Monday 26 August 2013

a BNP supporting dunce racist cunce, lying, cowardly piece of shit & his Uncle Tom Prick black person suck buddy piece of shit.

I have to fight... - by way of an appeal to a Crown Court Warned List and a legal aid Barrister - ...a criminal conviction, sentence and monetary fines because of the two imbecilic mendacious twats identified in the title of this blog post.
One of whom was permitted by the CPS... (who apparently, never agreed with the racist twat having courtroom special measures (sic) in the first place - which begs the question: why the fuck was that facility allowed to go ahead?) squeak out his perjurious bullshit from behind a sight blocking screen in a court of law.
Doing that to me, to Colin Jarvis comes at a price, comes with an everlasting and never ending price tag.
Regarding shit such as: ...I just want to get on with my life... (sic) Feb. 2013 to ATVP.
Who the fuck is stopping anyone, including any BT BNP racist twats, of which there are many, and/or any thick as pig shit Uncle Tom Prick black person Trinidad twat from ...getting on with whatever the fuck they want to ...get on with (sic).
The fact is you, whoever the fuck you are or whoever the fuck you think you are, take me before the law and I am convicted via a gullible, tricked and deceived CPS and then to be too much of a fucking stupid dunce cunce coward to either face me face to face in court of law or be so much of a stupid, thick as pig shit prick to enter a courtroom witness box in front of me and disgorge your Uncle Tom Prick BT whipping boy John Coffey bullshit. Do those things, choose to do those things to a truthful, honest and factual black man, a black man with dignity for myself and for my race, as a strong black man with self respect and integrity, then... 

...Then I'm delighted to say you will be publicly outed by that very black man. That 'real black man' whom you have taken to law and in one case had convicted on your shit perjury. Convicted by a CPS witness sympathetic,  empathetic white female principle magistrate who was deceived / tricked / conned and lied to by the racist cunce  that white female magistrate viewed as a victim whereas in reality the prick who was the Crown's hide away star witness is the racist dunce cunce twat I have accurately described that white person as within my social media mass communication websites. And I've barely scrathched the surface in my outing of that twat, his twat Uncle Tom Prick black person suck buddy & High Wycombe Law Court waiting room sweat heart. 

Note above I state a: 'real black man', ay Uncle Tom Prick. Not like  BT employee "Mark Vincent" ay Uncle Tom! Or have you told that 'not a real black man' (sic) that those were not your words and that you have never said any such thing about that black BT employee? A bit like you're 'Phil the nigger' (sic) Trinidad tripe/ Trinidad shit denials in police witness statements with which the CPS used to bring me before a court on criminal charges, ay Uncle Tom! You sad, dirty Uncle Tom Prick black person and pizza making daddy. :(
Yes, you and those like you will be publicly outed, named and shamed at a time and place of a convicted criminal's choosing. Something to look forward to ay! And if the law puts be inside for it, so be it, I've absolutely no prob at all with that!
A stupid as fuck Uncle Tom Prick black person who was clearly abused inside of and outside of BT, abusively  exploited, used,  and manipulated, initially behind his Uncle Tom Prick back and then right in front of his Uncle Tom Prick face by white persons in BT & a closet racist dunce cunce and a white rent-a-crowd.... [an exCWU member no less. Ever asked yourself why that moron suddenly resigned his CWU-CCC membership? No? Well he gives his "reason" and gives his opinion of his CWU Rep John Grey in the doc. link contained in this post - a doc. he calls 'private legal papers'. (sic). What the fuck is private about a dunce cunce shit evidence within a public employment tribunal claim?] ...who happily and confidently disgorged his sincerely held racist inbred filth on a near daily basis to a black man because that closet racist prick considered himself to be completely safe in BT Group to give full vent to his true and actual white racist cunce scum nature and upbringing within a white employer's workplace.
Yes both those ignorant twats and others of their BT colleagues (sic) have acted with malice aforethought and acted wilfully, harmfully and perjuriously against this black man within formal police witness statements and under oath in a court of law and so doing real, lasting, permanent and deliberate harm and damage to me. I will answer that unlawful course of conduct carried out against me and reciprocate, within the law.
...he's put private legal papers on his websites...3/12/12.
What the fuck is private about a public employment tribunal claim, you racist twat? Private legal papers? The facts of: What was presented behind BT Groups' back and behind the back of CWU-CCC Reps. chic mcglynn, john grey et al. to a private very expensive solicitor by his client, his desperate mendacious and pig shit stupid client. This linked doc. has already been disseminated to numerous members of the public inside of BT and the CWU c. 2007/8/9/10/11 to family and friend  and is in the www.Cloud as from 2012 and will remain there and added to. Please note, I received a  FB message from dominic martello/distefano 30/11/12 18:00hrs saying he 'doesn't like it' (sic) This is the same dominic martello/distefano who repeatedly expressed to me his opinion of a BT dunce cunce as for example: ...that cunt is a racist piece of shit Gumba... Colin I'm trying to get info but duncey and that fat cunt ruzicKA and them other fuckers are not saying too much just in case... (sic) ...don't worry they don't suspect me, the fuckers are just being carefull...(sic) ...I tried to get some info out of that racist cunt today Colin..(sic) ...Gumba that racist cunt duncey was spouting off about how he had the right to bring in his BNP shit into BT and put it up in the yard when we were talking to him about it today...(sic) etc. etc. c. 2006/7. is NOT private as far as this convicted criminal is concerned.
A more legible doc. link:

Please note, Colin Jarvis's April 2007 very appropriate and very substantial... these are the actual facts J.M. Warby Esq I'm afraid. It must surely be obvious  and clear to you that your client is being less that truthful with you when instructing you to "keep me the fuck out of any public employment tribunal appearance - regardless of the cost" instructions to Horwood & James Ltd. ...reply (of which I am extremely proud) that was  sent to that expensive private solicitor who had sent to me the fax doc. in the above link, on behalf of his dunce cunce client, is yet to be posted on my social media. My printer/scanner kit is playing dead at the mo. Still, no rush, no panic, there's plenty of time plus the fact that I've box loads of docs. yet to publish. Alas, not a diary  in sight. :( 
n.b. I am very prepared to defend myself in court in the future and I will be acting as my own defence legal representative from now onwards. I will no longer be using a legal aid solicitors in any court proceedings when brought before a court by the CPS in future.


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