Thursday 8 August 2013

BT Naphill ATE. The adventures of: dominic martello / distefano & danny thorp! As told to me, as repeatedly constantly obsessively fixatedly and in detail told to me (and to BT FS1GC investigations :-(o) by a deluded paranoid generic Uncle Tom black person BT employee c. 2010/11 :-)

2Bcontd... pressed for time right now. :-(

Something to look forward too. ay!

p.s. The very very interesting - t'ings dem - that are disclosed to a Claimant within employment tribunal proceedings. Dem t'ings dem which - by order of an Employment Judge -  a Claimant is informed about by the Respondent(s) - are so so revealing and so very very enlightening. :-) Oh, and which also makes the reader of such disclosed information - of such deceitful, hypocritical tripe extremely unwell and profoundly and permanently detrimentally affected and impacted upon. :-(  
[don't ya know!... (or care) white people who are in positions of decision making authority  who  all determined, who all chose - at all cost - to protect, to defend, to safeguard, to look after and to cover up and to hush up the unlawful workplace conduct perpetrated by the likes of those numerous white BT employees that were repeatedly formally brought to your - BTs white managements' - notice!]

p.p.s. in confidence, highly confidential, privileged, accenture copyright, The Official Secrets Act 1987 (sic). Really! :-)

As they say: Be careful what you wish for, it may... :(


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