Monday 3 June 2013

One black man v cowards liars bullies and racists within BT and the CWU c.1999 to Sept.2012.

(i) Photograph = The contents of the First Respondent: BT GROUP'S & Claimant: COLIN JARVIS'S 6-10/Aug. 2012 Joint Employment Tribunal Bundle Documents Binders...   (accessed/read by the public, including a newspaper journalist at Tribunal - therefore all document contents are legally within the public domain)  ...comprehensively demonstrates exactly and precisely how white people protect white people protect white people within the privacy, within the confidentiality of an employer's workplace. (ii) Photograph = BT binders standing on a piece of tat I have sometimes used to wipe my arse on in an emergency :-)

Blog: One black man v cowards liars bullies and racists within BT and the CWU c.1999 to Sept.2012.  Blog not available...Cease and desist? 

You f*****g wish.

Yes it IS available. By this black man's right of freedom of expression, my right to free speech, my right to fair comment and my right to express honest comment - my Blog titled: One black man v cowards liars bullies and racists within BT and the CWU c.1999 to Sept.2012. - IS available. < > Highlight link, right click and open link. Easy!

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