Sunday 2 June 2013

7. Aug. 2012. & 3. Dec. 2012 - A game of Compare & Contrast.

Compare and Contrast - the desperate, the false, the pig ignorant, the sad, and the untrue bullshit of that of a halfwit BT workplace racist bullying coward & his BT retarded cowardly suck buddies   - with the actual facts.

For example:

Compare the CPS and the Crown's Witness's (Both of whom are seeking to convict me and hand me a criminal record at Trial based on their so called "evidence") bullshit

...In 200 2011 he (Colin Jarvis) started to make complaints about other colleagues...

i.e. BT employees: (i) phillip douglas aka phil the nigger (sic) - courtesy of BME BT employee B**** P***** (c.Feb.2011) , (ii) lee foulkes aka phil the nigger's (sic) puppet master, (iii) danny thorp aka lee foulkes's & phil the nigger's (sic) and thorp's  little boy chris davies's - appointed Millwall sphincter licker, (iv) keith benwell aka a sad old, stupid old, lame old, sick old man & not forgetting (v) andrew macdonald CWU SLS&NH Rep. aka a retarded, lying, halfwit, closet racist twat.] 

...and making further allegations of racism against them too. He tried taking them to the employment tribunal but this too was thrown out. (sic) 3/12/12. n.b. This same ignorant perjurious Crown witness was not present at any point in those tribunal proceedings. The Crown's witness's ..was thrown out. (sic) is in fact jism that was ejaculated into him by his BT employee suck buddies who were present at those civil proceedings. The Crown's star witness is repeating racists bullshit in support of his bullshit allegations against me made to police by a lying racist workplace bully.

Contrast with the facts of the actual Employment Tribunal claim judgement of Judge Hill - Employment Tribunal Judgement 7/8/12- Reasons:

11. The Claimant - Colin Jarvis - gave oral evidence before us. It should be recorded here that despite having presented in paper as a person who used very strong and intemperate language and demonstrated some powerfully angry attitudes about what had happened to him and how he viewed those persons he considered to have treated him so badly, before the Tribunal he conducted himself in a  moderate and appropriate way and gave evidence clearly and calmly. 

The complete ET public judgement handed down by Employment Judge Hill will, of course, be published in full in due course.

Did ya both spot the diff.. John - BNP - Wayne & John - BNP batty bwoy - Coffey? 

Or ...are you and your sad cowardly BT suck buddies all still living in BT's Wayne's World? (sic). 


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