Saturday 10 August 2013

BME BT employee Tony Williams & ex BT employee Colin Jarvis c. Nov. 2002 - June. 2005.

A quick brief description of Tony: A thoroughly honest, decent, good, truthful, trustworthy, normal, ordinary black man. Who, alongside myself, Jason and Jon, always carried out an honest days work for the employer when we all worked together. c. Nov. 2002 - 2005.

In truth, you cannot meet and/or know Tony without liking him. The same, incidentally, also goes for a great many other BT employees - white people and black people - whom I encountered whilst in BTs employ.

Tony's BT workplace experience - whilst working at BTs HP19 8BP (nick)Griffin Ln.TEC yard - of continual, persistent, effective targeted bespoke harassment, bullying and victimisation that was dished out by a racist cunce BT employee and by that racist twat's suck buddy and fellow C1 a bullying big mouth gobsite walking haemorrhoid named andy ruzicKA - forms an integral and important part of the facts and reality I am endeavouring to accurately, precisely articulate and describe within my social media content in relation to BT Group, the CWU and those culpable "white persons and black persons" therein.

All of whom are all guilty of being the sole, cumulative, culpable cause of that which was - with malice and deliberate forethought - inflicted upon me as a black man a black BT employee CWU member who exercised my right to complain. The black man who determined to confront and openly challenge BT workplace bullying vindictive white racists, BT workplace white vindictive bullies, BT workplace white harassing cowards and as the black man who was the victim of those BT white persons line management BT Friends (sic) and white HRBP management "Friends" (sic) [and the black man who was the victim of BT/CWU scum cowardly retarded Uncle Tom Prick black person(s)] all of whom acted to... all of whom conducted themselves to... cover up, to protect, to defend and back up other white people and all of whom - like sick, stupid, backward cowards - chose to lie - obvious, stupid lies - for their sick scum BT white workmates [and in the case of Uncle Tom Prick, chose to lie for their BT white massas so as not be targeted by those white workplace bullying racist, harassing twats that Uncle Tom Prick black person is so chicken shit scared of and intimidated by. 

As chicken shit scared of those cowardly cowardly gang mentality BT white persons as, presumably, as chicken shit scared and intimidated as was the stupid fictitious black retard charactor John (Coffey) was at the prospect of having his simple, backward grey matter fried by electrocution - an event which white BT employees lee foulkes and steve halsey find so entertaining and amusing that they christened and branded a black person BT employee colleague (sic) John Coffey , habitually and constantly. As described to me directly, on numerous occasions, by that black person BT employee himself. :( ]

Therefore I am going to accurately, respectfully and responsibly articulate other decent black BT employee's - Tony's - workplace experiences as that directly relates to my own up until June 2005 when Tony transferred himself from BTs Aylesbury's TEC to a BT Milton Keynes CST volume work group.

I have nothing, absolutely nothing that is in any way, shape or form negative or detrimental to express about Tony and/or about his former Aylesbury PEU workmates Jason Jennings and Jon Ivey in respect of what information and facts I will disseminate on my open public social media mass communication websites.  


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