Thursday 23 May 2013

Colin Jarvis: BT Plc & Communication Workers Union - People and Places c. 1999 - 2012.

(a) BT employee / CWU-CCC member Colin Jarvis c.12/12/06 EC1A 7AJ - "White people protecting white people protecting white people". 
(b) ex BT employee / CWU-CC&TV member Colin Jarvis c.07/08/12 RG1 1DY - "White people protecting white people protecting white people"

Acting on behalf of their own sad, duplicitous, dishonest and cowardly - white majority consensus - reasons. BT's & the CWU's white management choose to conduct themselves to facilitate their own cowardly, public facing, dishonest corporate agendas. The corporate ethics of that of BT's & the CWU's white management is bankrupt.

 ( For the applicable and relevant: Honest comment - See Doc. page 16: I assert to my employer... )
In Aug. 2012 I had a perfectly adequate, unskilled, overpaid, manual-labour BT operative's job of work taken away from me by a FTSI 100 company's white management i.e. I was summarily dismisses, sacked following the decision making authority of white men (and white women for all I know) after twelve years of employment with BT Group. EC1A 7AJ / HP19 8BP.

That supposedly honest(HA!), supposedly responsible(HA!), supposedly impartial(HA!), supposedly objective(HA!), supposedly clean(HA!), supposedly professional,(HA!) supposedly decent(HA!) white BT management preferring to sack a "somewhat troublesome" complaining black employee rather than that same white BT management honestly, responsibly, openly, transparently, objectively, impartially and professionally(ha - not a fucking chance!) honestly addressing and cleaning up the filthy, the backward, the sick, the cowardly, the gang mentality, the retarded racist bullying and harassment carried out by mendacious BT employee retarded cowards within BT Group's - BT South Mids. / BT Luton Beds. / BT Aylesbury Bucks. / BT Woodstock TEC Oxford / BT South London/Surry&North Hants. / BT Yarnfield Staffs. workplaces of a BME BT employee, and the cowardly gang mentality targeted victimising of that complaining black BT employee. 

Ditto the white CWU management @ SW19 1RX and at CWU-CC&TV and at CWU-SLS&NH and at CWU-NAB - et al.

It will come as no surprise to the reader that I am not very happy (a bit of an understatement, I agreed) about having that - what can fairly and accurately be described as: an overpaid, very under worked, very cushy, very under monitored, extremely inadequately supervised - [by inadequate, compromised BT & BT HRBP line managers, some of whom are extremely dishonest, cowardly liars and bullies] -  job of work summarily taken away from me by the decision making of compromised, cowardly, fearful - and in some cases dishonest - white men within BT's management. 

It follows that as the black man who is that ex BT employee, I would wish use my right of free expression and honest comment to describe and articulate the full and exact circumstances which lead to BT's white management indulging themselves in instantly sacking a complaining black BT employee. 

Including describing and articulating the compromised, the dishonest, the cowardly and the hypocritical puke inducing actions and conduct of white men and women and black men and women within the CWU's management at national, regional and local level. 

As a starting point: my Google+ Nov. 9th 2012 post  & my Google+ page - RB53 WMB Oct. 31st 2012 post is the Claimant's Employment Tribunal Witness Statement Document produced by a black BT manual operative, me, which handed "professional"(HA!) - (dishonest fearful cowards more like!) white BT management operatives - i.e. white hypocrites - the peg on which to hang their collective duplicitous, dishonest, compromised, deceitful, disingenuous, cowardly, frightened - and it has to be said - their stupid, contradictory and absurd -  BT rationale - decision making as justification for instantly sacking a complaining black BT employee of twelve and a half years standing.

That comical, risible, duplicitous and stupid BT rationale-document that is the product of the hypocrites who are BT Openreach management operatives I will post in due course. Then the reader can come to their own view.

Happy reading ! 


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