Friday 29 March 2013

BT employees/CWU members - lee foulkes, steve halsey, phillip douglas(aka phil the nigger[sic] & their BT house negro uncle tom whipping boy BME BT employee colleague (sic)

p.s. Re: The CPS's 11/7/13 prosecution of me...  

(observed by, amongst others, a BT rep., apparently! a BT rep. was at my 16/7/13 sentencing hearing also - from what I observed!) 

...I'm not exaggerating. Honestly. I so so wish the reader had been in High Wycombe Magistrates' Court to witness the spectacle on 11/7/13. It really was an excruciatingly hilarious, so so pitiful and so so telling a sight to bare witness too. 

It was in fact a whole-life defining moment for the black person Crown witness in question. That is to say a PUBLIC whole-life defining moment for the black person Crown witness in question, which I and numbers of other people witnessed being played out in a public court of law on the 11/7/13 at High Wycombe. (I'll have to get around to narrating, describing and reporting the actual public court proceedings. The Crown evidence spoken by a CPS witness who had just witnessed his mate and co-prosecution witness cut and run from court when that Crown witness was refused "special measures" courtroom facilities by the law. :-) 2Bcontd...  

I as a black man who has dignity in and for myself and dignity in and for my race. A black man with self respect and moral courage. I would NEVER not even for a single moment tolerate, being called by the name John (Coffey) by white BT employees. I periodically worked alongside a BME BT employee who - voluntarily - informed (sic) me, on numerous occasions, of the fact that he was habitually, constantly and openly addressed/called/referred to by the name John (Coffey) by BT employees lee foulkes and steve halsey c.2008 to 2011.

FYI. It is my fair comment, my fair opinion - that for a black person BT employee to happily swallow, stomach and tolerate being likened to and called by the name of a fictitious black man who is portrayed as being a backward, halfwit, overgrown simpleton, possessing a very stupid absurd healing ability, who is a convicted child murderer and who's sole ambition in life, prior to having his little brain fried by electrocution, is to stare like a gormless backward black fool at a black and white Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers film musical - for a black person to inform me that ...I don't mind. ..Its like them calling mat gordon a cotton picker and him doing nuffin bowt it..(sic) + ...I'd do something abowt 'em if I wanted too...*(sic) - simply demonstrates, perfectly, the type/the sort of black person BT and the CWU like so much! i.e. Compliant, subservient sphincter licking house negros.  
*(sic) -That after I saying to that BME BT employee ..why are you bending over and taking that from that cowardly scum foulkes and halse

In July 2011 that same BME BT employee, voluntarily, informed (sic) me ...I saw lee and steve today, they came up to me and shook me hand ...hello brian hello brian,.. they were saying.(sic) 
I responded by saying ...Yeah? They didn't call you John then? To which that Uncle Tom Prick BT employee black person squirming reply was ...Ah uhh no v'ey nev'a (sic).

Yes Uncle Tom Prick I know they nev'a (sic). Because - you see - by July 2011 when John(Coffey) was busy shaking hands with his Oxford massas lee foulkes and steve halsey. lee foulkes and phil the nigger (sic) aka phillip douglas, had, in May 2011, been forced to evidence to a BT FS1GC investigating manager their fucking stupid, sad, desperate and pathetic denies and obvious crass-stupidity lies, in their and their sad BT line manager's - paula allington [British Army TA & magistrate (sic) c.Nov. 2006] attempts to explain away their cowardly, gang mentality racist bullying and harassment in BTs workplace. Which they were all intent on getting away with. (As in: we're not going to make the same mistakes our BNP mate john wayne made when he was out-ed by Colin Jarvis.)

So by lee foulkes's and steff halsey's July 2011: ...hello brian... ...hello brian mate... hand shaking bullshit - l foulkes, s halsey and p douglas knew, for a fact, that Colin Jarvis had rejected BT & BT HR management's FS1GC stupid and perverse outcome decision letter and that I had submitted a formal grievance appeal demanding a further investigation into foulkes and douglas's FS1GC bullshit and fucking stupid evidence they and their line manager suck buddy puked up to BTs black investigating manager c. May 2011.

In other words I stated to phil the nigger (sic), his puppet master l foulkes and their sad, sick, thick BT Friend manager paula allington... (who, unsurprisingly, declined to accompany his suck buddy lee foulkes as foulkes's "BT Friend" on the second occasion I sent leeanne foulkes around BTs bullshit internal grievance complaints magic roundabout) ...Oi ...where the fuck do you think you cowardly moronic twats are going? Get the fuck back in that chair and puke up more of your crass-stupidity, desperate garbage, verbal diarrhea evidence for your BT and HR manager friends to swallow down their stupid throats, in abject humiliation and so so desperation acts of protection and shielding of white BT employees. Okay!

Now - go and shake a house negro uncle tom black person workmate by the hand and address him by his birth certificate name and not by the name John(Coffey). And after shaking his hand, offer him your sphincters to shake with his tongue. 

ramble ramble....ramble ramble...



ray lassan & keith benwell c. Mar.2012

A friendly update call to my BT workplace mobile from ray lassan...* 

FYI - ray lassan being: an ordinary, straightforward elderly BT operative who was decent enough to admit to me c. early 2010 that he had been taken in and deceived by the bullshit lies and dirty malicious falsehoods that were presented as facts within BT workplace against me and my recent actions against dirty lying cowardly white BT employees c. 2005/6/7.  who had and have a great deal to hide and lie about. When having a private, serious, honest cards-on-the-table conversation with ray lassan, lassan said to me: we can all make a mistake Colin, I didn't know what to believe about what ***** and his mates were saying about you.

Over a period of time ray lassan opened up to me as his trust in my honesty grew e.g raymondo detailed to me how he had been subjected to cowardly bullying and harassment by the BT racist bully coward danny thorp and so initiated a formal complaint against thorp via his CWU branch but was talked out of pursuing that legitimate grievance against thorp by the CWU branch. 
ray lassan is no villain of the peace. He is however, mores the pity for him, a friend of keith benwell due to his and benwell's BT employment longevity. I have nothing detrimental or negative to present about lassan.

* are you...blah blah blah... Thanks for that union H&S info you emailed me re: my medical restrictions at work and my neil landymore 1:1 etc...etc. problem raymondo any time.   
r.l ...benny's said he going to say on after he's 65 in October, said he's going to tell BT that he wants to say on.
CJ...ray, the useless cunt does fuck all as it is...
r.l. ...he hasn't done fuck all for the past ten years...
CJ ...and the twat thinks BT are going to say ..yeah sure benny no prob, work on as long as you like...

I then proceeded to describe to ray lassan how, in January, benwell... (comically and pathetically aided and assisted by the e-side c/o king ken woodward) ...made a desperate and hilariously pathetic - I'm on my summer holidays in ken woodward's static caravan in Skegness - bullshit ruse to ReadingET via BT Legal, in a stupid and cowardly attempt to escape his Reading Employment Tribunal July 2012 front seat appearance.... alongside his BT cohorts suck buddies leeanne foulkes, phillip douglas aka phil the nigger (sic), daniella thorp(or as I prefer: torp) et al. ....which I had reserved for benwell & Co. back in Sept.2011

A failure to agree between me and BT's lawyer... (I said that BT's sad old sick old client k.benwell was, obviously, trying to pull a fast one and delay the civil proceedings he had been ordered to attend with his bullshit "I'm on holiday" tripe.) ...simply meant the Employment Judged moving the hearing date from 21.7.12 to 06.8.2012 during the course of the 3 Feb. 2012 CMD. The CMD which BT Group lost! 

ray lassan would occasionally update me on benwell's & Co. conference calls and visits to BT Legal etc as told to him by benny boy, as one of five BT employees, unhappy, Respondent to my ET claim.


Thursday 28 March 2013

frank - the plank - hackett, distefano martello & ray lassan

c. Feb. 2012.
An update call from ray lassan to my work mobile ...frank and dominic (p allington line manager-oxford) have been offered new start release by BT and both the plank and his lapdog have declined that kind, considerate "vote of confidence" offer from BT. 
ray lassan stating: frank can't go coz he hasn't got a BT pension so he's fucked, and dominic can't take the money and go coz he would be like a little girl lost / a small boy lost - without his guardian uncle frank packett sorry I mean uncle frank hackett. 
frank hackett is the man who, incidentally, in front of twenty+ BT customer service operatives, during the course of a BT Equality & Diversity Policy seminar, management roll out - being presented by a BT line manager - c.2006, frank-packett-hackett openly, crudely, in a filthy dirty disgusting manner voiced his loud, highly insultingly, very offensive racist ridicule, derision and openly took the piss out of the Italian culture and Italian people, in the presence of domonic martello and many other BT white employees (I seem to recall dIstefano martello, repeatedly c. 2006/7-Aylesbury & c.2011 Luton, repeatedly telling me that ...frank's going to pay for that, I'm fucking telling y'u Colin. I've said to 'im were fucking lucky frank, with that cunt of a manager laughing at your racism about Italians, yeah you were fucking lucky then you were frank, I should have... blah blah blah ramble ramble... xxx d martello now takes good care of frank's sphincter in and out of BT.

2Bcontd... including more - phone call updates I was treated to from ray lassan c. Aug.2011 to June 2012.

Thursday 21 March 2013

THE WHIPPED NIGGER - Public House (sic) Yarnfield Staffs. ST15 0NL. Andrew Macdonald CWU(full time)Representative/Officer in BT's workplace - South London, Surrey & North Hampshire Branch.

c. Jan. 2011 to Aug. 2012.

Post began on 28/3/13.


Updated 28/6/13

CWU SLS&NH branch Rep Andrew Macdonald believes black people are niggers who deserve to be, and who should be whipped by white people.

Statement of honest comment: CWU SLS&NH branch Rep. & BT employee Andrew Macdonald is a closet racist, and a mendaciously cowardly closet racist at that. 

If that were not the case and you disagree with that honest comment statement, please explain to yourself exactly why such a filthy cowardly racist expression would, unsolicited, be given voice too loudly and clearly in a BT/CWU classroom containing eleven white men and one black man within less than two minutes of that classroom formally commencing. (Oh, and good luck bullshitting yourself!) 

The first words shouted out of andrew macdonald's sick cowardly racist's trap within less than two minutes of  I, a black man whom he had never met before, being in his and ten other white men's presence. ( BT employees / CWU members all ) was ...Yeah it's called The Whipped Nigger. 

Immediately following which CWU SLS&NH Rep andrew macdonald indulged in laughter, along with other white CWU Reps sitting at the same BT classroom table as andrew macdonald.

CWU BME Reps such as, for example, CWU SLS&NH Rep. Colin Bell his CWU colleague Gus Allayne and their numerous numerous BME CWU Reps. colleagues at CWU Wimbledon and elsewhere within the CWU need to take a good hard look at themselves in the mirror and be honest with themselves as black men and black women within the CWU and within BT Group plc.

FYI - Exactly why the closet racist CWU Rep. andrew macdonald would never ever voice his sick, stupid, ignorant racist filth to BME CWU Reps, such as CWU SLS&NH branch Rep. Colin Bell et al, or other black CWU member he either knows or has dealing with - even on an irregular basis - why that is, will be explained in vivid technicolor in a future post by the black (ex)CWU member to whom the closet racist CWU Rep. andrew macdonald gave vent to his pent up racist mindset, his stupid, cowardly, pig ignorant, sick and bullying coward's mindset. Okay!

n.b. It will not make for comfortable reading for BME CWU/BT members/employees, I can promise you that much!

A full, accurate and very detailed description of exactly who and exactly what the CWU white racist Rep andrew macdonald is and exactly what macdonald and white CWU Reps of a similar and/or of like minded mindset as andrew macdonald represent, and exactly how such white workplace racists and/or white workplace bullying mendacious cowards CWU members such as a. macdonald, l foulkes, p douglas et al are assisted, aided, helped, looked after, protected and facilitated to get away with their sick racist bullying cowardly gang mentality conduct and behaviours within the CWU and within BT Group by other white people within the CWU and within BT Group, will be accurately, fully and honestly articulated and described and sent into the www-Cloud by this BME former CWU CC&TV member.

A black man who, unlike the likes of CWU black men and black women full time CWU Reps. within CWU SLS&NH branch and within other CWU branches and within the CWU's RAC, within the CWU BWC, within CWU Wimbledon and elsewhere. All of whom, deep down, deep within their hearts and within their consciences go in fear of (exist in fear within the CWU and BT) exist in fear of white closet racist CWU members such as andrew macdonald and his cohorts. Those CWU members of similar and /or like mind to andrew macdonald. Those CWU BME members will never have the moral courage, the integrity and the dignity as black people to openly stand up too, to openly challenge and openly oppose the likes of white closet racists bullying workplace / trade union place mendacious racist cowards such as CWU SLS&NH branch Rep andrew macdonald and/or any of anderw macdonald's CWU white fellow Reps. his white CWU/BT mates, supporters, backers and managers etc.

My five day - BT classroom - experience of the white closet racist, bullying, dishonest coward CWU Rep. andrew macdonald in Jan 2011, and how he and his other CWU SLS&NH branch Reps. mates and the CWU's National Disciplinary Committee conducted themselves in protecting, shielding and safeguarding their white closet racist CWU colleague (sic) andrew macdonald from May 2011 to June 2012. Plus my two day experience of that same lying white closet racist bullying coward a. macdonald (and his BT/CWU suck buddies) at my Reading Employment Tribunal hearing, all will be described by me within my Blogger sites and else where. in due course.

n.b. I unfortunately have no identifying photo of the CWU racist Rep to post at the present time, in order to put a face to the name.

p.s. Within future posts the reader will struggle to believe just how stupid, ignorant and thick BT employee and BT workplace (full-time release) CWU Rep. andrew macdonald in fact and in reality is. Thick as fuck, honestly. And I'm not saying that because I know CWU Rep. andrew macdonald is a cowardly closet racist, I'm saying it as a result of spending five working days with macdonald and other CWU members in a BT classroom.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

TRUTH OR LIES - THAT IS THE QUESTION! "...Go on hit it, hit it like you're knocking a black man off y'u granny". (sic)

Re: My 9.5.13 arrest and detention following accusations / allegations of criminal conduct attributed to me, that were made to Aylesbury Thames Valley Police by two 'persons in tandem', identified to me by both my Solicitor and by the investigating police officer at interview as: one none BME and one BME - 'persons' by the names BT employees Neil Landymore and mathew gordon.

In the words of the late - and very funny - Max Bygraves ...I wanna tell you a story...

[You - being, for example, the BME 'person' identified to me as being, in part, responsible for my arrest and detention by ATVP on 9.3.13 and responsible for charges of criminal conduct contrary to the PHA 1997 that was laid against me by the CPS on 15.3.13.  

When BT employees carry out the unskilled manual labour task of erecting a telegraph pole, this necessitates, labour intensive, manual digging of a hole and the manual punning down of the ground around the wooden pole once it is in situ. Okay? Yes I agree - not complicated is it!

FYI: On Thurday 19 July 2001 somewhere in High Wycombe, for the second time I assisted to carry out such a task on behalf of the employer BT Group Plc. in the company of three BT employees (i) steve wiiliams - sean muir's step father (ii) dick ingermells - a former agency worker and (iii) a "substantive C1" grade - BT IT Gold User - " team leader supervisor " who operated the PEU BT plant.

Okay so far? Goody good!

When at the conclusion of task, steve williams was vigorously and properly punning down the raised ground and earth around the base of the pole as I and the two other BT employees watched him. The BT employee "substantive C1" grade - BT IT Gold User - " team leader supervisor " who operated the PEU BT plant spoke to steve williams.

He said: ...Go on hit it, hit it like you're knocking a black man off your granny.

Okay still? Good.

FYI. 1  - As an unskilled. uneducated 43 y/o black man of average intelligence, I was - up until that moment - unaware that I possessed the propensity to mug and rape elderly white women until that white racist retard, that cowardly, bullying, sick white racist retard "substantive" C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor BT employee Cunce, enlightened me of that inclination which I and other black men possess. - That racist halfwit Cunce being 100% certain of his absolutely BT employment security of tenure, his employment seniority and his BT workplace advancement, and certain of his total safety to puke up his inbred racist filth - he has proudly inherited and "improved upon" - within BT Group. End of FYI. 1 

I was looking down at the ground when that BT employee had begun to speak, I was looking direct at that BT employee immediately after he had begun to speak. steve williams was looking at the base of the wooden pole doing what he was doing, d ingermells was likewise looking at the base of the pole. The 36 y/o BT " substantive C1 grade" - BT IT Gold User - " team leader supervisor " employee who had spoken was also looking down at the base of the telegraph pole AND that 'person' was smiling. Broadly. That racist bully retad 'person' did not, chose not to, look at me, this black man, in my face following puking up his racist inbred filth.

Still with me?

FYI. 2 - That so so pleasant and so so everyday combination of words, I would - over a period of four years - learn came with variations. e.g. ..go on hit it, hit it like you're knocking a fucking black off your granny - or - ..hit it, hit it like you're knocking a Gunga off your granny - or - hit it, like you're knocking a fucking nigger of your granny - or - hit it like you're knocking a...... Well you get the picture. - End of FYI 2

Let me describe for the benefit of the reader - for example - any BME BT employees with whom I had, periodically, worked along side between say Jan. 2008 and Aug. 20011, let me describe exactly what I saw when I looked at and stared at that white 36 y/o BT " substantive C1 grade - BT IT Gold User - " team leader supervisor " employee on that Thursday afternoon in July 2001.
The broad, grinning smile worn on the face of the aforementioned individual showed the pronounced gap/space between his two front teeth. That broad, contented, grinning smile ALSO conveyed, displayed and advertised the following traits and demeanour: - absolute untouchable self confidence and security / gleeful relish / complete self satisfaction and total contentment - in a message properly and unambiguously conveyed to the three other BT employees and the BT customer (a farmer) who were present.

The CPS have arranged for myself and the BT "substantive C1 grade - BT IT Gold User - " team leader supervisor " to whom this post refers, to face each other in the legal forum of Aylesbury Magistrates Court at Trial on 26.4.13 when the Crown is to prosecute me to achieve a criminal conviction be handed down to me and a criminal record imposed upon me.

Let the full weight of the law of my country take its rightful course, says this black man.

I am without fear, and IMPORTANTLY and CRUCIALLY - I am a black man with dignity and self respect in and for myself and in and for my race, who is going into a court of law with clean hands.

Unlike the BME and the none BME persons whom my Solicitor and the police investigating officer at interview informed me were responsible for and the cause of my arrest and detention on 9 March.

Both of whom I will be defending myself against in the not too distant future, God willing.

IMPORTANTLY AND CRUCIALLY - Please feel absolutely free and at liberty to verify the veracity and accuracy of the above factual information with any of the following BT employees and/or ex BT employees:

1)Tony Williams - Minton Keynes 

2)Jason Jennings - Wales 

3)John Ivey - Aylesbury, 

4)Steve Williams - whereabouts - unknown.

5)anderw ruzic-KA - whereabouts - I couldn't give a rat's arse about the whereabouts of this particular bullying workplace mendacious gob shite coward - (p.s. look out for some entertaining[laugh your nuts off] - tales re: pandy poouzicKA c.2001/11). 

6)Graham Davis/andrew nash &/or any number of other Oxford, Reading & Colindale BT PEU operatives c.2001 to 2005)

Okay? Good!

See you*... next in a open public court of law. Where I and you will be asked to take the oath on the bible and then proceed to present evidence by providing answers under questioning and cross examination - under oath

See you*... - Oh so sorry, I forgot. One of the CPSs star witnesses has pleaded and begged for public courtroom special measures (sic) or he will take his ball and go home*. That is why Colin Jarivs the defendant was denied sight of that CPS witness at my trial on 25/6/13. Where apart from the CPS prosecutor, the white female principle magistrate, the two black male magistrates and my solicitor, neither I nor any of the members of the public present could see the CPS's star witness at my 25/6/13 trial. I could only hear mumbling perjurous drivel coming from behind a screen positioned in front of the witness box.

*Which is precisely what subsequently occurred when that white  BT employee CPS witness abandon his co-witness, the black person  BT employee he had secretly and covertly used and taken advantage of on 3/12/12 within a legally binding witness statement document intended for the public prosecution and conviction of Colin Jarvis. Following that white BT employee hearing his 11/7/13 CPS co-witness black person BT employee openly mouthing off  about Colin Jarvis to other BT operatives in the signing on room on BTs (nick)Griffin Ln. TEC premises on Thursday 29 Nov. 2012.

That black person BT employee mouthing off about how: ...Colin Jarvis has apologised to me (i.e. Uncle Tom Prick) in an email and he has removed all of the social media content, including my photos, which identifies me and/or that refers to me from all of his websites after I sent him  two threatening ...Open Letter. (sic) via email on 22 & 26 Nov. links> 1st-threatening-letter. 2nd-thretening-letter. 

Please note the fact of the existing content of all my social media mass communication websites puts paid to that untrue, false statement, that lie presented to other BT operatives by Uncle Tom Prick.

FYI ...oath... as in: A solemn, formal declaration and promise to fulfil a legal function in law having called upon God as witness: 

I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

I said the same thing on 7. Aug.2012 (and phil the nigger[sic] his puppet master lee foulkes and twelve 'Others' witnessed me do so and then sat and listened to me give evidence under oath for over two hours!

And I never heard a squeak out of BT Group's clients: phillipa, leeanne, paula, daniella, sick benny, retard macdonald and co. as they sat less than two metres directly behind me. 
See y'u... 


Saturday 16 March 2013

BT line manager of Openreach volume Customer Service Operatives. "...Is there ..what?"

c. Feb 2006 to Feb 2007 I was absent from BTs workplace on sick leave. (on full pay!)

In a room full of BT operatives a BT line manager was in the process of  - AGAIN - rolling out the employer's policy regarding BTs, supposed zero tolerance(HA!) of workplace racist harassment, sick cowardly racist bullying and victimisation, in order to reinforce the unacceptable and prescribed nature of such conduct in a workplace.... conduct which is meat and drink to some of BT Group's white employees in large parts of their workforce....

N.B. BT as an employer is wholly incapable of achieving any such thing. Why? For example, when I took on two white BT employees workplace bullying lying cowards phillip douglas aka phil the nigger (sic) and his puppet master lee foulkes , one of whom is a racist coward, and took them to BT FS1GC in May 2011. The result, the consequence was that retaliatory racist conduct in the form of racist graffiti was put up in a BT ATE buildings in Carterton, the very Oxford area that the two sick sad cowards who puked up their inbred racist filth onto me work from and operate in. (More, much more, to say about those two moronic cretins and their sad BT Friend manager et al, in later posts here and elsewhere!)

...Anyway the BT line manager of Openreach Aylesbury volume Customer Service Operatives was in the process of presenting BTs spiel about racist bullying and harassment "'s not on, it won't be tolerated by BT (HA - PLEEEASE!) *contd...


N.B. ALL OF INDIVIDUAL PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT TRIBUNAL RESPONDENT'S WITNESS STATEMENTS c. 14 JUNE & 19 JULY 2012 WILL, OF COURSE, BE POSTED ON MY PUBLIC SOCIAL MEDIA SITES, IN DUE COURSE. (Unfortunately I can't do so now as the old bill nabbed me laptops containing those Word docs. back in Jan. Old bill won't release my property until after my 11/7/13 court appearance.) 



*contd... and so on and so forth. During the course of that BT line manager Neil Landymore presenting that scripted BT waffle, a BME BT employee named ***** ****** who loathes and despises the presenting BT line manager with a passion... [that is according to what that BME BT employee - ***** ****** - CHOSE to impart to me on a regular as clockwork basis c.2009/10/11] ...that same BME BT employee interrupted the BT line manager in mid flow with ...yeah, there's something going on now in't there! (sic).  

Apparently, the BT line manager Neil Landymore then responded with ...Is there ...what?  (sic)

To which the BME BT employee ***** ****** replied ....ah...I dunno... all I know is that there's something going on about a complaint someone's made...(sic) 

(Somebody pass me the sick bucket, please!)

The above "information" was voluntarily imparted directly to me by the BME BT employee ***** ****** himself c.2011. HP19 8BP. When I attempted to illicit more information from the BME BT employee as to how exactly he had attempted to further make use of my single handed battle against racist filth and lying dishonest racist bullying cowards within BT South Mids c.2005/6/7 to further his own ends - i.e his Uncle Tom (John Coffey) self being left alone and safe from white racists bullying BT employees - when I attempted to illicit from the Uncle Tom black person exactly how he had used my formal grievance complaints actions within BT to bolster the likelihood that he would be left alone by workplace racists and bullying harassing cowards within BT and so fully benefiting his Uncle Tom self within BTs workplace from "a real" black man's - black BT employee's determined and single handed outing of white BT racist bullies and cowards and outing parts of BT's cowardly hypocrites white management and field team operatives c. 2005 to 2011.  

The BME BT employee in question immediately clamped up with ... ahh I didn't say your name... ahhh..... (sic) or some such pathetic, sad and obvious, cowardly Uncle Tom black person bullshit that is his speciality as an Uncle Tom black person. Following which that BME Uncle Tom BT employee  closed down / cut off the conversation/discussion  immediately.  
As indeed was and is his - Uncle Tom Prick/P*****'s - well tried and trusted modus operandi in respect of his BT workplace conversations with Colin Jarvis.

I repeat: Somebody pass me - i.e. a black man with dignity and self respect in and for myself and in and for my race - somebody pass me the sick bucket, please. I want to puke up all over the giver of totally unwanted and risible polo-shirt Trinidad tat, and the cooker of barely palatable food "stuffs". (2Bcontd...)


(Please please look out for my responses to the following Uncle Tom shit spoken by a lying cowardly stupid as they come Uncle Tom: "...disagreement...... ....about the number of phone calls Colin was making which ***** was not happy about but it was a while ago..." (sic) c.Aug 2011 





Friday 15 March 2013

keith benwell ex cwu member / ex BT (work-shy) employee. A Winter's Tale - THE BOMB SHELL!

A Winter's Tale. (by a former CWU-CC&TV USR)

(i) c. late Dec. 2009.
I was drinking tea in the rear of a BT vehicle on site somewhere in Bedfordshire and not paying much attention to whatever it was that was being talked about. 
When, speaking to Tony Walker and Micky Danks, I heard Frank - the thick plank - Hackett say ...yeah, broke his fucking foot, the fucking idiot, what the fuck was he doing there on christmas fucking eve...? blah blah blah...

I did not have a clue who frank-the-plank was talking about. That's how interested I was in hackett's monotonous drivel.

(ii) c. Jan. 2010.
I was approached by my and benwell's line manager peter martin (I use the word manager very very loosely indeed) who informed me that he was to carry out an accident investigation because 'benny' had broken his ankle at work, and did I want to do the accident investigation with him as the CWUs USR for the area? I said yes,I would carry out the accident investigation alongside him and log the findings and details on the CWU-CC&TV branch H&S USR website so that appropriate preventative measures could be taken and proper compensation, if applicable, be awarded to the BT employee who was the victim of this "accident at work". As, indeed, I had done for a BME BT employee managed by p.martin when he had had a little fender bender in a BT vehicle that wasn't his fault and subsequently reported "severe whiplash" and was successful in being awarded monetary compensation from BT via my and Eamonn McLauglin's work as CWU H&S Reps.

(iii) c.Jan. 2010.
BT manager(HA!) peter martin and I visited the scene of the crime, sorry i mean the scene of the accident, Chesham ATE. p.martin took some pics and imparted the details of the "accident" to me. Which amounted to - keith benwell, a sixty three y/o BT operative who began his employment with BT in 1972 and who lives less than five minutes away from Chesham ATE by car, is recorded as FOS ON for work at 05:45 on xmas eve 2009, 
[When the whole country was blanketed in heavy snow and ice and the overnight temperature was averaging -14.°C]

I said: ...he clocked on and was in this yard well before six, fell arse over elbow walking from his car to his van and broke his fucking ankle that what you're telling me pete? 
p.martin: Yep, apparently. That's his story.
I said: ..fucking hell pete, what the fuck was he doing coming to work on christmas eve at quarter to six in the morning? It must have been minus 10 at least, it was cold as fuck over christmas and there was ice every fucking where! For fuck sake what was he doing here, why the fuck is a sixty three y/o man coming to work on xmas eve well before six o'clock in the morning in bloody treacherous and hazardous weather conditions...?
p.martin: I don't fucking know. Let me take some more pictures then we'll go and see 'im and see what he's got to fucking to say for himself....
I said: he plastered up?
p.martin ..yeah.

At benwell's residence greeting were exchanged and seats offered and taken. I succeeded in keeping the amused grin off my face as I observed the pathetic sight of pot-bellied benwell totter around like an unstable baby elephant and hoped to fuck he didn't fall on me when he moved about.

We didn't get down to business until some small talk had been had between benwell and martin, which martin, bless him, attempted to keep to a minimum. During the course of which, benwell said to martin that he was spending his days in plaster, on the computer. martin asked him what he got up to online? 
benwell, with a completely straight face and with actual pride, informed peter martin that he, benwell, was spending hours on end (sic) playing on his "Virtual Farm" and how he was finding it so enjoyable and engrossing(not benwell's word) and addictive that he couldn't get enough of it. I had put me hand over me mouth and pretended I was looking at my paperwork. I was pissing myself. martin, to his credit, kept a straight face and listened to benwell wax shit, sorry I mean wax lyrical about how "..great it is on the farm pete, its fucking brilliant.. I can't get enoigh of it.."(sic)

p.m. ...right benny, I got to go through this with you... blah blah blah...what happened exactly?
benwell said he slipped and fell when he was attempting to get into his BT vehicle.
p.m...and then?
benwell said, I drove to Aylesbury (with a broken ankle) and parked up in the yard.
p.m. ..benny you're 63, why were you going into work at all on a freezing cold, very icy very snowy xmas eve benny. why not just stay home?
benwell said he had had to drive his wife to work.
p.m. ..why didn't you return home once you'd fallen and hurt yourself?...were you in any pain or discomfort benny?
k.b. ..a bit, yeah.
benwell went onto explain that some time after driving the 15 odd miles to Aylesbury ...and hung around for a bit...(sic) in a deserted Griffin Ln yard, he drove to Stoke Mandeville hospital because his foot was now ...hurting worse. (sic).
benwell then explained that he was x-rayed and then plastered up at A&E and he contacted dominic (martello) ...coz dominic was on sick leave and he came to the hospital to look after me... (sic).
p.m ..alright benny, anything else?
benwell said no not really.  benwell said that he was being visited at home by dominic martello and ray lassan.
Following which, benwell, for a few minutes, proceeded to bemoan the fact that no rock salt had been applied to the Chesham ATE car park yard that morning and it was BTs fault because if BT had put down grit salt he wouldn't have slipped and fell and broken his ankle, so it was clearly BTs fault.
p.martin replied that ...when you fell and hurt yourself benny, it was before six o'clock in the morning on christmas eve -10 below with snow and ice covering the ground in one of the harshest winters in years and that, probably, most BT people were still in bed, asleep.

I couldn't look at benwell, I was afraid I'd crack up. So instead I asked martin: ...if in bed asleep, was where he was on that freezing cold xmas eve morning. 
martin replied - ...yeah, probably. 
I said that I was pretty certain that that is where I was. 
I then said to benwell that he was lucky that he hadn't slipped and broken more than just his ankle in those dangerous freezing snow and ice conditions. 
benwell replied that ..the yard should've been salted and if it was he wouldn't have slipped and fell. 
I pointed out that it was before six o'clock in the morning and that there was no BT employees in situ to spread rock salt on the ground. 
benwell said it should have been done the night before the last person to leave the yard.(sic) 
I then said ..benny, did you spread some salt around before you left the yard after parking up the night before? 
benwell said ...I wasn't the last to leave.
p. martin followed up and asked benwell if he had spread salt around after parking his car and before getting into his van? 
benwell said he would have done but there wasn't any salt in the grit bin. 
martin said ..did you look? 
benwell said ..yeah it was empty, otherwise I would've done. (sic) 
I didn't make any reply. but looked in martin's direction. martin was looking down at his paperwork and remained silent. I was very tempted to reply ..yeah course you had a look benny, knowing the reputation you've got as a conscientious(HA!) industrious(HA!) hard working(HA!) and dedicated(HA!) BT employee. But I behaved myself and resisted that temptation. (but it wasn't easy!)

p.martin was now obligated to put the employer's perspective to benwell regarding his "workplace accident". p. martin did so in a straight forward manner.
p.martin: benny, BT (meaning line managers and operatives who are well known to benwell e.g. malcolm aubrey, pete carnie etc...) are saying that you could have fallen and broken your ankle out here [indicating the area directly outside benwell's residence] and then went into work so that you can blame BT. I'm not saying that what happened benny, I'm just telling you that's what BT are going to argue.
To which benwell replied ..I can prove it, there was no salt down, its there fault, they should have put salt down...(sic)
p.martin: ..BT'll say there's no salt down out there either benny. [indicating benwell's drive and footpath] ..have you got any witnesses to say you slipped and broke your ankle on BT premises?
benwell: no, haven't..but its there fault, they're to blame..(sic)

p.martin then said that he'll ..put in the accident report with everything you told me benny and then its down to BT and you..(sic)

I then said, yes certainly benny had given the accident investigation his full version of events and that as the CWU CC&TV USR for the area I would like to thank benny for doing so. I then assured benwell that the CWU-CC&TV branch would do everything we could to support him and his version of 'what happened' and back him up against BT to ensure he is properly supported and compensated and the full circumstances surrounding his unfortunate BT workplace(?) accident is logged and recorded on the CWU-CC&TV USR accident investigation website.


benwell...ah, I'm not in the union anymore Colin. (sic)

Oh dear oh dear, oh my, oh my. How so very very unfortunate for you - was what immediately went through my mind. 

I actually replied with ...Oh aren't you. I didn't realise! Since when benny?

[There was no way that benwell could have not recognised the look of surprise on my face when he informed me of his little none union membership predicament. Bearing in mind this sad individual had been a BT employee since 1972 and a union member throughout that time.]

benwell: ...last year, I wern't happy how they did the pay rise and got us nuffin.(sic)
I said: Oh, right. I didn't know.
benwell: ..yeah, I left the union last year, I thought everyone knew..(sic) ***

No he didn't.

That pathetically sad, cowardly, dishonest, pig ignorant, so so lazy / as workshy as they come - for the last 10 years of employment with BT - that ex CWU member & now ex BT employee that is k benwell was well aware that his STUPID relinquishing of the "insurance" that is CWU membership within BT, was unknown to all but a few, i.e. benwell's busom buddies within BT who are all on friendly and familiar terms with each others sphincters.

In reality, there are many many such 'persons' identical to benwell within BT that are known to all. BT employees such as benwell and co. hold the CWU and CWU Reps in utter contempt, view them with disdain and ridicule and abuse those trade union Reps at will. Especially full time Reps like the mcglynn's, mason's, phillip's, sermon's, french's, et al of this world. The benwell's, aubrey's, thorp's martello's, oakley's, spanswick's, guy's, gordon's, ruzicka's, bunce's, jarret's, chalmer's, carnie's, douglas's, foulkes's allington's, wise's nash's, et al of BTs world-  are ALL union hating, anti union, hateful and despising of the CWU CC&TV Reps and what they stand for - BUT - they KNOW those same CWU CC&TV Reps they are hateful and contemptuous of (behind the Reps backs, of course,) will say to them - How high?, when the likes of the aforenamed white BT employees say JUMP to those very CWU CC&TV Reps.

 ***After benwell had dropped his bombshell, the meeting concluded and p. martin and I left benwell's poky hovel, never to return. (I'll leave that to dominic distefano - stay in touch/keep in touch dom...(sic)

A Winter's Tale - to be concluded 
followed by - A Summer's Tale. 
Re: benwell's RTW summer 2010 up to he being shown the door @ age 65 by BT Oct. 2012 following he, benwell, being compelled to occupy a seat in a courtroom in Aug. 2012 alongside four other BT lying, dishonest, coward twats accompanied by their lying, dishonest, coward twat BT Friend(manager)



Saturday 9 March 2013

BT employees / CWU members - p douglas aka phil the nigger (sic) & l foulkes.

This post is - The Ramblings of a MAD prick...(sic).  Thoughtfully and kindly attributed to me c.15. Nov. 2012 courtesy of BT employee CWU member brian prince aka Uncle Tom Trinidad Prince aka John (Coffey) aka link> "The Art of war" (sic)

WHAT like "The Art of war" (sic)... that was the FACT of YOUR gross public humiliation in a public court of law on 11/7/13 in front of complete strangers - including the white rent-a-crowd who accompanied YOU and sat at the back of the court cheering YOU on? (even after THEIR '"man"' cut and run and left YOU - their OTHER "man" - to YOUR fate. Left YOU to fulfil YOUR destiny in life. What YOU were born and dragged up to do.

...So I ask YOU again Uncle Tom Prick is THAT "The Art of war" (sic) YOU are referencing to Colin Jarvis on the 15 Nov. 2012? :-) 

Re: BT employee, CWU CC&TV member and United Reformed Church member - phillip douglas. (n.b. my apologies for the lack of face photo of p. douglas and his puppet master lee foulkes)

FYI - The below message is an amended version of a FB post I sent to The United Reformed Church facebook page: 7.03.13.

I have a question that I would like to politely and respectfully pose to the United Reformed Church.

Question: How exactly, that is to say precisely what wording, would your member - phillip douglas supposes - God - would choose to use when alluding to (sic) / when inferring (sic) / when implying (sic) the word: nigger? For example within a phrase such as the sick, loaded, cowardly, ignorant, backward and abhorrent racist sentiment that is "'re not working me like a nigger" (sic)?

I only ask the question because, I am positive - unless of course I am a deluded lying fantasist - that in the presence of myself and his friend lee foukes, I am 100% positive - let me not put it any more strongly than that - positive and certain of the FACT that phillip douglas voluntarily, wilfully and with premeditated malicious aforethought, deliberately presented, in a distinct and clear voice, loud enough to ensure that I heard his every utterance - presented the phrase - "'re not working me like a nigger.." (sic). Immediately following which his friend and sidekick lee foulkes laughed and chuckled loudly in response to the cowardly racist filth phillip douglas had just puked up. Whereupon phillip douglas continued "... yeah, he said - your not working me like a fucking nigger, i'm do this then i'm going home (sic). Followed by further grinning and nodding agreement from his friend, companion and puppet master lee foulkes.

Or perhaps / maybe / possibly I in actual fact, had simply imagined the whole thing and therefore am simply a mendacious, vexatious, unprincipled liar? Yes, I agree, a somewhat unlikely eventuality in the circumstances. At least that is what I would argue.

FYI as an aside; on 7 Aug. 2012 in the formal legal setting of an Employment Tribunal, I willingly and gladly took the oath on the bible in front of the twelve white persons present and was questioned and cross examined by legal experts for over two hours.

Following which, an extremely capable and competent legal advocate i.e. a BT contentious lawyer - who was the Claimant's (i.e. my) legal adversary c. Oct. 2011 to Aug.2012 - that lawyer, with the wholly lawful- accommodating - agreement and judgement of an employment tribunal judge - that very able professional BT lawyer was 100% successful in ensuring / in guaranteeing that phillip douglas (and four other white BT meployees Respondents ) were able to totally avoid and completely escape having to take the oath on the bible and then to be questioned and cross examined under oath by me, the black BT employee Claimant.
OR should that be - according to United Reformed Church member phillip douglas (and his sick, bullying racist coward sidekick & work mate l foulkes) - ...take the oath on the bible and then to be questioned and cross examined under oath by a nigger (sic)? and / or by ...a fucking nigger (sic)?


For example - What's in a word such as: God? or a word such as Oath? or a word such as Truth? or words such as: Lies, Liars, Cowards, Dishonest, Wilful bullies? or...words such as...?  Well you take my meaning !

Let me repeat myself for the benefit of BT employee / CWU CC&TV member and United Reformed Church member phillip douglas,


For example: ...In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John [1:1]

Y'u get me, do you douglas? You ******* cowardly, conceited, dishonest, mendacious hypocrite. No?

Well let me elaborate. c. 14.03.2011. Brian Woods CWU branch secretary North Anglia Branch ....He (p douglas) is a man of faith and conviction...(sic)

[n.b. full email and all other CWU docs. and transcripts to be published at a later date]

Faith and conviction...? Is that the faith and conviction that without any hesitation whatsoever, within BT and within the CWU - white people will protect white people will protect white people against one single isolated complaining BME employee / BME CWU member? That FAITH and CONVICTION?

Cowardly, dishonest hypocrite!!!

Rhetoricals :

Do you, the reader, think God knows what the word HYPOCRITE means?

Do you, the reader, think United Reformed Church member phillip douglas either knows, comprehends and/or understands the meaning of the phrase - SAD, COWARDLY HYPOCRITE?

Do you, the reader, think p douglas's employer - BT & Openreach management - either knows, comprehends and/or understands the meaning of the word - HYPOCRITE? / HYPOCRITES?

Do you, the reader, think p douglas's CWU Wimbledon & Regional (so called professional) trade union officials either knows, comprehends and/or understands the meaning of the phrase - SAD COWARDLY HYPOCRITES?

For myself - I DO KNOW what the word HYPOCRITE means.

I also KNOW, as a matter of FACT, that I am NOT any such thing!

Unlike some!

Re: The United Reformed Church & their member phillip douglas:

I personally, readily, confess to being: totally completely and utterly imperfect, very flawed, very weak, averagely sinful, and - so on and so on... most definitely. Of that there is no doubt.


Am I a hypocrite in the eyes of God? NO.
Am I a liar in the eyes of God? NO.
Am I a wilfully, deliberately malevolent and dishonest workplace coward in the eyes of God? NO.

How so certain of these things:

The answer is very simple and straight forward and it is as I have previously stated - I am NOT A HYPOCRITE.



To conclude:

My expressed personal opinion / fair opinion / fair comment as follows: FAITH and HYPOCRITES / HYPOCRISY mixes like water and oil.

When a person - who purports to be a person of faith (sic) mixes and/or chooses to mix those two things - faith and hypocrisy - no matter how secretly / how underhandedly / how surreptitiously / how covertly / how guardedly / how unattributable that person conducts himself in so doing.

Whenever a person such as United Reformed Church member(and volunteer) phillip douglas mixes those things together and/or acts to bring together and mix those two contradictions - oil and water / faith and hypocrisy - the result will be this - the one will ALWAYS pollute, corrupt, poison, corrode and adversely impacts upon the other and give off a sickly filthy stench.

Not dissimilar to the stench, the cowardly racist, pig ignorant, BT workplace stench which I, often times, noticed emanating from two manhole cable chambers in Letchworth c. Nov.2010. End of expressed personal opinion / fair opinion / fair comment.

Thank you for your considered attention.

Sincere best wishes to The United Reformed Church.

Rgds Colin Jarvis.
ramble ramble...ramble ramble....(sic) ...Who Phil the nigger? (sic) c.Feb.2011 HP19 8BP spoken to Colin Jarvis by a BME BT employee.