Tuesday 30 April 2013

Aylesbury Magistrates Court No.3. 26/4/13. Regina v Colin Deryck Jarvis.

FAO: PFC Ivey & PFC Jennings. Apologies for the hilariously DUFF pic taken of you by the courtroom convict - sorry I mean - by the defendant. The lense of my phone camera was OBVIOUSLY EXACTLY LIKE the courtroom HANDS of Regina's ONLY witness i.e. DIRTY!

I want to openly acknowledge and thank two good and true friends of mine, to whom I am indebted.
Aylesbury Magistrates Court No.3. 26/4/13. Regina v Colin Deryck Jarvis.

Jason Jennings - Llanddewi Brefi Ceredigion & Jarratt Jonathan Ivey - Aylesbury Buckinghamshire attended court on my behalf from 09:15 until 15:30. Two true friends. Both of whom are moral, good, decent and honest men.

Neither defence witness was called to give evidence under oath because of the shortcomings and, I would argue, the negligence of the CPS who are the party responsible for bringing me, a totally innocent man, to criminal prosecution at trial.

The CPS's prosecution of me was mucked and rescheduled for 25/6/13 @ Milton Keynes Magistrates Court.

Because of, what can fairly be described as the unprofessional incompetence and lack of due diligence on the part of the CPS and HMCTS listings dept. and through absolutely no fault of ours - the defence team - I am required to impose upon and to inconvenience Jason and Jon for a second time to appear as defence witnesses before Milton Keynes Magistrates Court when the CPS's unconscionable, ill conceived and wholly ill judge prosecution of me recommences in two months time.

Jon, Jason, thank you for standing up next to me and alongside me in my fight to defend myself and uphold my right of: Honest comment, fair comment, free speech and freedom of expression in relation to ALL of the TRUE FACTUAL and ACCURATE content posted within my public social media websites in relation to: BT Group & the Communication Workers Union and the numerous sad, dishonest, deceitful, mendacious, wicked and Godless workplace / trade union place bullies and harassing cowards - identifying applicable BT employees (management operatives & field team operatives) and/or TU officials/members - therein.

Jason, Jon - I owe you both a debt of gratitude.

p.s. Jon, thanks for the excellent, very enjoyable Thursday evening pre-trial social.(...me belly full man!)

Sunday 28 April 2013

Re: Regina v Colin Jarvis A Personal Statement. [aka …a tirade (sic) CPS 26/4/13]

Re: Regina v Colin Jarvis

A Personal Statement.

[aka …a tirade (sic) CPS 26/4/13]

I believe my social media sites content to be lawful, legal, legitimate accurate and factual information postings. I refute the assertion of any criminal harassment of any other person or entity.

The entirity of my social media content is: Honest comment, fair comment, fair opinion and the exercise of my freedom of expression as described within Article 10 of the ECHR.

It should be noted that my fair opinion and comment, my honest comment, honestly held and honestly expressed in respect of my social media websites are posted without malice toward any individual or entity. 

Rather all my social media content are based upon and supported by true facts, accurate and precise fact which I post with full justification and with full and sufficient clarity in respect of black BT employees and/or CWU members and white BT employees and/or CWU members, all of whom have been instrumental in and fundamentally involved in consistently and constantly pursuing a discriminatory, harassing, victimising, harmful, distressful, alarming and damaging course of conduct toward me within BTs workplace over the period of time stated within all of my social media websites.

I have indicated and identified the subject matter with sufficient clarity throughout the entirety of my social media content and postings. That fact is, I would argue, indisputable and made demonstrably clear within all of my public websites.

I choosing to use the right of every citizen to be offensive towards, to be insulting towards and to heap abusive opprobrium upon numerous black persons and white persons within BT and the CWU is not and cannot be believed to amount to a course of conduct amounting to criminal harassment. 

I believe that expressing offensive, abusive, insulting honest comment, honestly held by me, about the unlawful BT & CWU workplace conduct of persons known to me does not constitute criminal conduct of harassment contrary to the PHA. 

Rather, that in respect of all of my social media content …I believe that in the particular circumstances my pursuit of the course of conduct to be reasonable.  
The fact that another black person(s) or another white person(s) considers my honestly held honest comment to be objectionable and offensive does not / cannot amount to a course of conduct of criminal harassment. 

I am presumed to have the legal right and freedom of any British citizen to express, without malice, honest comment, honestly held about black people and about white people within BT and within the CWU. 

I have exercised that legal right and will continue to so do - within my social media websites. 

As a defendant in criminal prosecution I assert, for the CPS to prosecute me for pursuing a reasonable course of conduct is unconscionable. The CPS’s case against me asserting criminal harassment has no merit, lacks any merit and should, the defendant would argue, be treated as such by a court.

I consider the CPS are attempting to interfere with my right of freedom of expression and restrict my right of freedom of expression and my right to free speech, wholly unjustifiably. My honest comment does not target a particular racial or ethnic group, therefore no interference by the CPS or the court is justified in interfering with and restricting my right to freedom of expression. 

The exact same right possessed by the numerous black persons and white persons I have lawfully, legally, legitimately and justifiably identified and cited within my social media websites, by their names, by their known bad reputation, by their known bad character and by the unacceptable and reprehensible and cowardly gang mentality BT & CWU workplace conduct maliciously perpetrated against me by those numbers of white persons and by Uncle Tom black person(s) who are BT employees and CWU members.


Thursday 25 April 2013

Do you still consider me - i.e. Colin Jarvis - to be your ...Kaffa ?

26 April 2013
 Colin Deryck Jarvis.
(ex) BT employee / CWU member c.1999 - 2012.

By way of a little stocking filler to pass the time...

c. July/Aug 2001.
I was on BT's (nick)Griffin Ln. HP19 8BP premises at the start of a workday. I was directed to follow a "substantive C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor" BT employee in my own BT vehicle to the location of the work, where I was to meet and work with other BT PEU operatives travelling from BT's Cowley Barracks Oxford TEC.  Accompanying myself and the ""substantive C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor" BT employee to the job location was a PEU operative named dick ingermells who drove the Hoist 5a BT vehicle.

The job was sited on and around a large private semi rural Oxfordshire location some 40mins distance.

FYI No.1. The "substantive C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor" BT employee, under who's BT workplace authority, control and power I had very recently be transferred to - by BT first line manager steve wingrove - was not to remain on site with myself, dick ingermells and the Cowley Barracks BT PEU operatives (who comprised: andy nash, Graham Davis and andy ruzicKA.)
You see, the "substantive C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor" BT employee I am referring to, was working in his capacity as an "acting FMA" (field manager's assistant) for BT line manager ron ryall of BT's Reading TEC. Oxford Cowley Barracks BT employee George Gallacher being r. ryalls actual FMA.

Okay so far? Good.

FYI No.2. Throughout the first week - c. July 2001 - that I had worked under the BT workplace authority, control and power of the "substantive C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor" BT employee*.... 
[Let's call him: john (Coffey) Wayne -You know, the lame old, fat old, sad old man known for play-acting at cowboys and Indians in those old american - so called - westerns, and in those, sad as fuck, 40s & 50s american war films - that  john Wayne] 
*...he had diligently and explicitly gone out of his way to verbally make it unambiguously clear and plain to me the fact that he is a racist. That he believes to be a racist and to believe in white supremacy is a good thing, and that he is contempuous and completely dismissive of BT's requirement to keep his racist views, his racist attutude and his racist opinions out of BT's workplace. [He having already been a BT employee since the very early 90s at BT's (nick) Griffin Ln. HP10 8BP TEC premises.]


In fact the "substantive C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor" racist BT employee john Wayne, stated that he was "not afraid" (sic) to be known as a racist within BT and that he had the right and entitlement to bring his racist mindset, his racist attitude , his racist beliefs, his racist views, his racist opinions and his racist offensive insults and "jokes" into BT's workplace and there was nothing BT as a company could do to remove that right and entitlement from him, to stop him doing what he pleases.
The self declared racist BT employee john (Coffey) Wayne emphasising the fact that he is a "substantive C1" senior BT employee with relatives and many friends within BT's employ (managers & office/desk based BT employees and shop floor BT employees) whom he could rely upon to protect him, back him up, defend him and lie and deny for him against any person(s) /anybody within BT who "..has a problem with me" (sic) etc. etc. etc.

Do you get the picture so far john coffey? Or am I being ...paranoid?(sic) (You, sad delusional white man sphincter-licker. You wicked, Godless, stupid-as-fuck Uncle Tom Twat coward, you!)

FYI No.3. The regular periodic vacancy for the position of "acting FMA" and/or acting "FM" - [when either ron ryall - BT Reading TEC and George Gallacher BT Cowley Barracks TEC - were absent from work i.e. annual leave, sick leave etc] - was a position the "substantive C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor " racist twat BT employee john Wayne, considered to be his alone and his by right and entitlement. 
The delusional, sad, coward "substantive C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor" racist BT employee john Wayne - when functioning in his sad, desperate role of "acting FMA" or "acting FM" - was a pathetic and hilarious sight to see, as he strutted and pranced around from work site to work site, doing absolutely fuck all, except displaying and advertising (like a frustrated extinct flightless over sized turkey) his elevated BT workplace power of "acting FMA" or his "acting FM" status to other BT PEU operatives in Reading and Oxford, of whom he - john Wayne - would guardedly and diligently voice his hatred, dislike and contempt for. It was both puke inducing and entertaining to witness BT's racist john Wayne in action as r. ryall's "acting FMA". 
Anyway the point is - john (Coffey) Wayne - absolutely cherished, loved and coveted his sad "acting FMA" jollies when under ron ryall - Reading TEC PEU manager.

 Kaffa !

I arriving on site behind the "substantive C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor " "acting FMA" racist BT employee john Wayne and his jiz buddy dick ingermells. On site at the customer's premises I and ingermells congregated around the "substantive C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor " "acting FMA" racist BT employee john Wayne, who was talking to the customer and his wife about the telecoms overhead and poling work to be carried out on their property. Everything was going along swimmingly. Very good!
Then "acting FMA" racist BT employee john Wayne's mobile phone rang, john Wayne broke off the conversation he was conducting witht the BT customers to answer his phone, whilst me, ingermells and the BT customers looked on and listened in from close proximity.  
The phone call to the "acting FMA" racist BT employee john Wayne was from the "acting FMA" BT employee john Wayne's PEU fuck-buddy. i.e. A big mouth, bullying gobshite (who suffers from piles something rotton - both hilarious and sickening to witness his pain and agony) by the name of andrew ruzicKA* - aka: the fat man and/or the fat fuck - courtesy of his BT substantive C1 suck buddy john Wayne.

From the content of the phone conversation between john Wayne and his fuck buddy andrew ruzicKA (or "the walking hemorrhoid pile" as I prefer to refer to him) it was obvious that the fat fuck(sic) andy poozicKA was telling BT's racist employee john Wayne where they were on route to site etc.  

About half a minute into the phone call conducted in front of me, the customers and d. ingermells the "substantive C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor" "acting FMA" racist BT employee john Wayne whilst talking to pandy ruzicKA spoke dick ingermell's name to ruzicKA and then spoke my name to ruzicKA and then the racist twat "acting FMA" BT employee john Wayne began to openly laugh - (displaying the puke inducing racist grimace of his gap/spaced front teeth, which passes for a broad smile of satisfaction and total confidence in himself within BTs workplace) ...following which and whilst still laughing the racist coward, the racist twat "acting FMA" BT employee john Wayne said loudly and clearly to the gobshite walking hemorrhoid andy ruzicKA... 

"...Yeah he's my Kaffa... I've got my own Kaffa now..."(sic)

...followed by more laughter and amused, unabashed merriment which the "acting FMA racist bullying coward BT employee john Wayne displayed for the benefit of the BT customers, his BT colleagues(sic) and for the benefit of the black BT employee whom he felt very happy about calling his "Kaffa" in front of other white people.

I wonder if that same "substantive C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor" "acting FMA" racist BT employee john Wayne is also going to tell the people who will be occupying the Aylesbury Magistrates Court Bench on 26/4/13 that he considers Colin Jarvis to be his ...Kaffa ? (sic)

Moral of the tale? Never underestimate a ...Kaffa.(sic) xxx !


Sunday 21 April 2013

An extract from a document containing 8 formal complaints of Criminal Harassment that I submitted to Aylesbury Thames Valley Police. c.March.2013.


(Criminal Procedure Rules, r. 27.2;
Criminal Justice Act 1967, s. 9, Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980, s.5B)

1) ATVP - URN - 361050113. 5 Jan. 2013. I reported to the police the fact that...   ........

2)    ATVP - CRI – AA4110392/12. 29 Aug.2012.

On Tuesday 28 Aug 2012 at approx. midday, via email I notified the CWU HQ of the fact of my 24 Aug. summary dismissal notification received from BT management. On the evening of the same day at approx.18:15 and again at 19:00 approx. I received telephone calls to my home land line that on each occasion consisted of a female voice speaking and repeating the word – hello - followed by the person giggling, which was accompanied by laughter by more than one person in the background.

On 29 Aug.2012 I reported, to both ATVP and to BT Nuisance Call Bureau, the fact of the two intimidating harassment telephone calls to my home land line that I had received the previous evening and I explained to both agencies, that I asserted they were intentional, deliberate, intimidating, harassment phone calls and that I was reporting them as such. I named BT employee ***** ***** as the person I was alleging as responsible and culpable for the, by proxy, intimidating, malicious harassment telephone calls to my home land line - which caused me serious alarm, distress and fear. I explained in detail to both agencies my exact reasons for reporting this harassment and the exact reason for the harassment itself, in order to back up and support my allegation against ***** *****. BT Nuisance Call Bureau contacted me some short while later and informed me that the reported telephone calls were made to my home land line via Skype and the telephone number(s) from which the calls were made were untraceable by my service provider BT. I then informed the police of the information BTs Nuisance Call Bureau had provided to me and requested the police record that information given by me on their data base, which they agreed to do. I took no further action at that time against ***** *****. I am alleging BT employee *. ***** and persons known to ***** ***** are responsible and culpable for conducting that intimidating harassment of me at my home, with the malicious intention of causing me serious alarm and distress and with the malicious intention of causing me fear because I was known to have very recently been summarily dismissed by BT management.

Please note the fact that the, periodic, harassment nuisance telephone calls I received to my home land line c. 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 were reported to BTs Nuisance Call Bureau and sometimes to 101 and a URN was generated.

A Dunce racist Cunce BT employee & exCWU CCC member john wayne

...I'm going home to make pizzas with my kids  (sic).c 2009. stated by a Uncle Tom Prick / Uncle Tom Tit black person BT employee to a group of other BT employees including moi, at the conclusion of a workday.