Thursday 27 June 2013

Public court proceedings at Milton Keynes Magistrates' Court 25/06/13.

A comprehensive court report of the public court trail proceedings wherein I was tried and found guilty(HA!)... -  [(As risible as BT 's white management's stupid, conceited and hypocritical reaction/response  on reading / on being told the actual truth, the actual reality about the cowardly misconduct, the cowardly in-actions, the cowardly wilful deceptions, the cowardly perversions and the cowardly deliberate omissions of their in place level 1 & 2 line management and their BT HRBP line management)] be posted when I get around to it.

Regina vs Colin Deryck Jarvis. 


Verdict: In a public court of law I am told that I have been found guilty of a course of conduct which amounts to the harassment of ***** ******* *****. That being as a result of the content of your FB posts from Sept. 2012 to Jan. 2013 in conjunction with specific (and quoted) content of your 10. Jan 2013 statement made to ATVP under caution (sic)  

n.b. A complete transcript of the magistrates' court's judgement handed down (and the corresponding sentence when handed down) will be obtained and published in due course, alongside the defendant's evidential bundle and the witness statement "evidence" of the CPS's witness, and all other relevant public trial documents used to convict and/or in defence of the convicted criminal who is the author of this blog.

Please note: a battle lost... [one of numerous defeats] ...a battle (or as Jon put it: a skirmish) lost i.e. a defeat is suffered by a decent honest black man who possesses dignity and self respect in myself and in my race. 
A defeat. yes. But the war [as in: engaging in a principled, serious endeavour with an overriding objective] to out and expose the truth, the facts, the reality of being a black BT employee and being a black CWU member c. 1999 to 2012. That arduous, soul destroying, moral sapping, life altering but crucial, important and necessary war... [of one principled, honest black man vs white and black hypocrites and cowards some of whom possess and exercise workplace and/or trade union place decision making authority, power and control, that war] ...continues, I continue, undaunted. 

FOI / ECHR Article 10, Free speech, Free expression, Fair comment, Honest comment  RULES OK!

On a point of fact: It is IMPOSSIBLE for any white person and/or any black person inside of and/or outside of BT Group plc and the CWU trade union to prevent / to stop the fact of their i.e. your individual and/or collective trade union place and/or your workplace - deliberate, egregious, wilful, so sick, so sad, so pathetic, so desperate, so cowardly - white person hypocrites, black person hypocrites - conduct, actions, reactions, responses, behaviours and your individual and collective cowardly deliberate omissions... i.e. your: see no evil, hear no evil, do great evil BT/CWU white people protecting white people protecting white people bullshit / i.e. yoursee no evil, hear no evil, do great evil  BT white people using stupid cowardly BT/CWU whipping boy Uncle Tom black persons bullshit] ...all carried out, all conducted by you, out of the sight of, out of the knowledge of and hidden from the majority of your white and your black members / employees. 

It is IMPOSSIBLE for you (whoever you are or whoever the fuck you think you are) to prevent me, to stop the black man who is the author of this blog, from accurately detailing and posting into the public www-Cloud everything I know about you, everything I know about BT and everything I know about the CWU and how you individually and collectively conducted yourself toward a complaining black BT employee / CWU member c. 1999 to 2013.

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