Friday 2 August 2013

Anybody's rights under the law nothwithstanding. I would argue that it is NOT a good idea to play games with the police. It is a very BAD idea to attempt to play kidology - of a very weak and feeble nature - with the police and with police time. The willful misuse of police & HMCTS resources in an attempt to settle scores that any aggrieved person(s) may hold on their own behalf and/or which they may hold on behalf of another aggrieved person(s) - is conduct which is wilfully abusive of the police and wilfully abusive the law. Conduct which is a course of conduct in contempt of the law and HMCTS.

I consider the verbal "evidence" :-( given to ATVP in the form of legally binding witness statements to be: Risible, childish, pathetic and very ill advised malicious misconduct. To also be infantile, ignorant, misguided, vindictive retaliatory victimisation born out of malice on the part of all the BT employees / CWU members who have made formal complaints to ATVP against me. c. 3/12/12. 26/2/13. 1/3/13. 9/5/13. 28/7/13.

This FYI post references only a single part of the 28/7/13 "evidence" the "stupid, false and untrue evidence" put to me as the accused person when questioned at ATVP Station in interview under caution following a legally binding...  


(Criminal Procedure Rules, r. 27.2;

Criminal Justice Act 1967, s. 9, Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980, s.5B)
This statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated in it, anything which I know to be false, or do not believe to be true.

....3 page witness statement complaint made against me by BT employee CWU member dominic martello / distefano.

I will not quote the relevant part of that individual's "evidence". Instead I will give the reader some information and ask you to use your own grey matter, after which the reader is invited to: TAKE YOUR PICK !

If you choose Heads: You win, you win absolutely nothing

The truth the facts cannot be either won or lost.

If, however, you choose Tails...

You loose! ...because if you choose tails, if you choose the: (i)...kept a diary...(sic)  (ii)...kept a diary to get money out of BT...(sic) (iii)...kept a diary to get our BNP-twat buddy's money...(sic) drivel you are stupid, you are very stupid. 
You are gullible, you are easily lead (like so many bleating sheep) and you are extremely stupid. Not capable of thinking for yourself. Unable to distinguish and separate the facts from utterly implausible nonsensical childish cowardly drivel. If you choose the kept a diary... etc. (sic) tripe you are wasting your time here. Which begs the question: Exactly why are you here? What are you doing here? 

Please take the blog author's advice and go away. It is beyond you to understand. 
You are, I'm afraid, far too stupid to comprehend the long term principled endeavour which is the overriding objective that is attempting to be achieved by the author of this blog and other social media mass communication public websites which belong to Colin Jarvis. Therefore if you give any credibility to the BT/CWU halfwit morons' ...has been keeping a diary for five years (sic) drivel that is the lingering waste product of resentful, guilty, gullible persons. Cowardly workplace-incestuous liars who are previously known to me. Please  go somewhere else and please be more fussy, more careful, more choosy and far far more particular about what you are willing to take into your mouth and swallow within BT's workplace and within the CWU HQ / CWU-CC&TV / CWU-SLS&NH
 etc...Okay. xxx 
...has been keeping a diary 2001 to 2006 (sic)

or.... (and please perish the thought)

 ...has been using that small degree of intelligence I possess. Oh, and using accurate, precise, true and factual memory and recall. (yeah, you simple gullible twat that ...diary !)

Post dating June 2006 I received a call from a good friend of mine who was then a BT employee...

FYI 1- In April 2006 my friend Jason Jennings had been forced to move from working at BT's TEC at (nick)Griffin Ln. HP19 8BP as a result of the intolerable retaliation and victimisation being inflicted on him by white BT employees. Jason was targeted and picked on because Jason had given verbal evidence on my behalf to FS1GC investigations conducted by BT & HRBP management. 
I had raised FS1GC against a BNP supporting "substantive C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor" racist BT employee, raised a FS1GC against his gobshite bullying coward fellow C1 andy ruzicKA (aka the walking haemorrhoid - my name for him / the fat fuck and/or the fat man and/or the fat cunt - his C1 suck buddy's name for him when poozicKA was not around), raised a FS1GC against their line managers(HA!) bob reader, ron ryall martin northfield and raised a FS1GC against their level 2 line manager(HA!) garry lawrence.
...who had recently been transferred by BT management to a Bedfordshire workgroup managed by one dave west  - a BT line manager, apparently. BT's white management would rather transferr / move Jason, rather than address the workplace bullying, harassing retaliation and victimisation Jason had informed face to face BT's management and the CWU-CCC branch sec chic mcglynn - was being inflicted on him by white BT employees in BTs Aylesbury TEC.
Anyway Jason calls me and says: Colin, just been in a team talk with that twat dave west. We sat there and listened to that manager(HA!) saying in his team talk that and I quote: ...somebody has been keeping a diary for five years to get money out of BT...(sic). 
Jason went onto explain that d.west had been waffling on about BTs diversity bullshit and telling the BT operatives he is paid to manage be careful about what you say etc. when he came out with his....someone's been keeping a diary for five years to get money out of BT...(sic) stupid, pig ignorant bullshit.
I said thanks for the info J. I'll be in touch. I then immediately called BT line manager Kevin Coll and informed Kevin of the details of the pig ignorant and stupid content of dave west's team talk which if believed by gullible and easily lead BT employees, would prove very damaging and very harmful to me on my RTW. 

Kevin responded as any normal, decent, honest, and professional line manager would. He asked me if I wanted him to do anything formally by for example sending a group email to employees in this BT patch etc. I said thank you, no. Only please ensure and inform verbally his BT line manager colleagues, including d. west, not to give such pig ignorant and stupid information to BT employees when they are talking to BT employees they manage out of the orifice they usually use to defaecate. Kevin said yes he would do his best to stop and prevent disinformation and wrong information being presented as facts by his line manager colleagues who are talking out of their arse holes. (which is not a part of a BT line manager's job, ordinarily)

FYI 2 - I have posted numerous documents on my social mass communication websites and I will post a great deal more in the future. I have posted numerous photos and I will post a great deal more, including videos, in the future. 

FYI 3 - The observant visitor to any of my social media mass communication websites would have noticed that I have not posted my diary and/or posted a picture of  my diary and/or presented that I am quoting from my diary
Because I have never kept a diary. Think about it.  I know it makes you and your suck buddies look like a bunce of thick stupid Cunce to have your and your sad twats mates diary theory shown to be the shit that it is, once and for all. But think about it.
Because you, your BT/CWU suck buddy cunce and I know that if I did in fact possess such a diary which detailed any and/or all of my contact with other BT employees c. July 2001 to Nov. 2006. I would use my many social media mass communication websites to show it to you. I would happily show you your famous and much quoted diary, Yeah and I would read from it and smile to camera as the same time!
I cannot do that for the same reason I cannot publish a photo of andy poozicKA and danny thorp huddling / cuddling in the AylesburyTEC signing on room 10 Aug.2011, just prior to the Millwall racist retard daniella thorp letting go of poozicKA's hand, stropping over to me and throwing an hilarious retard's wobbly in front of the seven or eight BT operatives present - (all of whom all of a sudden like had to be somewhere else urgently! you've never seen a room empty of sad cowardly individuals so quickly.) Don't believe any of that? ...try BME BT employees Mark Vincent...*

[n.b. MV "...he's not a real black man Colin..." (sic) stated of MV to me on two separate occasions by a BME BT operative who is an Uncle Tom Prick and BT whipping boy named John. Christened that name by two of his BT massas: lee foulkes and steve halsey] 

*...and/or try BME BT operative Antony something or other and/or try any of the six or so white BT operatives who were present when daniella thorp, comically, flapped - like a dried out hag - in front of me for a whole 5 seconds...* 

[daniella, bless her, was "very upset" because he had received from BTs dishonest, sad, stupid white management his FS1GC letter of invite to interview and danny boy knew that I had formally confronted and outed him and his sad cowards BT mates and called them to sit them down in front of white BT managers and disgorge their coward's deceitful mendacious drivel in answer to white BT/HRBP investigating manager's FS1GC bullshit investigations. And who did daniella choose to accompany him at FS1GC interview as his BT Friend? One dominic martello/distefano. The same person who c. Aug./Sept./Oct./Nov./Dec. 2006 martello/distefano never tired of telling me how he was going to beat the shit out of  ...that cunt danny... (sic) ...his time's coming gumba I'm telling ya... ...that cunts' as far up oliver's arse hole as that fucking half hand cunt judy chalmers... etc. etc. etc. [Honest comment: Some 'men' ay! Say one thing to your face and then lick other men's (e.g. a cowardly, lying, racist, bullying Millwall twat's ring piece) sphincters in front of a white female BT investigating manager behind your back. Whatever happened to common sense is what I ask myself.]

*...I in response to danny boys' 5 seconds hot flush, basically told the racist Millwall retard to piss off and mind his own business....*  

(Immediately following which I contacted a BT/CWU Uncle Tom black person on his BT mobile who said ...I'll call you back Colin. (sic) When Uncle Tom did call back I was seated in my RB 53 WMB allotment wagon outside my home - I described to Uncle Tom Prick daniella's fake hard man - (i.e. soft as the shit which dribbles from his girlfriend's ruzicKa's haemorrhoidal sphincter aka poozicKA's other mouth) - tantrum in the signing on room. Uncle Tom then waxed lyrical about what a racist cunt danny thorp is and ...I wished I'd been there to see danny boy flapping Colin. (sic)... [from my many conversations with him c. 2009/10/11 I know that that same BME BT employee Uncle Tom black person loaths and dispises white BT operative danny thorp with a passion, and he - Uncle Tom - also, covertly/secretly - holds the same antipathy and hostile opinion about the Italian BT operative dominic martello distefano - they having all previously been pupils at the same school c.1980s] ....and that he, Uncle Tom, was not surprised that thorp had cozied up to poozicKA ...that's fucking typical of that racist cunt danny that is Colin...(sic). Following which Uncle Tom black person then informed me of the details of his upcoming FS1GC interview he had recently been notified of, then told me about an upcoming August holiday visit from his "booty woman" - as he put it - that he had "hooked" up with when on holiday in Feb./March 2011 etc. etc. On that same call I also brought Uncle Tom up to date on my on-going BT formals and appeals against his BT massas: phil the nigger (sic) lee foulkes, danny thorp, keith benwell et al. during the course of that conversation. Uncle Tom Prick finished that 15 min. conversation with the words ...I don't do what you do Colin because I'm lazy. (sic) 

*...clev'a (sic) daniella thorp subsequently presenting to BT's white management 25/8/11 and presented within his ReadingET witness statement 14/6/12 - drafted by his legal rep. BT Legal: ..."he - Colin Jarvis - took a picture of me, I saw it on his phone..."

FYI - daniella, you cowardly bullying halfwit cretin, I would be extremely glad and be very happy to have such a picture of you, the picture you "saw" on my phone.  
If I had the photo I'd post it - now wouldn't I! You stupid-as-fuck halfwit racist Millwall retard you! 

After all I have posted the pics. I snapped of you sneaking off work from Aylesbury ATE at 2:30 p.m. Apr. 2012 - I happen to be passing the exchange at the time - and I've posted the pics I took of you crouched over a BT hole on Buckingham Rd roundabout in Aug. 2012 after I'd waved to you, now haven't I? I failed to get the pic of you giving me the two finger salute aka the: SIR DOMINIC WINSTON CHURCHIL salute in return, a lorry blocked my view of you 'waving back'. (n.b. amongst other totally irrelevant exhibits that made up a part of a cunce evidential bundle supplied to ATVP there were pictures of you that were taken from my social media websites which made up a part of your shy BNP mate's e/b witness statement of 3/12/12 given to ATVP. Your BNP mate's PC must have been going like the clappers danny boy :-)

I cannot show you, the reader ...a diary (sic) because no such thing exists. I cannot show you, the reader ...a photo of the retard BT employee daniella thorp and his repulsive sweetheart andy poozicKA when those two "men" (sic) were cuddling up to each other on BT premises because no such thing exists.

Therefore, amongst the many many many things I did say to BT employee / CWU member dominic martello distefano c. Jan.2006 to June 2011. I could not have said ...I have been keeping a diary. 

How so?

Because then I would have said: it is dominic, here's the diary, have a look at it, read it.

After all I had showed martello / distefano all my BT documents and paperwork c.Jan/Feb. 2006/7 and dominic martello distefano had eagerly and greedily lapped it up, week after week, month after month. e.g. ...fucking hell gumba I wish I'd done this when those inglese cunts were fucking me and Jon... fucking hell gumba this is fucking brilliant gumba... ...Colin are you showing this to bushbaby and mcglynn? ...what did that cunt say?... (sic) ...Colin this / Colin that / ...gumba this gumba that... ...gumba guess what I heard?... ...Colin, pick up, I've got something to tell ya'... (sic)

To conclude: On 28/7/13 I made it abundantly clear and plain to ATVP at interview under caution, the fact I assert and I state in evidence that within the contents of the witness statement made to police by the complainant dominic martello distefano about which I am being questioned, including the ATVP printout exhibits taken from my social media websites, I am stating in evidence that dominic martello distefano has wilfully and knowingly made untrue and false statements to police from my knowledge of the facts, and that I will give evidence under oath to that effect if I am brought before a court by the CPS acting on behalf of the complainant.


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