Thursday 23 May 2013

Colin Jarvis: BT Plc & Communication Workers Union - People and Places c. 1999 - 2012.

(a) BT employee / CWU-CCC member Colin Jarvis c.12/12/06 EC1A 7AJ - "White people protecting white people protecting white people". 
(b) ex BT employee / CWU-CC&TV member Colin Jarvis c.07/08/12 RG1 1DY - "White people protecting white people protecting white people"

Acting on behalf of their own sad, duplicitous, dishonest and cowardly - white majority consensus - reasons. BT's & the CWU's white management choose to conduct themselves to facilitate their own cowardly, public facing, dishonest corporate agendas. The corporate ethics of that of BT's & the CWU's white management is bankrupt.

 ( For the applicable and relevant: Honest comment - See Doc. page 16: I assert to my employer... )
In Aug. 2012 I had a perfectly adequate, unskilled, overpaid, manual-labour BT operative's job of work taken away from me by a FTSI 100 company's white management i.e. I was summarily dismisses, sacked following the decision making authority of white men (and white women for all I know) after twelve years of employment with BT Group. EC1A 7AJ / HP19 8BP.

That supposedly honest(HA!), supposedly responsible(HA!), supposedly impartial(HA!), supposedly objective(HA!), supposedly clean(HA!), supposedly professional,(HA!) supposedly decent(HA!) white BT management preferring to sack a "somewhat troublesome" complaining black employee rather than that same white BT management honestly, responsibly, openly, transparently, objectively, impartially and professionally(ha - not a fucking chance!) honestly addressing and cleaning up the filthy, the backward, the sick, the cowardly, the gang mentality, the retarded racist bullying and harassment carried out by mendacious BT employee retarded cowards within BT Group's - BT South Mids. / BT Luton Beds. / BT Aylesbury Bucks. / BT Woodstock TEC Oxford / BT South London/Surry&North Hants. / BT Yarnfield Staffs. workplaces of a BME BT employee, and the cowardly gang mentality targeted victimising of that complaining black BT employee. 

Ditto the white CWU management @ SW19 1RX and at CWU-CC&TV and at CWU-SLS&NH and at CWU-NAB - et al.

It will come as no surprise to the reader that I am not very happy (a bit of an understatement, I agreed) about having that - what can fairly and accurately be described as: an overpaid, very under worked, very cushy, very under monitored, extremely inadequately supervised - [by inadequate, compromised BT & BT HRBP line managers, some of whom are extremely dishonest, cowardly liars and bullies] -  job of work summarily taken away from me by the decision making of compromised, cowardly, fearful - and in some cases dishonest - white men within BT's management. 

It follows that as the black man who is that ex BT employee, I would wish use my right of free expression and honest comment to describe and articulate the full and exact circumstances which lead to BT's white management indulging themselves in instantly sacking a complaining black BT employee. 

Including describing and articulating the compromised, the dishonest, the cowardly and the hypocritical puke inducing actions and conduct of white men and women and black men and women within the CWU's management at national, regional and local level. 

As a starting point: my Google+ Nov. 9th 2012 post  & my Google+ page - RB53 WMB Oct. 31st 2012 post is the Claimant's Employment Tribunal Witness Statement Document produced by a black BT manual operative, me, which handed "professional"(HA!) - (dishonest fearful cowards more like!) white BT management operatives - i.e. white hypocrites - the peg on which to hang their collective duplicitous, dishonest, compromised, deceitful, disingenuous, cowardly, frightened - and it has to be said - their stupid, contradictory and absurd -  BT rationale - decision making as justification for instantly sacking a complaining black BT employee of twelve and a half years standing.

That comical, risible, duplicitous and stupid BT rationale-document that is the product of the hypocrites who are BT Openreach management operatives I will post in due course. Then the reader can come to their own view.

Happy reading ! 


Sunday 19 May 2013

rough first draft: Aylesbury Magistrates Court (i.e. a public courtroom) Regina vs Colin Deryck Jarvis 26/4/13.


a) Me, Jason and Jon in the courthouse for 9:15

b) All meetings with my Solicitor concluded by 11:15

c) (i) At about 11:15 my Solicitor meets with me to tell me that the CPS are alleging that I have breached existing court bail conditions. The CPS citing the contents of a social media post that I had sent into the "www Cloud" that morning at 8:45 (before we left for court). Apparently somebody(s) - presumably and hypothetically - a big BNP Nick-racist-retard-twat-Griffin fan(s) and supporter(s) connected with the CPS's prosecution of me - had been desperately skulking, snivelling and scavenging, like a cornered mongrel dog through my social media  public websites from a secret location, and was upset (ahhh...) at reading a christian and surname contained therein and so went crying, pleading and bleating to the CPS '...bowt it!(sic). 

Please note: A christian name and surname that, along with the defendant's name and the names of the defence witnesses, will be a matter of public record, post 24 June 2013.

Why anybody connected with the CPS's criminal prosecution of me felt the need to seek out my social media public websites - on that morning I have no idea. But I do know that my Solicitor served on the CPS the names of the two witnesses for the defence - on that morning. 

Coincidence? Hmmm...

c) (ii) I said to my Solicitor that that CPS allegation is complete bollocks. That I have NOT breached the court bail conditions relating to the offence for which I am being tried today and for which exact bail conditions were served on me on 25 January 2013. All of which I have complied with to the letter. 

c) I said to my Solicitor that as of today 26/04/13 the christian and surname of the CPS's witness ***** *****, that is contained within my legitimate and appropriate social media post of that morning - which is the cause of the CPS's witness having kittens in his little bolt hole and causing him to squeak "...look, read v'at mate,  he can't do v'at Mr CPS sir..." - that that particular christian and surname, along with my own name and that of  my defence witnesses is, as a matter of fact, now a matter of public record available and accessible to any of the seven billion people on this planet who wish to search for the name of the CPS's witness ***** *****. 
...ahh, uhhh yeah he's sayin' ...v'is v'at and v'e uv'a bwout me...
(innit d****y b****y /...innit Uncle Tom Prick / ...innit dominic - bacon sandwich/us Italians stick together - martello distefano!)

d) (iii) Further discussion was had with my Solicitor, before he saying ready to go in. I then spoke to Jason and Jon before being summoned into court No.3 at about 12:00 p.m.

e) On taking my seat next to my Solicitor I saw that there were members of the public in court - either neutral to or in support the CPS's case against me - observing the UK criminal justice system being administered in prosecuting me, the innocent British black man who is the defendant at Trial.
I myself went into court with my two witnesses - Mr J. Ivey and Mr J. Jennings - only and with no family members or friends, as members of the public in court.



f) The case commenced with the Justices' Clerk verifying in law whether the case against me could be heard, as the allegations against me date from Feb. 2006 and span the period to Jan. 2013. There being a cut off period of six months beyond which the separation of the alleged criminal conduct cannot be considered connected, or a continuous act, or a course of conduct etc. 
Their Worships were informed by the Justices' Clerk that the case could be heard as the last allegation falls well within the six months cut off period - because - the CPS assert that their "six page" Witness statement (of the 3/12/12* - please note!) that was made to Thames Valley Police  by ***** *****, which is the CPS's evidence at Trial, contains allegations of harassment which cites the defendant's social media contents dated as recently as Dec. 2012.

g) The CPS then commences to present their opening argument to their Worships. The CPS basically outlined the allegations, the context of the allegations and what the CPS assert are the historic and contemporaneous background to the allegations of criminal harassment carried out against the Crown's witness. Including, the CPS presenting, briefly, the responses of the defendant when interviewed under caution by the investigating police officers on 10/01/13. The CPS's opening remarks to the Magistrates' Bench lasted approx. 10 min.

h) The CPS then indicated to their Worships that the Crown would like to put the CPS's evidence to, and to ask questions of the Crown's witness. The Magistrates then turned their attention to the defendant and my Solicitor. The Magistrate told me that the CPS had requested and had been granted special measures in relation to the circumstances under which the Crown's witness BT employee ***** ***** is prepared to give verbal evidence in person under oath in a public court. 

The Magistrate informed me and my Solicitor that the Crown's witness was only willing to give his "evidence" in a public court on behalf of himself and on behalf of the State's prosecuting authority if I - the defendant - were not able to look at him doing it. If I were prevented from looking at him giving his so-called "evidence". 

N.B. Talk about surreal, disturbing, bizarre and strange behaviour in the CPS's only witness demanding evidence-giving "special measures" in a public courtroom before being willing to give his "evidence" against a black man in a public court of law. A black man whom this same white BT workplace racist cretin had previously been keen and eager to refer to as - his "Kaffa" - i.e. He's me kaffa, yeah I've got me own kaffa now (sic) - in front of white BT customers and white BT employees.

[Fruit & veg anybody?...]

Court room "special measures" that are ordinarily put in place for a child under 17. Or for a victim of a sexual offence. Or for a person with communication difficulties. Or for a vulnerable or intimidated person. Or for a person with significant impairment of intelligence and social functioning. Or for a person who suffers from a mental disorder - as defined by the Mental Health Act 1983. 

And now, apparently, those same "special measures" are also permitted to be put in place for the likes of a six foot something, 48 y/o white  "substantive C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor" current white BT employee of 20+ years employment because that white person ...would need a screen or something put in place to keep me from having to face - a black man - again.(sic) This from the same white BT employee  who had previously considered himself and his white BT colleagues - BUT ESPECIALLY HIMSELF - to be a law unto himself / themselves inside a white employer's workplace environment c.2001 to 2012, and a law unto himself / themselves inside a white trade union's workplace environment. c.2001 to 2012.

["Special measures"! Mmmm, yeeeeeeessss! What very strange behaviour, what extremely bizarre behaviour, and what so so very very pathetic and humiliating behaviour indeed! One cannot help but ponder: My my my, how far, how so very far the - once mighty - seem to have fallen!] (more on this later)

i) However, I was ordered to leave the court and go into another room and to close the door behind me. I did this. Some moments later I was called back into court and took my seat next to my Solicitor, my view of the witness box and it's occupant was now blocked by a screen partition. 

j) Their Worships, the Justices' Clerk, the court Usher, the CPS prosecutor and my Solicitor all had sight of the CPS's witness who occupied the witness box. 

k) The court then heard the Crown's witness swear an oath on the Holy Bible to tell the truth  (perjury is a criminal offence for which you can be prosecuted - don't forget!) after which the CPS prosecutor asked (approx. ten) questions of the Crown's witness for 25 minutes maximum. Following which the court adjourned for lunch until 13:45. 

l) The actual "content" and "substance" of the "evidence" given by the Crown's witness in public court in response to being questioned by the Crown prosecutor will be described in detail later within this post.

m) The court reconvened at 14:00 and I was again ordered to remove myself from the court whilst the Crown's witness re-entered the witness box hidden behind a sight blocking partition. After which I was called back into court and took my seat next to my legal representative, keenly anticipating my Solicitor's hostile cross examination of the Crown's witness in relation to the seven consecutive years of criminal harassment he alleges, within his 6 page 03/12/12 witness statement - has been the course of conduct conducted against him - ***** ***** - by that Solicitor's client, Colin Jarvis.   

 Okay so far? Goodie good. 



n) My Solicitor said to the Crown's witness that he would like to refer the witness to the contents of the witness statement that he had made to TVP. I then heard the CPS's witness reply: Wot statement y'u on about?

o) When I heard the CPS's witness, BT employee ***** *****, reply to my Solicitor an

went of in my mind and I smiled ruefully at my Solicitor. A disbelieving, rueful smile. 
Alarm bell because the Crown prosecutor had, it appeared, been questioning the Crown's witness on the incorrect witness statement and he had, obviously, been giving evidence under oath on that same, incorrect, witness statement.  A disbelieving and rueful smile because of the obviously disrespectful and off handed manner with which the CPS's witness had responded to my Solicitor's perfectly innocuous first question, asked simply in order to establish a fact. 
I wrote: I don't think he likes you! on my notepad for my Solicitor to read:

p) My Solicitor then asked the CPS's witness exactly which evidential statement he had been giving evidence on and answering questions on when he was questioned by the Crown prosecutor prior to the court adjourning for lunch. The CPS's witness was unable to provide my Solicitor with a comprehensible or a satisfactory answer.

q) I then just sat back and watched a courtroom farce play out.

r) It was quickly established by the legal experts in court that the CPS and their star witness were using a 2 page Thames Valley Police Witness Statement that was made to ATVP by the Crown's witness on 26/2/13. Whereas as a matter of law and of fact - the CPS had brought me before a court of law in order to prosecute me on the so-called "evidence" contained within a 6 page TVP witness statement that was made to ATVP by the Crown's witness on 3/12/12.

s) After some minutes of discussion between the Justices' Clerk, the CPS prosecutor, the Magistrates Bench and my Solicitor in respect of the CPS's and their witness's cock up in relation to the incorrect witness statement used at Trial, I was, again asked to leave the court and lock myself in an adjacent room until the Crown's witness had removed himself from the court. On retaking my place the legal experts continued their discussion in an attempt to try and fix a broken Trial. The court was then adjourned in order for me to instruct my Solicitor and to speak to the defence witnesses. The court then reconvened some 20 mins. later.  

t) It was agreed, by the legal experts in court, that the Trial had been mucked and could not proceed further, given the CPS's and their witness's lack of due diligence in prosecuting the case. The case was thus adjourned part-heard. The case was to be started again and heard afresh on 25 June at Milton Keynes Magistrates Court. 
Trying, and failing, to keep the smile off of my face I wrote: You could not make this up! on my notepad for my Solicitor to read.

u) The Magistrates then formally informed the defendant of their decision then adjourned the case. I spoke to my Solicitor, then me and the defence witnesses left the courthouse talking about the justice system, talking about the CPS, talking about wheels coming off things and talking about court room "special measures" and the possibility of us acquiring Google x-ray specs... 


My 9 May '13 arrest and detention by Aylesbury Thames Valley Police. Re: Neil Landymore and mathew gordon.

If you, the reader, have voluntarily, and unsolicited, chosen to search for and access any of my social media websites, the following (i) to (iv) & (i) to (vii) facts are for that reader's information:

(i) Nothing of what happens to me within the criminal justice system c. Jan to July 2013 is in any way a secret, or private or confidential. 

(ii) Nothing of what happened to me within BT Group and within the CWU c.1999 to 2012 is in any way a secret, or private or confidential.

(iii) Nothing of what was, voluntarily and unsolicited said to me and/or done to me by either any other BT/CWU person(s) and/or group of persons - within BT Group and within the CWU is in any way a secret, or private or confidential.

(iv) Nothing of what Colin Jarvis said and/or did within BT and within the CWU c.1999 to 2012 is in any way a secret, or private or confidential. 

FYI: Re: the above (i) - (iv) & any and all visitors/readers - be you innocent, be you, blamelessly ignorant of the facts of the matter, be you guilty by your cowardly, unprincipled and hypocritical omission(s) OR be you and your mate(s) one of the - guilty as sin - dishonest, BT workplace incestuous bullying cowards, racist cowards, harassing cowards, cowardly liars,  OR be you BT workplace incestuous cowardly black person Uncle Tomswho choose to access any and all of my public social media websites Re: (i) - (iv) above, I advance the following argument - GET USE TO IT ! 

If, however, it is the case that another person and/or other persons - i.e. you and/or any of your stupid BT/CWU - suck buddy - mates do not like, do not welcome and/or objects to Colin Jarvis's erstwhile BT workplace / CWU trade union-place connection with yourself and/or themselves being described - in context, accurately and concisely - within Colin Jarvis's publicly accessible social media websites - as and when I choose to articulate those historic and contemporaneous facts and information - then please feel free to not like / please feel free to not welcome / please feel free to object to and please please feel free to use your right to complain to the police.  
If you consider what Colin Jarvis publicly describes within his social media in relation to yourself to be illegal, then such a person and/or persons has the absolute right and entitlement in law to seek redress via the criminal justice system, if that person(s) are of the view that Colin Jarvis is conducting himself in an unlawful and criminal manner in respect of his reference to that particular person (you) and/or persons (your BT/CWU mates) within the honestly expressed honest comment that comprises the entire and growing content of Colin Jarvis social media public websites. 

No problem. I am happy for you to make your allegations and/or your complaints to the police.

What will happen is that when you exercise that fundamental right to make a complaint to the police, the police will simply - surprise surprise -  implement and carry out the law.

If my personal experience is anything to go by the police will - impartially, courteously, professionally and conscientiously - do their job. i.e. Take your complaint to police seriously, investigate the allegation(s), take witness statements from you and then come to my home to arrest me and detain me for questioning.  Following which the CPS will charge me and bring me before a court for the alleged criminal conduct which you state has been carried out against you by me. The CPS will cite the contents of my social media websites and cite the complainant's(s)  - your - witness statement(s).

The point being this: There is absolutely nothing  that is secret, or private or confidential about that transparent, open, legal process. Is there?

Just as there is, similarly, nothing that is secret, or private or confidential about any and all public court proceedings wherein Colin Jarvis is the defendant on Trial and wherein you are a CPS witness. (innit..! :-) 

On 9 May I was arrested (for the fourth time) by TVP for: the alleged harassment of Neil Landymore & for: the alleged racially aggravated harassment of mathew gordon. I was interviewed under caution. I answered the allegations that were made against me to the police by the two named individuals.

I stated clearly and plainly that I wholly refute any and all allegations of harassment , racially aggravated or otherwise, of any other person(s) inclusive of BT Openreach employees Neil Landymore and mathew gordon.

I further stated, unequivocally, that in respect of multiple allegations of criminal harassment of another person(s) my position - as from 10/01/13 - is that I totally refute any and all such allegation(s) and that this remains the case in relation to my 9 May '13 arrest and detention following complaints made to police by BT employees Neil Landymore and mithew gordum. 
I further said that this will remain my position up until I am invited to take the witness stand and give evidence under oath, as the defendant within criminal proceedings, to The Milton Keynes Magistrates Court and to The High Wycombe Magistrates Courts on 25/6 & 11/7 respectively.

([After 25/06/13 & 11/07/13 I will of course, irrespective of the outcome of the Trial(s), write a comprehensive online report for public consumption, describing those public court room Trial proceedings. Identifying all Crown witnesses describing and reproducing witness statements contents given to police and used by the CPS to prosecute me. Post Trial reports will also include the contents of all relevant BT & CWU documents that form a significant part of my legal defence which I, as the defedant, have disclosed and provided to Aylesbury Thames Valley Police 12/3/13 and to the CPS via my legal representative, and will rely upon in public court, and I will describe, verbatim, the verbal evidence of the persons in court who appear as witnesses for the Crown and as witnesses for the defence.])

Re: 9 May: TVP investigating officers put Neil Landymore's and mathew gordon's allegations to me separately and I responded as described  below.

(i) I have never held nor do I now hold a view about BT employee line manager Neil Landymore. I evidenced to TVP that as far as I am concerned and from my very tangential and tenuous contact with and knowledge of Neil Landymore in his capacity as a BT employee I know him to be nothing other than a normal, ordinary run of the mill BT line manager. I stated that I had never been managed by nor spoken to by him, that I can recall. I stated that my social media content wherein BT employee Neil Landymore is referred to is self explanatory, is placed within context and, I would argue, is readily understandable and comprehensible by any reasonable person. 
I asked the interviewing police officers to indicate, within any of my social media content, exactly where I have stated and/or implied that Neil Landymore is anything other than a run of the mill BT line manager, who is described as simply carrying out a specific part of a BT line manager's job, namely the roll out of BT Group's - bullshit - diversity and equality workplace policy to the BT employees they are paid to manage on a day to day basis.

When the specific areas of contention were pointed out and identified to me by the investigating police officers, I provided appropriate, true and accurate responses. In short, I stated that how and in what way another person(s) chooses to read and/or to interpret what they voluntarily read of my social media content is a matter for that person(s) and one that is beyond my control. I can only say in evidence in answer to the complaint made against me by Neil Landymore what I know and believe any reasonable person would interpret, would comprehend and would understand any and all of my social media content to be describing.

I evidenced to police that within my social media content I make clear and plain that in respect of BT employee line manager Neil Landymore I am simply quoting, I am simply describing and I am simply articulating the words. the sentiments, the expressed strongly held opinions of, the passionately expressed views of and the detailed conversations of two other BT employees' workplace contacts with and workplace interactions with that particular BT line manager, Neil Landymore - as told to me, as voluntarily and unsolicited told to me by those two BT employees. Namely: BT employee dominic martello/distefano (c.2006/7&10/11) & black person BT employee ***** ****** aka Uncle Tom PrickP****e (c. 2008/9/10/11)

FYI: On 9 May I evidenced to TVP that if BT line manager Neil Landymore's complaint to police is that he asserts that my social media content is unlawful in respect of identifying him by name and job title within my social media websites, then Neil Landymore is required to have the CPS concur with that assertion of criminal harassment by Colin Jarvis. Then I will be charged with that criminal offence and I will be ordered to attend court as the defendant on Trial, to hear Mr Landymore and the Crown's prosecutor put his evidence to and to stand that evidence up in a public court to a Magistrates Bench and prove his "evidence" of criminal harassment conducted against him by me, to be true beyond a reasonable doubt.
I concluded my police interview under caution in relation to BT line manager Neil Lanymore's complaints to police against me by stating the fact that I am not responsible for another person's(s) reading of and/or another person's(s) interpretation of the straight forward, descriptive narratives contained on my Blogger, FB, Google+ Twitter etc. websites.


The TVP investigating officers then put to me the allegations of racially aggravated harassment of BME BT employee mathew gordon, which is the complaint that was made to TVP against me by m. gordon. 

I evidenced to police that within my social media content I make clear and plain that in respect of BT employee mathew gordon, I am simply quoting, I am simply describing and I am simply articulating the words. the sentiments, the expressed strongly held opinions of, the expressed views of and the detailed conversations of two other BT employees' workplace contacts with and workplace interactions with that particular BME BT employee mathew gordon - as told to me, as voluntarily and unsolicited told to me by two other BT employees. Namely: BT employee dominic martello/distefano (c.2006/7&10/11) and black person BT employee ***** ****** aka Uncle Tom PrickP****e (c.2008/9/10/11)

I then evidenced to police my own BT workplace contact - and related matters, with the complainant m. gordon.

This is what I said to the police:  

(i) In Jan. 2006, because he was a black BT employee and because of the surname he has, I had chosen to, voluntarily, inform mathew gordon of the fact that I had started the formal BT grievance complaints procedure against a known BT workplace racist. A bullying, cowardly BNP supporting racist who is an established BT employee and that things may well become difficult for black BT employees in BT's Aylesbury area and BT South Mids. as a consequence of my outing this particular hard core BT workplace  racist bully within BT's Griffin Ln. yard. I stated to m. gordon: "This is serious brother". (sic)

(ii) I then told the investigating police officers that mithew gordumb's response to me was: Yeah, if it's true. (sic)

(iii) I then stated to the TVP investigating officers that alarm bells immediately went off in my head when that black BT employee voiced his stupid, risible and pathetic scepticism and doubt as to the veracity of my statement to him regarding the bullying, cowardly racist moron who is the "substantive C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor" whom I had identified to him. I told police that from that point on I ceased all further workplace contact with the black BT employee - m. gordon.

(iv) I then told police that in the summer of 2006 at HP20 2EL, BT employee dominic martello informed me that the black BT employee m. gordon was openly presenting to other BT employees within BT's Griffin Ln. HP19 8BP the following: ...I'll give evidence against him (i.e. Colin Jarvis) if it'll stop him getting the money" (sic). d.martello stated to me that m. gordon was presenting that he was willing to give this "evidence" of his, in support of and in backing for both the bullying, dishonest cowardly white racist "substantive C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor" and the Level 2 BT line manager garry lawrence, against whom I had raised separate FS1GC. Dominic Martello / Distefano, not for the first time, then went onto voice his utter contempt for and his loathing of the black BT employee - m. gordon - he was speaking to me about.

(v) I then told the police that because the Jarvis and the Gordon families have connections going back to the early 60's, I telephoned and visited m. gordon's father several times in the summer of 2006. I also spoke to m gordon's uncle Chris Gordon after dominic martello had provided me with Chris Gordon's mobile number. I made it clear to both Sonna and Chris Gordon that mathew gordon was ignorantly harming, damaging, interfering in, compromising and destroying another black man's legitimate and proper attempts to hold to account a white BT employee racist coward and a hypocritical cowardly mindset of BT's white management structure within BT's workplace, and will they both please have a sobering, quiet and serious word in mathew gordon's shell like. I asked Sonna and Chris Gordon: "..Is the boy stupid or what?". (sic).

(vi) I concluded my evidence to TVP in relation to m.gordon with the fact that I do not retract nor withdraw any of the entered text and narrative within my social media websites in regards to m. gordon. That I refute the allegations made against me by m. gordon and that I am prepared to defend myself in a public court against the "evidence" of m. gordon if the CPS choose to prosecute me and put mathew gordon in the witness box of a public court and enter his "evidence" of racially aggravated harassment of a black man by another black man.

(vii) I concluded my evidence to TVP in relation to both the parties who have made complaints to police alleging that I am conducting criminal harassment of them, with the following:

My empirical, knowledgeable and first hand experience of BT employees dominic martello /distefano and BME BT employee ***** ****** - having engaged in lenghty conversations and discussions with both persons over a considerable period of time, both in BT's workplace and socially - is the fact that both persons have historically made very clear and plain to me their personal loathing of, their personal contempt for, their personal resentment of and their personal antipathy toward these two specific BT employees line managers. That being as a result of dominic martello / distefano's and his BME BT colleague's BT workplace interactions and contacts c. 2006/7/8/9/10/11 with the aforementioned BT bods.

Comprende ?

N.B. I am of honest view, as a result of having spent hours and hours listening to dominic martello / distefano and his BME BT colleague ***** ****** talking about, expressing their opinion about and detailing their BT workplace interactions with and experience of their BT colleagues Neil Landymore and mathew gordon. I am of the honest opinion and honestly held view that both dominic martello /distefano and his BME BT colleague ***** ****** are both fixated on, are obsessed with and are paranoid about the two BT employees who have made complaints and statements to TVP against me, that resulted in my arrest and detention on 9 May.

I belief this fixated, obsessed paranioa is made worse by martello's/distefano's and his black **** buddy's personal dislike of, distrust of and the covert personal contempt which dominic martello/distefano and BME BT employee ***** ****** hold toward each other. As, privately and confidentially told to me by both martello/distefano and by his black BT **** buddy ***** ****** separately. c. 2006/7 & in 2008/9/10/11.

Ditto martello/distefano & his "BT Friend" and suck buddy: the racist dummy BT employee danny thorp. 
Ditto martello's/distefano's black BT **** buddy ***** ****** & dumbo - millwall twat - danny(McDonalds) thorpe! [innit UTP****e ! :-) ]

I am more than happy to and I intend to narrate and reproduce, within my social media websites, all those germane and revealing (and so so mind numbingly fucking boring conversations and discussions I was "privileged" to be made party to inside and outside of BT re: dominic martello / distefano and his black BT **** buddy ***** ****** aka U-T-Prick,  

Thursday 16 May 2013

BT employee/CWU-CC&TV member dominic martello / distefano c.Nov. 2006 HP20 2EL.

This book was bought, was purchased by BT employee CWU member dominic martello / distefano and given to me, brought to my home by dominic mrtello in order to assist and help me within BTs internal FS1GC & GA procedures c. 2006/7.
dominic martello / distefano Nov. 2006.
dominic martello / distefano June 2011.

From July to Dec. 2006 on one of a number of visits to (HP20 2EL) the council flat (or "your new gaff" as martello/distefano had put it)  that I had recently moved into, dominic martello came into my home and handed to me the book pictured above. dominic martello said to me ..." Colin, I found this in my dead drop, somebody put it in there, do you want it? I replied ..."Yeah nice one, come in fucking handy this will Dom, thanks..." p.s. on that same night I entertained martello/distefano by playing for him a recently purchased Chris Rock DVD. I gave the DVD to martello when he departed and martello/distefano subsequently gave the DVD to his black person suck buddy CST mate who is an Uncle Tom Prick and BT whipping boy. Yes that's correct the same black person BT employee martello/distefano repeatedly referred to as: ...a cunt and/or a stupid cunt (sic) c.2006 when I and dominic martello discussed BT employees in general and and some BT employees in particular.

FYI.No.1  All BT Openreach external network operatives have a dead drop locker for the delivery and holding of small stores items. The dead drop locker is accessible only by the BT operative to whom it belongs and the BT delivery driver operative who delivers the ordered small stores items to each secure workplace locker. Ipso facto nobody put the book in martello's distefano's dead drop locker. After all one simply has to ask ones self the question: Why on earth and for what purpose would an anonymous Aylesbury based BT employee do such peculiar and charitable a thing for martello distefano anonymously?

FYI. No.2 In other words dominic martello / distefano was, obviously, lying to me about exactly how the book he was giving to me as a gift came into his possession. Both I and martello / distefano knew he was being dishonest about the book being left in his dead drop by "somebody" some anonymous person of goodwill and we both knew why he felt the need to be dishonest and lie about such a straight forward matter of being in possession of this particular book titled: A practical guide to combating employee abuse: harassment, bullying and violence at work. The reason domonic martello / distefano felt the need to advance such an obviously preposterous and implausible a reason for he possessing the book is explained in context below.


In 2003/4 BME BT employee Jarratt Jon Ivey and BT Employee dominic martello had proper cause and good reason to use BT's internal formal grievance complaints procedures in order to compel BT's South Mids. local management to investigate cowardly racist bullying and harassment that was being perpetrated against Jon Ivey and dominic martello at BT's yard at (nick) Griffin Ln. HP19 8BP. 
Jon and d. martello were attempting to seek to hold accountable the sad, cowardly, BT workplace bullying racist cowards who were puking up their racist filth mindset in BT's workplace in the Aylesbury area to Jon Ivey and d martello.

Both Jon and d. martello stated that BT's local South Mids. management and BT HRBP made certain that the FS1GC which Jon and d. martello had raised got absolutely nowhere as in - The BT management outcome into your formal grievance complaint against white BT employees: Not upheld not proven. The CWU-CCC branch's & their union rep andy bushrod's support and assistance to Jon and d.martello was ...a complete waste of time, completely fucking useless (sic) according to d martello. In fact a sample of d. martello's personal opinion (expressed in emails to me) of the CWU-CCC union rep a. bushrod et al, can be read within this Blog: posted Wed.9 Jan. 2013.

The BT management outcome to the FS1GC raised by Jon Ivey and d. matrtello against white BT employees at HP19 8BP boiled down to this: The stupid-as-fuck, cowardly, BT workplace racists and BT workplace bullies and their white BT mates simply denied and lied. Lied and denied their collective sick, sad, stupid way through BT management's "investigation" into Jon Ivey's & d. martello's FS1GC. Whilst other white BT employees, who witnessed the racism and racist bullying carried out against d. martello and Jon Ivey, could not - all of a sudden like - recall the racist bullying they were being asked to verify as witnesses.*
*BT's white management happily and accommodatingly opened their cowardly hypocrites mindset and gladly swallowed - as true and honest - the puked up, sick, verbal crap that were the cowardly lies and denials that were served up to that white BT management by the white BT employees complained about by two BME BT employees. 


It is important to recognise that the occurrence described above, in respect of dominic martello / distefano, was the overriding motivation for d. martello in volunteering to be my eyes and ears within BT's HP19 8BP premises c. Feb. 2006 to Feb. 2007.

He, dominic martello / distefano's plainly stated desire being: " get my own back on those cunts in BT". (sic) c. Feb. 2006 at my HP19 8JU home, in the presence of Jon Ivey.

dominic martello / distefano simply did not want to explicitly admit that he brought, purchased the book for me because he was intimately knowledgeable about my ongoing involvement within BT Group's bullshit white BT employee biased internal formal grievance complaints and appeals bullshit internal procedures.

2Bcontd with... as told to me by martello / distefano... 

dominic martello's/distefano's input, as personal adviser and confidant to BME BT employee ***** ****** whom martello/distefano (ill)advised and (mis)guided. Holding that BME BT employee's hand throughout 2007 when the BME BT employee used BTs internal formal grievance complaints procedure and was humiliated and made to look a fool by the BT line managers he comically took on. Being guided(HA!) and advised(HA!) by a pretentious, dishonest, incompetent BT workplace coward, d martello distefano, who was instructing his BME BT employee suck buddy ***** ******, based entirely on the details of all of what martello/distefano knew of how I had fought and was fighting the hypocrites in BTs white management c.2005/6/7. What martello/ distefano told the black person BT employee ***** ****** to do and how to do it, that black person BT employee did it. Did exactly as his Italian massa advised 
