Thursday 16 May 2013

BT employee/CWU-CC&TV member dominic martello / distefano c.Nov. 2006 HP20 2EL.

This book was bought, was purchased by BT employee CWU member dominic martello / distefano and given to me, brought to my home by dominic mrtello in order to assist and help me within BTs internal FS1GC & GA procedures c. 2006/7.
dominic martello / distefano Nov. 2006.
dominic martello / distefano June 2011.

From July to Dec. 2006 on one of a number of visits to (HP20 2EL) the council flat (or "your new gaff" as martello/distefano had put it)  that I had recently moved into, dominic martello came into my home and handed to me the book pictured above. dominic martello said to me ..." Colin, I found this in my dead drop, somebody put it in there, do you want it? I replied ..."Yeah nice one, come in fucking handy this will Dom, thanks..." p.s. on that same night I entertained martello/distefano by playing for him a recently purchased Chris Rock DVD. I gave the DVD to martello when he departed and martello/distefano subsequently gave the DVD to his black person suck buddy CST mate who is an Uncle Tom Prick and BT whipping boy. Yes that's correct the same black person BT employee martello/distefano repeatedly referred to as: ...a cunt and/or a stupid cunt (sic) c.2006 when I and dominic martello discussed BT employees in general and and some BT employees in particular.

FYI.No.1  All BT Openreach external network operatives have a dead drop locker for the delivery and holding of small stores items. The dead drop locker is accessible only by the BT operative to whom it belongs and the BT delivery driver operative who delivers the ordered small stores items to each secure workplace locker. Ipso facto nobody put the book in martello's distefano's dead drop locker. After all one simply has to ask ones self the question: Why on earth and for what purpose would an anonymous Aylesbury based BT employee do such peculiar and charitable a thing for martello distefano anonymously?

FYI. No.2 In other words dominic martello / distefano was, obviously, lying to me about exactly how the book he was giving to me as a gift came into his possession. Both I and martello / distefano knew he was being dishonest about the book being left in his dead drop by "somebody" some anonymous person of goodwill and we both knew why he felt the need to be dishonest and lie about such a straight forward matter of being in possession of this particular book titled: A practical guide to combating employee abuse: harassment, bullying and violence at work. The reason domonic martello / distefano felt the need to advance such an obviously preposterous and implausible a reason for he possessing the book is explained in context below.


In 2003/4 BME BT employee Jarratt Jon Ivey and BT Employee dominic martello had proper cause and good reason to use BT's internal formal grievance complaints procedures in order to compel BT's South Mids. local management to investigate cowardly racist bullying and harassment that was being perpetrated against Jon Ivey and dominic martello at BT's yard at (nick) Griffin Ln. HP19 8BP. 
Jon and d. martello were attempting to seek to hold accountable the sad, cowardly, BT workplace bullying racist cowards who were puking up their racist filth mindset in BT's workplace in the Aylesbury area to Jon Ivey and d martello.

Both Jon and d. martello stated that BT's local South Mids. management and BT HRBP made certain that the FS1GC which Jon and d. martello had raised got absolutely nowhere as in - The BT management outcome into your formal grievance complaint against white BT employees: Not upheld not proven. The CWU-CCC branch's & their union rep andy bushrod's support and assistance to Jon and d.martello was ...a complete waste of time, completely fucking useless (sic) according to d martello. In fact a sample of d. martello's personal opinion (expressed in emails to me) of the CWU-CCC union rep a. bushrod et al, can be read within this Blog: posted Wed.9 Jan. 2013.

The BT management outcome to the FS1GC raised by Jon Ivey and d. matrtello against white BT employees at HP19 8BP boiled down to this: The stupid-as-fuck, cowardly, BT workplace racists and BT workplace bullies and their white BT mates simply denied and lied. Lied and denied their collective sick, sad, stupid way through BT management's "investigation" into Jon Ivey's & d. martello's FS1GC. Whilst other white BT employees, who witnessed the racism and racist bullying carried out against d. martello and Jon Ivey, could not - all of a sudden like - recall the racist bullying they were being asked to verify as witnesses.*
*BT's white management happily and accommodatingly opened their cowardly hypocrites mindset and gladly swallowed - as true and honest - the puked up, sick, verbal crap that were the cowardly lies and denials that were served up to that white BT management by the white BT employees complained about by two BME BT employees. 


It is important to recognise that the occurrence described above, in respect of dominic martello / distefano, was the overriding motivation for d. martello in volunteering to be my eyes and ears within BT's HP19 8BP premises c. Feb. 2006 to Feb. 2007.

He, dominic martello / distefano's plainly stated desire being: " get my own back on those cunts in BT". (sic) c. Feb. 2006 at my HP19 8JU home, in the presence of Jon Ivey.

dominic martello / distefano simply did not want to explicitly admit that he brought, purchased the book for me because he was intimately knowledgeable about my ongoing involvement within BT Group's bullshit white BT employee biased internal formal grievance complaints and appeals bullshit internal procedures.

2Bcontd with... as told to me by martello / distefano... 

dominic martello's/distefano's input, as personal adviser and confidant to BME BT employee ***** ****** whom martello/distefano (ill)advised and (mis)guided. Holding that BME BT employee's hand throughout 2007 when the BME BT employee used BTs internal formal grievance complaints procedure and was humiliated and made to look a fool by the BT line managers he comically took on. Being guided(HA!) and advised(HA!) by a pretentious, dishonest, incompetent BT workplace coward, d martello distefano, who was instructing his BME BT employee suck buddy ***** ******, based entirely on the details of all of what martello/distefano knew of how I had fought and was fighting the hypocrites in BTs white management c.2005/6/7. What martello/ distefano told the black person BT employee ***** ****** to do and how to do it, that black person BT employee did it. Did exactly as his Italian massa advised 


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