was squeaked out to the three public servants sitting in judgement of me. p.s. I've yet to get around to knocking out full write ups of my three trials I defended myself in - via a bog standard jobbing legal aid solicitor - before three different magistrates courts, courtesy of the State's CPS and their stupid sorry I mean their star witnesses.

BT workplace CWU CC&TV Union Safety Representative. c. Apr.2009 - Aug. 2012. I will not bore the reader with the minutiae of that workplace TU role at the mo. 

A part of the role involves carrying out BT building and facilities inspections in the BT patch which that Rep covers. My patch included, obviously, BTs New St. Aylesbury ATE.  


A security barrier bars public access to this BT facility/premises. Security barrier operated by the usual workplace ID card issued to all employees and which is unique to each employee. When a replacement security ID card is requested it is issued with the instruction to return or destroy the obsolete ID card.

The registered keeper of the vehicle pictured above... (a vehicle identical to my own - a bog standard production model that is perfectly suited to me personally, and perfectly suited to my personal and domestic requirements e.g. spacious and roomy, ideal for transporting allotment kit, tools etc.) ...was, at the time the photo was taken, at work in BTs workplace and in possession of his BT security ID card. n.b. all BT employees are required to have their unique photo ID card on their person and displayed when at work. 

It is common practice for BT employees to possess more that one unique ID security card. Why? In order to give the stolen BT ID card to spouses, partners, relatives who are not BT employees, so that that BT employee's partner et al can gain access to security protected BT premises and make use of BT employee car parking facilities etc. As is the case in this instance.

c. 2009. On this mid week afternoon, as a part of my USR role I was conducting the external part of a standard buildings & facilities inspection visit and noted this vehicle in a carpark that was less than 20% occupied. The presence of this private vehicle was incongruous because I had very recently observed the registered keeper and his sad PEU mate in BTs (nick)Griffin Ln. TEC premises with BT ID security cards displayed. 

I reported this flagrant, deliberate breach and abuse of BT security policy to BT Security and to the CWU CC&TV H&S Rep to whom I was accountable. I am unaware if any preventative action was taken by either party.

A repeat performance. April 2010 wk/day a.m. I was again conducting union safety representative's building and facilities at BTs New St. Aylesbury ATE. 

My location happened to be at the rear of the building, walking along the single vehicle width one way road which leads onto the main car park when I heard an approaching vehicle. I moved to the wall of the building to allow the vehicle safe passage. When I turned and observed the vehicle it was in fact the Renault Scenic that is pictured above with it's reg. plate blanked out. This private vehicle was being driven by a female who was not a BT employee. This private individual had gained access to BT premises via a security barrier which can only be accessed by a valid BT employee ID security card. I looked directly at the vehicle's occupant who in turn did not look at me. I followed the vehicle into the main BT car park in order to take photo evidence of this abuse of BT security policy. Unfortunately, the vehicle occupant must have decided that she no longer wished to use BTs security barrier controlled  car park facilities, because by the time I had rounded the corner of the BT Aylesbury ATE building I saw the Renault Scenic being hastily driven straight out the car park exit. That security barrier operates on a proximity sensor and requires no BT ID to operate on exit.

I again formally reported and notified, via emails, this abusive deliberate undermining of BTs security policy to BT Security, to the CWUs CC&TV H&S Rep. and to the line manager of the BT employee who is the "partner" of the person I witnessed abusing BT Group's security policy by unlawfully possessing and unlawfully using a stolen BT security asset.

The above abuse of BT Group's workplace policies is only a single example of how white people in BT who are repeatedly and habitually unlawfully abusive of their 'secure' their 'guaranteed' employment within BT Openreach are protected, shielded and safeguarded by other white people within BT Openreach.


n.b. an out of sequence insertion I know, but jumping ahead for a moment: I listened to some complete shit, some desperate, stupid: ...this is how I'll get around that...(sic) perjurer's shit in court as told to a Crown Court Judge et al on 5/9/13.

A part of that diarrhea verbal 'evidence' given under oath went along the line of: brother-in-law goes to the exchange and uses his BT ID security card to raise the security barrier for my partner/wife (I am not certain which it is) so that she can turn around off the main road. Or maybe it was the brother-in-law who turns around at the security barrier entrance after he has raised the security barrier with his BT ID card for the none BT employee (Yes, I found this explanation nonsensical, confusing and stupid also). Oh and the brother-in-law also goes shopping with this none BT employee on a regular basis, which is why my private Renault Scenic vehicle driven by a none BT employee was repeatedly seen and photographed parked in a restricted security controlled area of BT Group's premises. Got it Judge !

My response to that contemptuous, perjurious shit spoken into the public record against me is this: Is this the same brother-in-law BT employee who was repeatedly treated to stolen BT property in the form of 50 ltr containers full of diesel fuel - when filling up a BT PEU vehicle at petrol stations with a BT Group fuel card issued for that PEU vehicle? In order to e.g. facilitate the brother in law's holiday travel back and forth from Gatwick etc. 

I ask again: It that the brother-in-law I, as the defendant, heard the Crown's witness referring to when he was moving his bowls under oath into the public record against me from behind a screen in a public court of law. Is that the same brother-in-law you were telling a Crown Court Judge about ____y?

The reader will notice that the Crown's witness at no point ever admits to anything. (Exactly like his BT suck buddy mates: phillip douglas aka phil the nigger, lee foulkes aka a big cunce licking fan and supporter, daniel thorp, paula allington, dominic martello/dumbstefano et al also, at no point ever admit to anything.) Not even a completely obvious, repeated abusive circumventing of BT ID card security facilities with a stolen BT employee ID security card . 

His, the Crown's witness's, natural, instinctive and consistent response is: to lie, to deny, to invent, to fabricate, to manufacture or to concoct an answer. Ditto his sad twat BT workplace mates. 

The sad part, the pathetic part being: he considers that he and his sad cohorts i.e. BT employees/CWU CC&TV members: phillip douglas aka phil the nigger. lee foulkes, andrew macdonald & paul allington, danny thorp, keith benwell aka benny, dominic martello/distefano, BTs black person Magic Roundabout snail et al. are not being completely obvious at every stage of their pathetic. desparate deceit. Whether inside of BT, inside of the CWU, inside Civil proceedings or inside of a Court of law.


U-ncle T-oms are the B-lack M-an's B-urden.
UT 11/7 BMB :
Is to be my personalised reg. plate for my - soon to be purchased - Lambretta Scooter [or bike (sic) as told to the police and the court] 


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