Monday 24 June 2013

CPS disclosed prosecution material "evidence" 18/6/13.

For the sake of clarity and on a point of fact I choose to "disclose" a fact in respect of CPS information disclosed to me as the defendant at Trial, which I have recently gained possession of in relation to the formal counter allegations of harassment contrary to the PHA 1997 Statement of Witness which I submitted to ATVP on 12/3/13 against a "substantive C1 Grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor" white BT employee and ex CWU CCC member ***** *****.

On 10/01/13 ATVP investigating officers referred to BT's internal FS1GC procedure as the BT tribunal and/or BT's tribunal. Which is simply another way of referring to BT's internal FS1GC procedure. No problem.


Nowhere within my 12/3/13 formal Statement of Witness counter allegations document which I submitted to ATVP nor at any other time or point within any document, whether held inside or outside of BT & the CWU, that I have written c.Feb. 2011 to June 2013, have I ever suggested that BME BT employee ***** ****** was either a named witness at Reading Employment Tribunal proceedings and/or gave ...evidence to the tribunal-[ReadingET]-as Mr Jarvis suggests. (sic)  Nowhere!

Nowhere within any document that I have written c. Feb. 2011 to June 2013 have I ever stated that BME BT employee ***** ****** was involved in my Sept. 2011 employment tribunal claim, either as a witness or as a Respondent.

I have only ever presented, in writing and/or verbally, that BME BT employee ***** ****** was involved in presenting verbal evidence (i.e. in my honest comment: verbal diaherre drivel "evidence") to BT investigating managers in Aug. & Sept 2011 when that BT employee black person was questioned by white BT line managers/investigating managers in relation to a black BT employee's (i.e. a trustworthy, truthful, decent and real black man, who possesses dignity and self respect as a black man) true, honest, accurate and factual written and verbal evidence I submitted to BT's Formal Stage 1 Grievance - white people protecting white people protecting white people - Complaints and Grievance Appeals internal bullshit!

Clear ?

So, please get your facts right. Alternately please feel free to evidence exactly where ..Mr Jarvis suggests. (sic)

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