Sunday 21 April 2013

An extract from a document containing 8 formal complaints of Criminal Harassment that I submitted to Aylesbury Thames Valley Police. c.March.2013.


(Criminal Procedure Rules, r. 27.2;
Criminal Justice Act 1967, s. 9, Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980, s.5B)

1) ATVP - URN - 361050113. 5 Jan. 2013. I reported to the police the fact that...   ........

2)    ATVP - CRI – AA4110392/12. 29 Aug.2012.

On Tuesday 28 Aug 2012 at approx. midday, via email I notified the CWU HQ of the fact of my 24 Aug. summary dismissal notification received from BT management. On the evening of the same day at approx.18:15 and again at 19:00 approx. I received telephone calls to my home land line that on each occasion consisted of a female voice speaking and repeating the word – hello - followed by the person giggling, which was accompanied by laughter by more than one person in the background.

On 29 Aug.2012 I reported, to both ATVP and to BT Nuisance Call Bureau, the fact of the two intimidating harassment telephone calls to my home land line that I had received the previous evening and I explained to both agencies, that I asserted they were intentional, deliberate, intimidating, harassment phone calls and that I was reporting them as such. I named BT employee ***** ***** as the person I was alleging as responsible and culpable for the, by proxy, intimidating, malicious harassment telephone calls to my home land line - which caused me serious alarm, distress and fear. I explained in detail to both agencies my exact reasons for reporting this harassment and the exact reason for the harassment itself, in order to back up and support my allegation against ***** *****. BT Nuisance Call Bureau contacted me some short while later and informed me that the reported telephone calls were made to my home land line via Skype and the telephone number(s) from which the calls were made were untraceable by my service provider BT. I then informed the police of the information BTs Nuisance Call Bureau had provided to me and requested the police record that information given by me on their data base, which they agreed to do. I took no further action at that time against ***** *****. I am alleging BT employee *. ***** and persons known to ***** ***** are responsible and culpable for conducting that intimidating harassment of me at my home, with the malicious intention of causing me serious alarm and distress and with the malicious intention of causing me fear because I was known to have very recently been summarily dismissed by BT management.

Please note the fact that the, periodic, harassment nuisance telephone calls I received to my home land line c. 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 were reported to BTs Nuisance Call Bureau and sometimes to 101 and a URN was generated.

A Dunce racist Cunce BT employee & exCWU CCC member john wayne

...I'm going home to make pizzas with my kids  (sic).c 2009. stated by a Uncle Tom Prick / Uncle Tom Tit black person BT employee to a group of other BT employees including moi, at the conclusion of a workday.

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