Thursday 26 October 2017

john coffey green mile field nigger

in BTs unionised w/places once in BTs aylesbury yard and once when working together on two separate occasions in 2011 brian prince complained to me about the fact that the bunceophile lee foulkes BTemployee '96 habitually called him "john" (as in john coffey) ever since princey started working w/ foulkes jan2008. thats over 3 yrs of being called not by his given name but my the name "john" by the racist resentful grudge holding bunceophile lee foulkes. twice princey complained to me about foulkes and twice princey told me that foulkes sometimes got it wrong and called him "george" and foulkes's mate and lapdog steve (halsey) wld correct foulkes w/ "no its john, lee, not george" 

by the way princey complained to me about being called john coffey by foulkes at work, princey was pleading w/me to do something to stop foulkes ridiculing him as being a big dumb ignorant oversized (fat/obese in princey's case) fictitious field nigger character @work. princey took it from a bunceophile and complained to me.

Thursday 3 October 2013

Two detailed examples of BT Group's workplace practices. (nick)Griffin Ln. HP19 8BP. c.1999 - 2012. 1) Retaliatory harassment and victimisation of a complaining black BT operative by workplace halfwit, stupid, vindictive bullying cowards. 2) April. 2011 following BTs management's March 2011 attempt to transfer me onto BTs Aylesbury CST workgroup, an attempt which blew up in their faces when I made clear to BTs management that it was unsafe for me to be placed on the same workgroup as andy ruzicKA, dean newporthall and their CST mates n.b. an Uncle Tom Prick black person had previously avoided the same Aylesbury CST trap, from whence he had come c.Jan 2008, in the previous Oct of 2010 citing 'a bad back' therefore I'm unable to climb poles with ladder etc.[there being absolutely nothing wrong with UTPs back, I know this because I KNOW the exact details of how he is suppose to have suffered 'back injury' causing his "bad back" in a tiny little fender bender RTA, when I actively helped and assisted him secure a BT compensation payout in my role as a CWU CC&TV USR. Bullshit 'bad back' as in UTPs manually pulling in repeated extensive lengths of cable on his "new" DSLAM workgroup Nov. 2010 proved. I noted Uncle Tom Prick's cringing embarrassment with hilarity when he would regale me with great it is on his "new" DSLAM group blah blah blah. ..No problems with your back then b____? Ahhh, no no, me backs alright now. SAD UTP TWAT.] 2) April 2011 contd... UTP quote...Colin, I was telling to Keith (Holmer) about pete martin and them trying to get rid of you onto CST, Keith said the only people he trusts are you and me. unquote. I looked at Uncle Tom Prick and thought: You sad, stupid as pig shit coward, we'll see what comes out of the arsehole you call a mouth when you are in front of BTs white management in the not too distant future. 2Bcontd...

1. The end of Sept. 2007

A bog standard 20pr cable pull in and install from a JF4(a BT hole in the ground) into a customer's comms. room on Tring Icknied Way Indust Est.

Work allocator, joe cochraine, was being fucked around by external copper network operatives on line manager steve wingrove's group to whom he was tasked to allocate job packs as in: I haven't got flat roof training joe (which was of course complete bollocks) so I can't do it, give it to someone else (sic). So the allocator BT operative j. cochraine gives me the job and I tell him, sorry mate I, like those other BT operatives who are bullshitting you and refusing to take the job, also haven't got up to date flat roof safety accreditation. ( n.b. the planner's job pack states a part of the route of the 20pr telecomm cable is to be fitted along  the flat roof of the customer's premises) (n.b. "I have no up to date safety training accreditation for so and so"... is a commonly used ruse by BT external operatives to abuse their employment with BT which enables them to throw back to the allocator job packs issued to them which they do not "fancy" doing.).

The allocator, joe cochraine tells me that a (nick)Griffin Ln. CST operative phillip galletly... (a long serving BT operative whom I have never had any problems nor difficulties with c.1999 to 2011 and who is not involved in any of the sick racist bullying and harassment shit that is prevalent within BTs (nick)Griffin Ln TEC and which is perpetrated by numbers of cowardly, stupid, halfwit arseholes who pass for BT Openreach employees) ...who has got up to date flat roof safe working accreditation will be my assist on the flat roof part of the job pack and I am to contact p. galletly who has been told about the job assist required of him. p. galletly was at the time managed by a BT line manager named paul oliver. Following accepting the job pack from j cochraine I see paul oliver existing the MTW that same afternoon and say to him, I have been allocated a flat roof working assist of his CST operative phil galletly. p.oliver confirms that yes, he knows about this.

I contact p. galletly and he confirms to me, yes he has been told about the flat roof assist which I require, but that he has his own CST jobs to do that morning and cannot say if or when he will be able to assist me on site in Tring.

7:30/7:45 a.m. on the following morning I meet p.galletly in the TEC signing on room and in full sight of other CST operatives etc I seek confirmation from him that: yes he will come to the customer's Tring job site and assist me on the flat roof part of the job pack that same morning. I am again given the run around by p.galletly. ..I've got my own jobs to do first...I can't say when... (sic)
I respond to p. galletly by saying: okay mate, it's up to you.

Following which I leave the signing on room and call s. wingrove, my line manager, and from the dead drop locker area I inform him of the situation and of galletly's ...I can't say when... bullshit. I tell wingrove that I cannot rely on p. galletly's assist to safely complete the job and that I will request his fma ivan major to come on site from Oxford and assist me with the flat roof 20pr install part of the job. s. wingrove says: yes do that.
Later that morning ivan major arrives on site and I and he complete the install into the customer's comms room etc by 1 p.m. major returns to Cowley Barracks Oxford and I complete the rest of the fit i.e. JF4 joint, PCP etc. At approx 12 o'clock when ivan major had been on site with me for some time and we were working to complete the job, phillip galletly call me and says: do I want his assist on the flat roof. I tell him no, it is completed and any assistance he was instructed to give me was now null and void. I said to galletly: I've completed the flat roof install without you mate, ivan major have done the job with me, you're no longer needed, bye. and I hung up. 
That was the total involvement of BT CST operative phillip galletly on that job pack, precisely NIL. 

Okay so far? Goody good!

So following my: ...I tell s. wingrove that I cannot rely on phillip galletly's assist to safely complete the job etc. I then go to my dead drop stores locker and to the MTW and then I return to the signing on room area where I was met with the following sight in the exact BT workplace area depicted in the two pictures below. n.b. The photos are included to show the reader the BT workplace area I am referring to in this blog post. Contd...

The location I am referencing in relation to BT CST operative phillip galletly and his two BT PEU mates is approx where the red/white cone is positioned.
The location I am referencing in relation to seeing phillip galletly in conversation with his two BT PEU C1 buddies is approx where is positioned the person on all fours in front of a another person.
n.b. FYI: the person on all fours having previously stating directly to me c. 2006/7 & 11 the fact that he commonly and habitually referred to the person looking down on him as ...a cunt  and/or as a fat cunt (sic)
NOTE BENE: Including the occasion when the person on all fours detailed and described to me c.2011, the incident of the stand up confrontation he had  had with the person looking down on him in this photo, in front of a CST line manager... (when those two persons had on occasion to work alongside each other and other BT operatives c.2007/8/9) ...and I quote: Gumba, yeah, in front of _____... (I cannot recall which of the CST managers the person on all fours was talking about when he was describing his pathetic tale of woe to me) ...that fat cunt was shouting name's ruzicKA, ruzicKA, KA, say it fucking right...(sic) and Gumba I (the person on all fours) told the fat cunt to fuck off and that I was going to take out a grievance complaint against him, and the fucking manager was in the middle between the fat man and me trying to persuade me to drop it... (2Bcontd...)
Contd... The sight which met my eyes as I return from the MTW and my dead drop locker area was: BT CST operative phillip galltely being, what appeared to me to be, being cornered and accosted by two BT Overhead & Polling (sic) operatives C1s, one a "substantive" C1{I'm a substantive, not like the fat man (sic)} - both of whom (along with their Colindale TEC & Reading TEC line manager mates) I had raised FS1GC against in Dec. 2005 and Jan. 2006 with BTs management in an attempt to OUT all those BT employees - line management and their shop floor suck buddies - for what they are and what they do in BTs workplace, abusively , contemptuously and diligently wiping their arse with BT Group's workplace policies part of their contract of employment within BT Openreach.

When those three individuals registered my approach, I was less than ten metres from them when I surprised the two C1s and their mate with my sudden unexpected presence. The two C1s immediately turned on their heels and fled back into the signing on room like a pair of startled skunks, leaving phillip galltely standing there abandoned, looking for all the world like a spare prick at a wedding. As I walked passed phillip galletly I said: Hello mate! p. galletly's reply: alright Colin.

I then left that scum BT(nick)Griffin Ln. racist bullying, gang mentality, coward's BT yard and drove to the job site in Tring.

So what why did the two BT PEU CI operatives hurriedly turn and retract back into the PEU office attached to the signing on room? They saw me then retract with the speed of the sphincters of two startled arseholes who had been interrupted in the middle of a dump. Yes they moved that fast, when I had unexpectedly disturbed their tet-a-tet with BT CST operative p. galletly.

Qu. What were those two PEU Overhead & Polling (sic) C1's talking about and discussing with p. galletly? 
Answ: I don't know. I have not the faintest idea. I was not a part of that conversation, so I have absolutely no idea. 
I cannot speak about the content of that conversation I had, obviously, interrupted in mid flow, because I do NOT make up and/or I do not invent fictitious conversations.

What I do know, what I can speak about is this:

2. The beginning of Oct. 2007.

I (alongside another black BT operative from s. wingrove's group named haydyn adolph) was attending a two week e-side jointing course at BTs Yarnfield training site in Staffs. (n.b. in future blog posts I will detail in full, my six months max. BT workplace experience of the absolute stupid, totally self deluded, lazy as they come, moron whom I knew to be h. adolph, including h. adolph's close connection and close friendship with a sad pathetic Uncle Tom Prick black person BT operative with whom he, h adolph, teamed up with c.2008 on s. wingrove's group. h. adolph being a prominent FB friend (one of only a few whom I could see on Uncle Tom's FB friends list) when Uncle Tom Prick himself took it upon himself to initiate contact with me on my FB page in Sept. 2012 without my consent or invitation. I know about h. adolph on UTP's FB friends list because UTPs FB page was visible to the public in Sept. 2012 and not as it is now, hidden away and out of open public access as it has been since Dec. 2012.)

During the course of that two week e-side jointing course I received a phone call from line manager s. wingrove. That conversation went as follows:

s.w: Colin, that 20pr flat roof job pull in & Box Con install you did in Tring that you told me about, why have you booked 36 hours assist on the closed job pack?

CJ: I booked 9 hrs. on that job pack with no assist hours steve. ivan major is your fma and his assist time, which was approx the 3 hrs he spent on site assisting me is not bookable. I am not permitted to book/claim for an fma's assist, no one is.

s.w: I'm going through everybody's time sheets now Colin and the job you completed in Tring shows your nine hours and shows 36 hrs assist and busted the job which has been booked to my group from line manager's paul oliver's CST group for which I am being charged. Please explain to me why you are shown as receiving 36 hrs assistance from that manager's CST group, which has now being taken out of my group's budget for the week in question? Why did you book 36 hrs assist Colin and who from paul oliver's CST group assisted you for, according to this closed job estimate number, assisted you for a full week on a job which you say you have booked as being completed in one nine hour workday?

CJ: I am telling you that I received no assistance from phillip galletly and I booked no assist hours on the job estimate number when I closed the job, and when I closed the job it was not busted, alright steve? Bye.

That same evening I repeated the facts in an email I sent to the wingrove.

On my return to Aylesbury TEC, on a p.m. I can across phillip galletly, his CST line manager paul oliver and other CST operatives in the signing on room. 
BTs (nick)Griffin Ln. TEC signing on room. The door is/was the PEU Overhead & Polling (sic) office door.

I said: hello phil and received an: alright Colin. (n.b. the reader will know the ...ah I've got to be somewhere else - all of a sudden like - ...response that people react with when that person desperately desires to not engage with the person who has just spoken to them. That was galletly's reaction when I said hello and was obviously going to continue speaking to galletly.) I stayed galletly's shit scared walking away ruse, and in front of p. oliver I said to p. galletly that my line manager has told me 36 hrs CST assist had been booked on the flat roof job estimate number busting the job completely and I asked galletly if he knew how this had occurred? With a  please stop talking to me shit scared look on his boat race p. galletly said, no he didn't know anything. Then he ran away. I looked at galletly's back and then I looked at his line manager paul oliver and I smiled. My smile conveyed: what a sad bunce of bullying, resentful vindictive cowardly morons you people are.

I then stepped out of the signing on room into the area depicted here...

...and called my line manager s. wingrove. I told wingrove that I had just spoken to p. galletly in front of his line manager paul oliver about the fictitious 36 hrs CST assist booked against my job estimate and that galletly stated he knew nothing about this. I then asked wingrove what he was going to do about the fact that a job pack's estimate number of mine has been interfered with fraudulently busting the job pack? steve wingrove said: Colin their manager, paul oliver, will have to give me those hours back. 
I said: What about the person and/or persons who entered the fraudulent details onto the job estimate steve, which I was responsible for, in order to bust the job? This is victimisation, it is harassment and bullying steve. 
s. wingrove replies: yeah I know. 
I said to wingrove: What are you going to do about it steve?
s. wingrove replied: ah, let me know if it happens again Colin.

I said to s. wingrove that he and BT are pathetic. s.wingrove did not respond. I hung up.

The reader will know that in BT Group white people protect scum white people protect bullying harassing racist cowards white people. 
The reader will know that in BT Group white people are right up other white people's arseholes for no other reason that they are white people.

This was only one of multiple cases of retaliatory victimisation, harassment and bullying I was targeted with in 2007 on my RTW in BTs scum(nick)Griffin Ln. workplace. This conduct continued in one form or another until I left BTs workplace in Aug. 2011.

What makes the situation ball achingly funny and so so pathetic is the fact that a perjurious BNP supporting racist bullying coward and his gobshite suck buddy poozicKA on the one hand collar a BT operative like phillip galletly, who they know they can manipulate like a glove puppet, use him to target me for retaliatory victimisation harassment and bullying and on the other hand that same sad, special measures, racist arsehole squeaks out perjurious drivel into the public record against me to other white people, such tripe as: I make him sick because he chooses to leave his allotment plot and goes back to the rabbit hutch he calls a home and pukes up, simply because he - that once gobby BNP supporting bullying lying racist - has seen a black man - me - working on my allotment plot and the fucking law believe the saddo. 

You could not make this shit up...


2. April 2011

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Once upon a time... n.b. The part played by the Uncle Tom Prick black person c. Feb - Sept 2011, who's reporting back to me at BT(nick)Griffin Ln TEC c.Feb 2011 played a decisive role in I raising and pursuing FS1GC against BT operatives phillip douglas aka phil the nigger and his puppet master lee foulkes, will be summarily explained and described within: Once Upon a Time & also in more detail in my other blogs, posts, etc. NOTA BENE: I consider that ignorant, blamelessly ignorant, BT employees/CWU members have a right and entitlement to know the true facts in order to make up their own minds in relation to the underhanded, surreptitious, covert, guarded, unattributable, planned, secret, deliberate actions. misconduct and behaviour of white BT line & HRBP management operatives and CWU Reps. with regards to BT Group's workplace policies and the proper, honest and truthful implementation thereof.

Once upon a time...There was this black man who was properly, honestly and conscientiously earning a living as a manager in a white employer's workplace for some considerable number of years. Contributing fully and totally correctly to his employer's business, doing so alongside his other workplace colleagues, the vast majority of whom are, obviously, white men.

One day this black employee manager was directed to conduct a FS1GC investigation as a result of formal complaints of workplace racist bullying and harassment perpetrated by white employees against a black employee. 

n.b. A brief and totally accurate and factual summary of exactly how this black manager carried out that statutory obligation that is place on his employer BT, who in turn, delegated that responsibility to the black BT manager employee in question - exactly how that responsibility was executed can be found within this doc. 

nota bene: It is the contents of this document which BTs hypocritical, two faced, dishonest white management used to summarily sack me after twelve and a half years employment, half of which was spent being subjected to BT workplace persistent racist bullying and harassment from a racist halfwit and his mates and the other half of that employment spent fighting the repercussion and victimisation of taking on, outing and kicking the shit out of white BT workplace racists, bullying cowards and their BT mates in Aylesbury, Colindale and Oxford. That sacking of a black employee says more about BT Group's pathetic white management operatives and BT Legal than it does about anything else.

So the story goes thus: This thoroughly honest, thoroughly decent black manager grade employee takes on the task of conducting a BT workplace FS1GC investigation. But ay! stop! This man is very good at what he does for a living but he knows naff all about conducting a serious statutory responsibility undertaking that is placed on those people who manage the FTSE 100 who is his employer! But: No worries, that is what BT HRBP are for, via the many HR specialists... specialist! HA! what an absolute fucking joke that this so-called BTHR specialist moron d. roberts.... (specialist in shit, perhaps?) ...fell over himself in his pathetic rush to comfort & cuddle closet racist, cowardly, lying twats BT Openreach white employees who I had legitimately held accountable. I would not piss on that HR specialist moron if he were on fire in front of me) ...which that business partner has available to offer HR professional assistance to the investigating manager. So that's okay then! innit :) 

Plus the fact that contained on BTs vast intranet data base there exists all the BT policies and procedures guidance and information templates a person could ever wish for, including step by step, idiot proof follow these instructions on 'how to carry out FS1GC / GA investigations. :)

Piece of cake thus far. Right !

I will, for the present, skirt over the fact that I raised those FS1GC with BTHR on 3rd February and was not interviewed by BTs FS1GC investigating manager until 13 April. I will, for the present skirt over the fact that at that 13 April FS1GC fact finding hearing at which I submitted detailed written evidential bundles, the fact that the BT HRBP "specialist" moron present, made the black investigating manager look small and made it clear that he was in charge of running t'ings as far as my FS1GC was concerned, I will, for the present, skirt over the fact that the black investigating manager seemed very nervous and uncertain. It was very obvious that the investigating manager was working from and being guided by the BT intranet online guidance and instruction templates he was working from. I will shirt over all of those details for the present and return to them later.

So, accompanied by CWU CC&TV branch chair gordon mason, I attended an ninety minutes long FS1GC hearing on 13 April. The next time I spoke to that BT investigating manager was on 4/7/11 eleven weeks later. 
When I called and spoke to him on Mon. 4/7/11 I informed him that on the 3/7/11 I had noted that he had closed my FS1GC investigation on my BT HRBP case file and asked him why? He seemed very surprised to learn that I knew what stage he had reached and he replied that he had just completed and concluded his investigations and was in the process of inviting me to receive his outcome letter on the 7/7/11. In that phone conversation this same investigating manager said to me: There's a load of stuff I've got to read first..(sic) [He was referring to the BT intranet templates for concluding/closing a FS1GC investigation.] I said I looked forward to seeing him on the 7/7/11 and receiving his 'outcome' letter. What I did not know (until Dec. 2011 that is) is the fact that this same investigating manager was issuing his 'outcome' letters to the two white employees I had complained of on 4/7/11, the very Monday on which I had called him and asked why my FS1GC investigation was recorded as concluded and closed by him on the 3/7/11. 

Those 'outcome' letters of that black BT investigating manager gave both white BT employees whom I had complained of complete exoneration and a complete clean bill of health in relation to the FS1GC of racist bullying and harassment against them. Thanks in no small measure to the input, the assistance, the support and the backing given to those two white BT employees by their BT Woodstock Rd. TEC. Oxford  line manage paul allington and by a BT HRBP specialist d. roberts. 

So, the initial questions fair minded people would ask are: 

(i) What was BT Group HRBP doing from 3/2/11 when I raised the FS1GC to the 13/4/11? 

(ii) What was this black investigating manager and BT HPBP doing from 13/4/11 until 7/7/11 when he handed me the product of 11 weeks work ?

Once upon a time - 2Bcontd...

Between Feb and April BT HRBP attempted to get a number of BT line managers to conduct the FS1GC raised by me. It is worth noting for future reference that BT line manager paul allington was approached and declined to take up that responsibility. Why that was will, again, be clearly explained by me here, as I have previously done in this ET document link> pages: 4 to 18. 

FTR - Contrast and compare BT line manager paul allington's absolute eagerness and enthusiasm for conducting my 5/11/2006 FS1GC... (when he was instructed, in writing, to do so by BT Openreach CEO Steve Robertson. paula allington concluded that FS1GC and handed me his 'sad/pathetic' outcome letter on 15/01/2007) ...with allington's absolute aversion to conducting the FS1GC raised by me in Feb. 2011. That glaring contrast is due in whole to that BT line manager's, paula allington's desperation in wanting to support, to back up and to speak up for and to protect white BT operatives lee foulkes and phillip douglas within the FS1GC investigation to be carried out against his two BT Woodstock Rd TEC suck buddieS.(2Bcontd...)

Anyway, BTs HRBP, a BT department full to the rafters of HR 'specialists' took eight weeks to assign my FS1GC to a BT line manager, finally settling on the manager grade unfortunate black employee identified within my 14/6/11 ET doc. So that is (i) explained.

As for (ii) I assert that the black manager  grade employee FS1GC investigating manager was on a looser from the very start and stood absolutely no chance of achieving a grievance complaint upheld outcome, when I attempted to hold the three cited white BT employees accountable and responsible for BT workplace racist bullying and harassment perpetrated against me. The man did NOT HAVE A HOPE IN HELL of succeeding. 

Why? Because that black BT FS1GC investigating manager was up against extremely determined white BT operatives. Mendacious, lying, dishonest, cowardly white BT operatives who had BT line managers, CWU reps and a compliant HRBP moron who sympathised and empathised with the white BT workplace lying, cowards I had brought to BTs FS1GC procedures. And that black manager grade employee lacked the mental courage and integrity as a black man to stand up to the bullshit puked up to him by desperate sad cowardly gang mentality white BT operatives and their white line manager BT Friend(s) and white HRBP Friends and supporters.  

The man did NOT HAVE A HOPE IN HELL of succeeding.


23/9... So, (ii) What was this black investigating manager and BT HPBP doing from 13/4/11 until 7/7/11, when he handed me the product of 11 weeks work?

Once I had been informed by Uncle Tom Prick of the details of the conversations he had had with a Oxford BT operative by the name of Andy Caviner. who works out of the same BT Woodstock Rd. TEC as phil the nigger (sic) and his string puller lee foulkes, I told Uncle Tom that I am not going to accept what he, Uncle Tom Prick, was gleefully, telling me was being done to me, was being harmfully and damagingly presented against me by the two BT operatives twtas phil the nigger (sic) and his puppet master lee foulkes. I told Uncle Tom Prick that he will have to repeat what he had presented to me to a FS1GC investigating manager.

I am not exaggerating when I say: You could see the fear and trepidation in Uncle Tom Prick's eyes when I told him that there was to be serious repercussions for douglas & foulkes as a result of what he Uncle Tom Tit sorry I mean Uncle Tom Prick (its just that he had got tits) had just stated to me on that early Feb. afternoon re: BTs Woodstock Rd TEC, andy caviner, lee foulkes and phillip douglas aka phil the nigger etc.

So, I raised a FS1GC with BT HRBP in early Feb. against BT operatives lee foulkes and his puppet phil the nigger (sic). It is reasonable to surmise that by mid March phil the nigger (sic) and foulkes had learnt of the FS1GC raised against them by me. After all, in Feb./March their BT line manager BT Friend paul allington had been approached by HRBP as a possible investigating manager into my FS1GC and had declined the opportunity. Unlike in Nov.2006.

In April 2011 three significant and telling things happened at BTs(nick)Griffin Ln. TEC. 
(i) an Uncle Tom Prick, who had recently RTW (working alongside Oxford DSLAM operatives) after an extended holiday, brought me up to date on the situation at BTs Woodstock Rd. TEC. Uncle Tom Prick, with badly concealed pleasure, informed me... (UTP's is very good at informing people of things re: 29/11/12 UTP gobbing off to other BT(nick)Griffin Ln. BT operatives about Colin Jarvis and "informed" (sic) a BNP supporting racist BT operative) ... Colin I've heard that phil the nigger has gone off work on the sick, the word is he's got a bad throat. That's what I've bin told by andy and lee and them. (sic). I, unsuccessfully, attempted to glean future info in relation to phil the nigger's sudden 'bad throat' condition, UTP was wary of imparting more detailed info to me and being asked more questions by me.
(ii) After attending 13/4/11 FS1GC interview I saw UTP in the BT(nick)Griffin Ln. TEC outside the signing on room on the same day and told him of the fact that a black BT manager was conducting the investigation. UTP asked me if I was going up to the office? I said yes. UTP said: I'll be up in a minute. In the office, over half an hour I detailed to UTP all that had happened at the FS1GC interview and answered all the questions put to me by UTP. Both I and UTP were optimistic that BT management would conduct itself decently and properly and impartially with a black line manager conducting the FS1GC.
Later that same month, UTP, on his return from working with BT operatives from BTs Woodstock Rd. TEC took delight in informing me that:    

Thursday 29 August 2013

Harassment phone calls - no problem ! I'll speak to anybody who calls my home land line. Harassment phone calls to my home via Skype untraceable numbers - a problem ! You see I'm NOT able to call you back and have a natter with you OR with muvva in law (sic) come to that. Yes I can report that criminal course of conduct to the Aylesbury Thames Valley Police - and I did so. Yes I can report that criminal course of conduct to BT Nuisance Call Bureau and I did so. Both agencies palmed me off with - Ahh... untraceable numbers, there is nothing we can do to assist you further in this matter Mr Jarvis. Fair enough, I cannot make my service provider BT Group or make the police do something they clearly are not willing to do in respect of reported criminal conduct of harassment perpetrated against me. NOTA BENE: I cannot help but notice that the police are all too willing to arrest me and detain me - a total of 30+ hrs - and question me under caution - a total of six times in seven months. I cannot help but notice that the CPS are all too willing to bring me before a court and prosecute me - a total of seven times in seven months. But then again maybe I - Colin Jarvis- am simply being: ...paranoid about so many things and I believe this is made worse by his use of cannabis. (sic)...1/3/13 stated to police in legally binding "evidence" against me by a scum, cowardly, stupid-as-pig-shit Uncle Tom Prick black person BT/CWU whipping boy. NOTA BENE: Nothing of what ANYBODY, ANYBODY AT ALL does to me OR has presented/said to me (historically OR contemporaneously) - is in any way: private or secret or confidential. I will make YOUR actions, conduct and statements - historical and contemporaneous - known in the public domain and open to public scrutiny in the court of public opinion :) NOTA BENE - Exactly like Steve Biko, I Will Write What I Like and there is NOTHING you individually and/or collectively - whoever YOU are or whoever the f**k YOU think YOU are can do to prevent me, to stop me. And if the police and the law want to prosecute me and remove my liberty for so doing, I will of course - as having no alternative - obey and comply. Then simply continue where I left off until my overriding objective is completed. :)

Jarvis Productions presents :

R-acist B-igots  are the W-hite M-an's B-urden

link>An extract taken from a formal witness statement I made to ATVP on 12/3/13. if you wish to know the facts of the matter in relation to the celebratory harassment phone calls... (two of many such harassment calls made to my home land line over a period of years, via untraceable numbers and fax machines, by a scum Dunce racist Cunce coward and his twat associates) ...following my instant sacking/summarily dismissal by BT Group Plc's... i.e. irresponsible, cowardly hypocrites white people protecting bullying, mendacious, stupid white people protecting cowardly, scum racist white people, which were  made to my home phone number by two anonymous and extremely shy* individuals - the female of that species - accompanied by the noise of laughter of some sad twats who could be heard giggling - like little girls - in the background. What kind of men (sic) hide behind the females they breed and pollute my environment with? what I ask myself.

As shy* and cowardly as a Crown witness the CPS stuck behind a pathetic sight-blocking screen in a court of law so that that sad twat could mumble his bullshit 'evidence' tripe into the public record against me. Which resulted in my conviction based, in part, on that perjury I as the defendant had great difficulty in hearing as it was squeaked out to the three public servants sitting in judgement of me. p.s. I've yet to get around to knocking out full write ups of my three trials I defended myself in - via a bog standard jobbing legal aid solicitor - before three different magistrates courts, courtesy of the State's CPS and their stupid sorry I mean their star witnesses.

BT workplace CWU CC&TV Union Safety Representative. c. Apr.2009 - Aug. 2012. I will not bore the reader with the minutiae of that workplace TU role at the mo. 

A part of the role involves carrying out BT building and facilities inspections in the BT patch which that Rep covers. My patch included, obviously, BTs New St. Aylesbury ATE.  


A security barrier bars public access to this BT facility/premises. Security barrier operated by the usual workplace ID card issued to all employees and which is unique to each employee. When a replacement security ID card is requested it is issued with the instruction to return or destroy the obsolete ID card.

The registered keeper of the vehicle pictured above... (a vehicle identical to my own - a bog standard production model that is perfectly suited to me personally, and perfectly suited to my personal and domestic requirements e.g. spacious and roomy, ideal for transporting allotment kit, tools etc.) ...was, at the time the photo was taken, at work in BTs workplace and in possession of his BT security ID card. n.b. all BT employees are required to have their unique photo ID card on their person and displayed when at work. 

It is common practice for BT employees to possess more that one unique ID security card. Why? In order to give the stolen BT ID card to spouses, partners, relatives who are not BT employees, so that that BT employee's partner et al can gain access to security protected BT premises and make use of BT employee car parking facilities etc. As is the case in this instance.

c. 2009. On this mid week afternoon, as a part of my USR role I was conducting the external part of a standard buildings & facilities inspection visit and noted this vehicle in a carpark that was less than 20% occupied. The presence of this private vehicle was incongruous because I had very recently observed the registered keeper and his sad PEU mate in BTs (nick)Griffin Ln. TEC premises with BT ID security cards displayed. 

I reported this flagrant, deliberate breach and abuse of BT security policy to BT Security and to the CWU CC&TV H&S Rep to whom I was accountable. I am unaware if any preventative action was taken by either party.

A repeat performance. April 2010 wk/day a.m. I was again conducting union safety representative's building and facilities at BTs New St. Aylesbury ATE. 

My location happened to be at the rear of the building, walking along the single vehicle width one way road which leads onto the main car park when I heard an approaching vehicle. I moved to the wall of the building to allow the vehicle safe passage. When I turned and observed the vehicle it was in fact the Renault Scenic that is pictured above with it's reg. plate blanked out. This private vehicle was being driven by a female who was not a BT employee. This private individual had gained access to BT premises via a security barrier which can only be accessed by a valid BT employee ID security card. I looked directly at the vehicle's occupant who in turn did not look at me. I followed the vehicle into the main BT car park in order to take photo evidence of this abuse of BT security policy. Unfortunately, the vehicle occupant must have decided that she no longer wished to use BTs security barrier controlled  car park facilities, because by the time I had rounded the corner of the BT Aylesbury ATE building I saw the Renault Scenic being hastily driven straight out the car park exit. That security barrier operates on a proximity sensor and requires no BT ID to operate on exit.

I again formally reported and notified, via emails, this abusive deliberate undermining of BTs security policy to BT Security, to the CWUs CC&TV H&S Rep. and to the line manager of the BT employee who is the "partner" of the person I witnessed abusing BT Group's security policy by unlawfully possessing and unlawfully using a stolen BT security asset.

The above abuse of BT Group's workplace policies is only a single example of how white people in BT who are repeatedly and habitually unlawfully abusive of their 'secure' their 'guaranteed' employment within BT Openreach are protected, shielded and safeguarded by other white people within BT Openreach.


n.b. an out of sequence insertion I know, but jumping ahead for a moment: I listened to some complete shit, some desperate, stupid: ...this is how I'll get around that...(sic) perjurer's shit in court as told to a Crown Court Judge et al on 5/9/13.

A part of that diarrhea verbal 'evidence' given under oath went along the line of: brother-in-law goes to the exchange and uses his BT ID security card to raise the security barrier for my partner/wife (I am not certain which it is) so that she can turn around off the main road. Or maybe it was the brother-in-law who turns around at the security barrier entrance after he has raised the security barrier with his BT ID card for the none BT employee (Yes, I found this explanation nonsensical, confusing and stupid also). Oh and the brother-in-law also goes shopping with this none BT employee on a regular basis, which is why my private Renault Scenic vehicle driven by a none BT employee was repeatedly seen and photographed parked in a restricted security controlled area of BT Group's premises. Got it Judge !

My response to that contemptuous, perjurious shit spoken into the public record against me is this: Is this the same brother-in-law BT employee who was repeatedly treated to stolen BT property in the form of 50 ltr containers full of diesel fuel - when filling up a BT PEU vehicle at petrol stations with a BT Group fuel card issued for that PEU vehicle? In order to e.g. facilitate the brother in law's holiday travel back and forth from Gatwick etc. 

I ask again: It that the brother-in-law I, as the defendant, heard the Crown's witness referring to when he was moving his bowls under oath into the public record against me from behind a screen in a public court of law. Is that the same brother-in-law you were telling a Crown Court Judge about ____y?

The reader will notice that the Crown's witness at no point ever admits to anything. (Exactly like his BT suck buddy mates: phillip douglas aka phil the nigger, lee foulkes aka a big cunce licking fan and supporter, daniel thorp, paula allington, dominic martello/dumbstefano et al also, at no point ever admit to anything.) Not even a completely obvious, repeated abusive circumventing of BT ID card security facilities with a stolen BT employee ID security card . 

His, the Crown's witness's, natural, instinctive and consistent response is: to lie, to deny, to invent, to fabricate, to manufacture or to concoct an answer. Ditto his sad twat BT workplace mates. 

The sad part, the pathetic part being: he considers that he and his sad cohorts i.e. BT employees/CWU CC&TV members: phillip douglas aka phil the nigger. lee foulkes, andrew macdonald & paul allington, danny thorp, keith benwell aka benny, dominic martello/distefano, BTs black person Magic Roundabout snail et al. are not being completely obvious at every stage of their pathetic. desparate deceit. Whether inside of BT, inside of the CWU, inside Civil proceedings or inside of a Court of law.


U-ncle T-oms are the B-lack M-an's B-urden.
UT 11/7 BMB :
Is to be my personalised reg. plate for my - soon to be purchased - Lambretta Scooter [or bike (sic) as told to the police and the court] 


Monday 26 August 2013

a BNP supporting dunce racist cunce, lying, cowardly piece of shit & his Uncle Tom Prick black person suck buddy piece of shit.

I have to fight... - by way of an appeal to a Crown Court Warned List and a legal aid Barrister - ...a criminal conviction, sentence and monetary fines because of the two imbecilic mendacious twats identified in the title of this blog post.
One of whom was permitted by the CPS... (who apparently, never agreed with the racist twat having courtroom special measures (sic) in the first place - which begs the question: why the fuck was that facility allowed to go ahead?) squeak out his perjurious bullshit from behind a sight blocking screen in a court of law.
Doing that to me, to Colin Jarvis comes at a price, comes with an everlasting and never ending price tag.
Regarding shit such as: ...I just want to get on with my life... (sic) Feb. 2013 to ATVP.
Who the fuck is stopping anyone, including any BT BNP racist twats, of which there are many, and/or any thick as pig shit Uncle Tom Prick black person Trinidad twat from ...getting on with whatever the fuck they want to ...get on with (sic).
The fact is you, whoever the fuck you are or whoever the fuck you think you are, take me before the law and I am convicted via a gullible, tricked and deceived CPS and then to be too much of a fucking stupid dunce cunce coward to either face me face to face in court of law or be so much of a stupid, thick as pig shit prick to enter a courtroom witness box in front of me and disgorge your Uncle Tom Prick BT whipping boy John Coffey bullshit. Do those things, choose to do those things to a truthful, honest and factual black man, a black man with dignity for myself and for my race, as a strong black man with self respect and integrity, then... 

...Then I'm delighted to say you will be publicly outed by that very black man. That 'real black man' whom you have taken to law and in one case had convicted on your shit perjury. Convicted by a CPS witness sympathetic,  empathetic white female principle magistrate who was deceived / tricked / conned and lied to by the racist cunce  that white female magistrate viewed as a victim whereas in reality the prick who was the Crown's hide away star witness is the racist dunce cunce twat I have accurately described that white person as within my social media mass communication websites. And I've barely scrathched the surface in my outing of that twat, his twat Uncle Tom Prick black person suck buddy & High Wycombe Law Court waiting room sweat heart. 

Note above I state a: 'real black man', ay Uncle Tom Prick. Not like  BT employee "Mark Vincent" ay Uncle Tom! Or have you told that 'not a real black man' (sic) that those were not your words and that you have never said any such thing about that black BT employee? A bit like you're 'Phil the nigger' (sic) Trinidad tripe/ Trinidad shit denials in police witness statements with which the CPS used to bring me before a court on criminal charges, ay Uncle Tom! You sad, dirty Uncle Tom Prick black person and pizza making daddy. :(
Yes, you and those like you will be publicly outed, named and shamed at a time and place of a convicted criminal's choosing. Something to look forward to ay! And if the law puts be inside for it, so be it, I've absolutely no prob at all with that!
A stupid as fuck Uncle Tom Prick black person who was clearly abused inside of and outside of BT, abusively  exploited, used,  and manipulated, initially behind his Uncle Tom Prick back and then right in front of his Uncle Tom Prick face by white persons in BT & a closet racist dunce cunce and a white rent-a-crowd.... [an exCWU member no less. Ever asked yourself why that moron suddenly resigned his CWU-CCC membership? No? Well he gives his "reason" and gives his opinion of his CWU Rep John Grey in the doc. link contained in this post - a doc. he calls 'private legal papers'. (sic). What the fuck is private about a dunce cunce shit evidence within a public employment tribunal claim?] ...who happily and confidently disgorged his sincerely held racist inbred filth on a near daily basis to a black man because that closet racist prick considered himself to be completely safe in BT Group to give full vent to his true and actual white racist cunce scum nature and upbringing within a white employer's workplace.
Yes both those ignorant twats and others of their BT colleagues (sic) have acted with malice aforethought and acted wilfully, harmfully and perjuriously against this black man within formal police witness statements and under oath in a court of law and so doing real, lasting, permanent and deliberate harm and damage to me. I will answer that unlawful course of conduct carried out against me and reciprocate, within the law.
...he's put private legal papers on his websites...3/12/12.
What the fuck is private about a public employment tribunal claim, you racist twat? Private legal papers? The facts of: What was presented behind BT Groups' back and behind the back of CWU-CCC Reps. chic mcglynn, john grey et al. to a private very expensive solicitor by his client, his desperate mendacious and pig shit stupid client. This linked doc. has already been disseminated to numerous members of the public inside of BT and the CWU c. 2007/8/9/10/11 to family and friend  and is in the www.Cloud as from 2012 and will remain there and added to. Please note, I received a  FB message from dominic martello/distefano 30/11/12 18:00hrs saying he 'doesn't like it' (sic) This is the same dominic martello/distefano who repeatedly expressed to me his opinion of a BT dunce cunce as for example: ...that cunt is a racist piece of shit Gumba... Colin I'm trying to get info but duncey and that fat cunt ruzicKA and them other fuckers are not saying too much just in case... (sic) ...don't worry they don't suspect me, the fuckers are just being carefull...(sic) ...I tried to get some info out of that racist cunt today Colin..(sic) ...Gumba that racist cunt duncey was spouting off about how he had the right to bring in his BNP shit into BT and put it up in the yard when we were talking to him about it today...(sic) etc. etc. c. 2006/7. is NOT private as far as this convicted criminal is concerned.
A more legible doc. link:

Please note, Colin Jarvis's April 2007 very appropriate and very substantial... these are the actual facts J.M. Warby Esq I'm afraid. It must surely be obvious  and clear to you that your client is being less that truthful with you when instructing you to "keep me the fuck out of any public employment tribunal appearance - regardless of the cost" instructions to Horwood & James Ltd. ...reply (of which I am extremely proud) that was  sent to that expensive private solicitor who had sent to me the fax doc. in the above link, on behalf of his dunce cunce client, is yet to be posted on my social media. My printer/scanner kit is playing dead at the mo. Still, no rush, no panic, there's plenty of time plus the fact that I've box loads of docs. yet to publish. Alas, not a diary  in sight. :( 
n.b. I am very prepared to defend myself in court in the future and I will be acting as my own defence legal representative from now onwards. I will no longer be using a legal aid solicitors in any court proceedings when brought before a court by the CPS in future.


Thursday 22 August 2013

24/6/2011 & 7/7/2011. BT employee & none CWU member bunceophile racist scum danny thorpe. Compare and contrast the crass stupidity illiterate bullshit of a closet racist retard with the FACTS of the matter in relation to racist harassment, bullying and retaliatory victimisation of a complaining black employee in a white employer's BT Groups - workplace. IMPORTANT: The blog author takes no responsibility for the crass stupidity filthy duplicity of cowardly and compromised BT FS1GC & GA managers be they white persons or black persons. The blog author asserts: If any black people who unsolicited and voluntarily accesses by social media mass communication websites DOES NOT believe that white racist retards as a matter of FACT and as a matter of public record habitually and repeatedly refer to black people as monkeys (sic) then I advise those black people to sit down with their black children and explain exactly WHY Colin Jarvis is WRONG in identifying white BT employee danny thorp (amongst other white BT operatives of similar and/or like mindset) for what he is and for what he represents (for what they are and for what they represent) i.e. Bullying, harassing, halfwit closet racist(s) cunce. Then please go onto explain to your black children what you as a black parent believe is the CORRECT reason / interpretation for the closet racist retard white BT employee danny thorp posting his birthday card (sic) posting his personal private property in a specific location within a white employer's BT Groups' workplace a whole fourteen days after the fact of his birthday anniversary. That white BT employee subsequently was ably facilitated, aided and assisted to completely GET AWAY WITH CARRYING OUT THAT MALICIOUS VINDICTIVE RACIST CONDUCT after he formally presented... [comically and pathetically accompanied by his BT Friend (sic) an Italian BT employee/CWU-CC&TV member dominic distefano/martello - who on numerous occasions has told me directly that ...Gumba that fucking danny thorp is a racist cunt Colin ...I'm going to have that fucking arsehole danny before long you fucking watch ...Gumba danny and that half hand cunt judy chalmers(BT employee howard chalmers) are right up Paul Oliver's arse...I know what that cunt danny is trying to do..(sic) etc. c.Jan 2006 - Feb 2007 - 2Bcontd...] ...after he - danny thorp - formally presented to white BT managers that his conduct and actions had absolutely NOTHING to do with the complaining black employee Colin Jarvis. The black man whom that racist retard danny thorp (and his white BT suck buddies) had in fact targeted with his/their racist, pig ignorant filth. N.B. danny thorp is a BIG Millwall FC supporter - Millwall FC is plastered all over the interior of thorp's large BT work vehicle. FYI: White racist cunce who historically and contemporaneously make up a part of Millwall FCs fan base have as a matter of public record habitually and repeatedly carried out unlawful racist conduct toward black men on a football pitch i.e. monkey chants directed at black players, throwing bananas onto the field of play etc. It is a fact that BTs white management & BT Legal professionals(HA!) eagerly, happily and openly allowed, permitted, endorsed, supported and backed up their white racist cunce employee danny thorp (and numerous other lying, demonstrably cowardly, clearly dishonest, gang-mentality, chickenshit-brave twats, simple, twisted, bullying, harassing and vindictive white BT employees twats [shop floor twats & BT Friend (sic) line management cretins & HRBP line management morons] to completely GET AWAY WITH carrying out overt racist conduct, harassment, bullying and retaliatory victimisation of a complaining black employee within BT Group's workplace in Aylesbury HP19 8BP, in Oxford OX2 6HA, in London CR0 1SG, at Reading Employment Tribunal RG1 1DY & elsewhere within BT Groups' workplace. How? BECAUSE those senior decision making BT management white people are in control of what happens within BT Group. Those BT management & BT Legal white people in positions of authority and decision making power ALSO KNOW that NOT one other black employee (including cowardly, duplicitous, hypocritical, compliant, easily lead, sad, fearful black CWU Reps - black Equality Reps no less! HA! what an absolute fucking joke! 2Bcontd...) would put themselves at risk by standing up with and backing up the complaining black BT employee CWU member Colin Jarvis. BTs white management & BT Legal EC1A 7AJ - ALSO KNOW that the CWU SW9 1RX white management & CWU-CC&TV OX2 6HA branch officers(HA!) white BT employees are ALL to a man(HA!) completely powerless and too chickenshit afraid, unprincipled, cowardly and too fucking frightened and scared a group of hypocrites to stand up to BTs white line management and BT white HRBP management and say: No, this is wrong. Your employee daniel thorp and his BT colleagues (sic) have clearly conducted racist harassment bullying and retaliatory victimisation against a complaining black member of our TU and we will fight for Colin, speak up for and back Colin. We believe Colin Jarvis is presenting factually and truthfully and the white BT employees/CWU members he is complaining about are mendacious and are presenting false and untrue responses to your FS1GC & GA investigating managers. Such a thing happening is as likely as (pigs flying) as likely as those white CWU-CC&TV (professional-HA! what a fucking joke) TU branch officers(HA!) standing up to racist cunce & co. within BT in the past c. 2004/5/6/7/8/9/10/11 - IT SIMPLY JUST AIN'T NEVER GOING TO 'APPEN! - (Is it chic mcglynn, is it andy bushrod, is it john grey, is it gordon mason, is it...the fucking list goes on and on and fucking on. White people ay! And the sickeningly amusing thing for the likes of this black man is the FACT that the likes of thorp, douglas, foulkes, macdonald, benwell, dunce cunce, poozicKA, martello/distefano, his suck buddy john coffey, chalmers, spanswick, oakley, wise, nash and a goodly number of their white mates & their Uncle Tom black person suck buddies ALL hold you very CWU Reps and what you purport to stand for in utter contempt. With loathing and scornful contempt when discussing (sic) you very white people and your role as TU/CWU Reps. I know, I've heard them doing so many a time when I worked alongside them. But as with phil the nigger (sic) his puppet master lee foulkes, that racist retard CWU SLS&NH Rep andrew macdonald et al. they all KNOW that you as white people will ALWAYS dance to their tune and protect, defend and represent them when they shout: Oi you CWU Rep JUMP! a black man is citing me/us for racism and as you well know I and my many white work colleagues i.e. your other white members - [white CWU members who I / WE CAN and who I / WE WILL encourage to make life very very difficult for you as CWU branch Reps in all sorts of ways with other white CWU members] - as you well know I / WE are NOT racist in any way shape or form and have NOT practised racist conduct (despite the FACTS you are being presented with) of any sort. NOW JUMP to my / to our aid and defend, protect and represent me/us NOW! Your - CWU Reps safety net? Simple. You white TU/CWU Reps & your black TU/CWU Rep colleague (sic) KNOW for a FACT that YOU will NEVER have done to you what is done to black BTemployees/CWU members such as Colin Jarvis. YOU all KNOW that those white CWU SCUM members identified and cited as lying closet racists, bullies and cowards will NEVER do to YOU what they can be guaranteed to get away with inflicting on a black employee & TU member such as Colin Jarvis. You all KNOW that you are safe from being attacked by such workplace racist cunce & co. such as those white people you very TU Reps are all too familiar with inside of BT Group's workplace. Isn't that right chic mcgylnn? john grey? andy bushrod? gordon mason? mark frnch? dick sermon? eamonn mclaughlin? et al. ...2Bcontd...

A dunce, cunce-licking closet racist BT employee danny thorp's representation of black people openly displayed within a white employer's - BT Groups' - workplace.
Why the white persons who's name are written inside danny thorp's birthday card (sic) see the depiction of an indefensible animal portrayed as being in excruciating pain by virtue of having it's genitalia tortured with boiling liquid as humorous and funny is beyond me. But then again I am not a closet racist retard unlike BT employee danny thorp. Nor am I an Uncle Tom Prick black person cowardly courtroom twat. Unlike BT employee black person who white BT employees call: John Coffey. (sic) da drink boss, only spelt diffunt boss..(sic)
The Uncle Tom Prick black person BT employee named John Coffey who entered the empty BT operatives office on the p.m. of the 7/7/2011 and was in situ when I entered the office could not help but notice the presence of thorp's private property posted on the notice board [the birthday card was incongruous (sic) as lame old, sick old, stupid old keith benwell...[or more accurately as BT Legal's coaching of dirty old, filthy scum keith benwell aka benny]...would put it. But Uncle Tom Prick consciously avoided seating himself in front of the image and instead occupied ken woodwards work station and left my work station vacant for when I entered the office. That BT whipping boy Uncle Tom Prick coward having previously, on numerous occasions, voiced his utter contempt for and his personal loathing and hatred of danny thorp, calling thorp a racist twat (sic) etc. ...I remember that racist cunt danny and his mates from school Colin...(sic) when describing his interactions with danny thorp, with dominic suckstefano/martello et al. when those inadequates attended stoke mandeville school together c.1980s. 2Bcontd...  
As already described within my ET witness statements, in my BT documents and in my CWU documents the following is the case: On 19 July when line manager(HA! what a joke) peter martin was at BTs (nick)Griffin Ln. to conduct a team talk with the BT operatives he manages(HA!) an obese, sick old, sad old, lame old BT operative twat named keith benwell and danny thorp's BT rent boy chris davies, were having a good laugh at thorp's posted birthday card in my and a number of other BT operatives presence... (the 'brave' racist retard danny boy avoided coming into that office and hid downstairs until the team talk had began in the room adjacent to the BT operatives upstairs office we occupied) ...I left the office and stated my concerns to p.martin directly. The sad arsehole pete martin was looking very pathetic and very unhappy mumbled a ...yeah okay (sic) when I informed him that I was going to raise the conduct of  the sick, stupid twat keith benwell and his lap dog chris davies at the upcoming 25/7/11 FS1GC hearing I was to attend with a BT investigating manager.
When I returned to the office later that day thorp's birthday card had mysteriously disappeared - exactly like the MURDER PLEASE poster which had been posted - by some sad, cowardly, racist dunce cunce-licking pervert parent(s) and their sick twisted BT suck buddies - adjacent to my CWU-CC&TV USR photo identifying notice located in the stores hub on that same BT premises had mysteriously disappeared. Hence the photo of the blank space pictured above.

The relevance of the above photo of the racist retard BT employee danny-the racist cunce-licker- thorp is the BT vehicle pictured.  danny thorp was up until approx. 2008 a CST volume operative alongside martello/distefano, his black person BT employee suck buddy known as John Coffey within BT, who were all managed by BT CST volume line manager neil landymore and by his fma who's name I was frequently told by martello and his mate but which I now cannot remember, What I do remember is that the above named BT operatives, in common with many other BT operatives, were known to loath working on the CST volume domestic & business installation side of BTs business and made it their priority to remove themselves onto the external 'second stage' workgroup. Hence thorp's, martello's and his black person Uncle Tom Prick suck buddy's et al steady migration, gradual presence onto BTs external copper network workgroup on which I had worked since my RTW in Feb.2007.
Re: danny thorp's BT vehicle, myself and thorp. Between 2008/11 I worked on BTs external copper network with thorp on only a very few occasions. However when I was tasked to work alongside him there was never any difficulties or problems between us. We simple talked about the task in hand, knocked the job out and went our separate ways either back to the BT (nick)Griffin Ln. yard or where ever.

The interior of thorp's BT vehicle is noteworthy for two reasons. One: it is immaculate inside, very well stocked with external copper network stores, tools, equipment etc. required in the field. And I repeat the vehicle is in immaculate condition inside. You could eat your dinner of any part of that vehicle's interior. That's a simple fact. Immaculate. When working with thorp in Stevenage c.2010 - looking through the job pack etc. in the rear of thorp's vehicle I commented on the condition in which he kept his vehicle (even when a small amount of water was split by thorp when making tea for example, it was immediately and thoroughly cleaned etc.) danny thorp responded to me by saying ...I reckon I've got OCD... (sic). I could not disagree with thorp's opinion as evidence by how I observed him when working out of that BT vehicle with him. The man is obsessively and dementedly tidy and neat to an extraordinary degree. The second and very noteworthy and significant point in relation to the interior of thorp's BT vehicle is the fact of the mass of personal items belonging to thorp which are contained within that BT work vehicle. n.b. I am not talking about welfare personal item - cooking stuff cleaning stuff etc. I am referring to the abundance of Millwall FC paraphernalia thorp has decorated the interior of that vehicle with. You cannot miss it, it is very prominent and eye catching to even the most casual of observers. That's a simple fact.

The contents of this post already exist on my websites Google+ 14th Nov. 2012 / FB 16th July 2013 etc. This is an addition draft blog post to assist my further researching and detailing for documentation and publishing purposes.

According to the witness statement evidence provided to a public employment tribunal by the Respondent BT employee danny thorp - hereafter referred to as torp - his birthday anniversary is (and will be for the remainder of his sad life) the 24 June. Okay?
So we are talking about a person who is - allegedly - in receipt of a birthday card from persons with whom he associates himself with in his private/personal/home/family life on 24/6/11. Correct?

Some time after 9 a.m on 7 July 2011 torp enters BT premises during his workday and pins his personal private property to a specific section of a specific BT workplace notice board. That is to say pins his monkey face directly in front of my everyday work station. Yes yes, I know that torp and BTs white management and BT Legal assert that this was not in fact Colin Jarvis's work station but was in fact every bodies (sic) work station. But I will let that pass for the present, save to say that that is akin to stating that BT employee fma ken woodward also did not have a specific work station in that particular BT operatives office and is also akin to saying that fma ken woodward does/did not habitually as a matter of course nick off work to go and work on his allotment plots as a regular part of his p.m. BT working day.

But I digress. So fourteen days/two weeks  after receiving his monkey face from persons known to him outside of BTs workplace daniella torp decides to bring his private property into BTs workplace and post on a specific part of  BT premises that image of a tortured, grimacing, clapping none human primate with digitally enhanced bulging eyes. Okay so far? Good.

FYI. A brief empirical description of BT employee chris davies (c.2009/11 a BT apprentice, supposedly) a sad little, stupid little, easily manipulated little boy with red hair who has an absolutely hilarious & permanent tattoo of a bright red and orange flame on his forearm...
(n.b. that BT little boy chris davies - and his BT mentor, hero and suck  buddy mate danny thorp - would do well to compare and contrast chris davies's impressive permanent tattoo with the impressive permanent cartoon-like tattoo - a representation of what passes for a 'sexy lady' - which is located on the upper arm of a BNP supporting, lying, bullying, racist dunce cunce (and now an extremely shy) "substantive" C1 grade BT IT Gold User team leader BT employee who has previously exercised BT workplace authority over B2 grade employees, myself included. 
A tattoo I have only ever once had the absolute pleasure of seeing, when that racist twat got over excited in the company of dickie markham and andy poozicKA and displayed his pride and joy to all those present. Once only in five years but that was enough. Once only including very hot summers. Because that tattoo is kept very well hidden and out of sight and which never ever sees the light of day, hence the extremely white, bleached-like nature of the skin on which that hilarious tattoo is positioned. I guarantee the reader you will laugh you nuts off at the sight. Or as in the case of danny thorp's little BT  rent boy chris davies - you will laugh your ginger nuts (sic) off at the sight)
...who leached onto sorry I mean who latched onto  torp after being passed around a number of experienced BT operatives - including myself on a few brief occasions c.2009/10 - when davies was first employed and placed on BT line manager's steve wingrove's Aylesbury work group.

BT employee danny torp's BT rent boy chris davies  apparently loves (sic) to constantly put ginger biscuits in his mouth then suck and swallow them throughout the workday. n.b. I hope that is the only thing which that little boy chris davies puts in his mouth sucks on and swallows when working with his mentor and hero danny torp. 

I must say the times that little immature and easily lead twat chris  davies  was allocated to 'work' with me on BTs external copper network, no mention nor sight of ginger biscuits were ever evident in any way. I can say that I kept torp's rent boy chris davies busy working, something he was mostly reluctant to do as in: I ain't doing va't its too hot to work... (sic) ...I ain't fucking open up all them... I ain't dong va't...(sic) etc. when work was required of him on the task in hand. I responded by saying: ..alright go then chris, I'll do it. ...ahh I didn't mean...bullshit bullshit bullshit squeak squeak squeak... Still, gullible, stupid, inadequate, simple, new to the workplace persons such as that little boy chris davies will always be taken advantage of, used and abused by grown men such as danny torp and keith benwell et al. 

So, according the closet racist retard danny torp his 'version of events' presented to BTs white managers goes as follows: mate chris...(whom I - danny torp - work with on a daily basis week in week out)...just loves to suck on ginger biscuits constantly whilst at work. Therefore I thought it would be hilarious to make my BT rent boy chris aware that as a grown man, husband and father I - danny thorp - find the fact that my BT rent boy chris davies has red pubic hair on his scrotum so so very funny and even more so to imagine that little boy's red haired covered genitalia being subjected to pain by way of immersion in boiling liquid i.e. tea,  Therefore I chose to display my private property in the form of a fourteen day old birthday card in a specific and particular part of BTs workplace for my BT rent boy's chris davies enjoyment and amusement. Contd...*

n.b. A specific part of BT premises which the retard twat danny torp and his rent boy chris davies made very infrequent use of (along with other BT operatives) due to the fact that I used that office space on a regular as clockwork basis. The two other BT operatives who used that office space on a regular basis alongside myself were (i) a black person BT employee whipping boy Uncle Tom Prick & (ii) fma ken woodward. woodward was always in situ at his work station when I entered that office at 7:25 a.m and took up my work station at the opposite end of the inline tables to that of woodward. n.b ken woodward was never present in that office after midday when his workday effectively ended and he trotted off to work on his allotment plots in Berkhampstead.

[n.b. Having control of and the ability to manipulate, fiddle and abuse BT job estimate No.s (the means/the method by which BT work hours are controlled, allocated and accounted for - is a facility which costs BT Group  incalculable money and gives cart blanch to BT 'managers' such as ken woodward...[and his many fma & line manager colleagues.] play the BT Group for an absolute fool year in year out. i.e. money for old rope (sic) is how ken woodward put it to me, and is the method the means by which fma ken woodward is able to "look after" his "boys" i.e. pete cairnie, paul farmer, keith benwell, chris davies, danny thorp et al.  c.2008/9/10/11 whom he 'assists' (sic) his line manager to manage ...2Bcontd...]

(Further details of the fact of the use of that HP19 8BP BT(nick)Griffin Ln. office space is 2Bcontd.. )




Hmm... strange that innit ! 




Hang on, I get it now! Perhaps that is the very reason that a grown man danny thorp hung onto a fourteen day old birthday card! In order to post it on a BT workplace notice board because danny thorp wanted to share the pleasure of that little boy's - chris davies - ginger nuts with the sick old, lame old, obese old man BT employee keith benwell aka benny (sic), whilst in BTs office HP19 8BP  BTs (nick)Griffin Ln. Aylesbury TEC premises.
Who knows, danny thorp may well see that sick, mendacious twat keith benwell aka benny, as an alternate father figure to compensate for his actual father figure outside of BTs workplace. 

There you are - Mystery solved! Now danny thorp's posting of his BT rent boy chris davies's ginger nuts on BT premises makes absolute sense to me. :) 

I knew there must be a logical and rationale reason as to why that white female BT FS1GC investigating manager & that white BT male GA investigating manager and that white BT HR specialist (sic) twat  were correct all along!

n.b. Senior white people in BT Group and in BT Legal make me sick. I, of course KNOW exactly why those senior workplace white people do what the do in relation to white dunce racist cunce such as thorp, douglas, foulkes, macdonald, benwell et al. whom they have in their employ. In the fullness of time I will articulate the reasons as to why  those workplace choices and conduct of those senior white people in BT Group. BT Legal etc are carried through within a white employer's workplace.   2Bcontd...

Contd...* My  conduct in posting my fourteen day old birthday card personal property on a specific and particular location within BT premises had absolutely nothing to do with Colin Jarvis. Okay!

Oh and by the way Mrs BT investigating manager, I also can tell you - and my best mate, my BT Friend (sic) dominic martello/distefano will suck me off - sorry I mean will back me up on this - I can also tell you that the Sun goes around the Earth and water flows uphill and that I am not a cunce-licking closet racist retard twat, as Colin Jarvis is presenting. Okay again!

That white female BT investigating manager's response? Okay danny boy I'm very willing and happy to swallow whatever the fuck you tell me to swallow. Hmmm, that's delicious danny, thank you. And please rest assured nothing of this FS1GC raised against you by the complaining black BT employee will appear on your BT work record. c.Sept.2011.

But will, fortunately, appear in the BT Cloud work record courtesy of  the ECHR Article 10.

Of course the closet racist retard and BT workplace bully danny thorp or his BT rent boy chris davies or BT Group can use the police, use the CPS and use the law courts if  it is alleged Colin Jarvis has acting contrary to the law and/or contrary to another person's rights in law.

Keeping up? Good.

As I have described elsewhere and as I again publicly repeated, unequivocally and plainly repeated, to a white employment judge and her two white colleagues on 7/8/12 in the presence of danny torp, paula allington, phillip douglas aka phil the nigger (sic), douglas's and allington's puppet master and suck buddy lee foulkes, CWU closet racist Rep. andrew macdonald, sick old, sad old, lame old keith benwell aka benny (sic), BT Group's Contentious lawyer, her para legal and the newspaper journalist present. 
I presented under oath in civil proceedings: The sole reason the closet racist retard BT employee danny torp posted an image depicting a grimacing clapping none human primate directly in front of my work station was as a simple matter of fact: Conduct of sick, stupid, pig ignorant, racist scum harassment and retaliatory victimisation. Maliciously aimed and directed at me as the black man who took his - danny torp's - BT suck buddies: phillip douglas aka phil the nigger (sic) and douglas's puppet master lee foulkes to BTs FS1GC.  

Then when subsequently those two sad halfwit BT/CWU retarded morons were given the all clear and complete exoneration on Mon. 4/7/2011 by a cowardly stupid, fearful black BT investigating manager. It being known that that same BT manager(HA!) was to hand me his fucking stupid "FS1GC outcome letter" on Thurs. 7/7/2011. 
The racist inbred twat danny torp on behalf of himself and his BT suck buddies determined to conduct malicious, retaliatory BT workplace racist harassment, bullying and victimisation of the complaining black BT employee by posting an image which racist scum use to portray and represent black people, in the filthy, deviant, perverted minds of all such backward racist cunce. Be those white racist dunce cunce parents and/or husbands and/or fathers and/or grandparent.

White BT employee racist twat danny torp doing so with the water tight guarantee and solid deny-ability get out clause of mate's name is chris and he just loves ginger biscuits and there are many white BT employees e.g. our white line manager friend peter martin and our mate benny aka a sick old, lame old twat and my BT Friend (sic) dominic martello/suckstefano and others - who will all testify to the fact that chris davies absolutely loves and constantly eats ginger biscuits at work. Okay! 

BTs white investigating manager eagerly and happily swallowed down that bullshit tossed up to her without any difficulty whatsoever, and further, BT Group Plc & BT Legal to their eternal shame and  condemnation  representing, reinforcing, supporting and advancing that sick white racist scum bullshit 'evidence' (sic) within public civil proceedings.

Cowardly and spineless, hypocrites and completely compromised white people in BT Group ay! 

Supposedly "responsible", supposedly "trustworthy" supposedly "honest" senior white people in positions of decision making authority and power who choose to make the conscious decision to compel themselves to swallow other white people's bullshit rather that have the decency and courage to hold those same bullying workplace racist cunce white people whom they employ accountable and responsible. Those same senior level white people knowing that not one other black person in their employ is going to risk themselves by standing up, backing up, supporting and declaring for the complaining black employee Colin Jarvis.

Cowardly and spineless , hypocrites and completely compromised black people in BT Group ay!

FYI: Oh yes, those same 'brave' (sic) black people will stand up at their black workers conferences / go to BT Group's bullshit equality - talking disingenuous and meaningless tripe - seminars with BT white people whom those black people know are two faced and profess we are all on the same side... and the rest of the horseshit BT white people evacuate from their facial sphincters into the receptive mouths of those black people employees they 'mix with' (sic) . Yes I speak empirically, I've heard them at CWU BWCs etc. spouting their bullshit motions ...we ain't putting up with this, we ain't tolerating that.... we're going to do this, we're going to do that and the fucking other - drivel. But when it comes to facing up to white racist cunce in BT and in the CWU those same black people CWU Reps such as Colin Bell et al. run a fucking mile and hide and are silent, totally silent. ...ahh I can't say too much Colin, he's in my branch..(sic) bullshit. 

Yes Colin and you are the fucking 'Equality' officer(HA!) for that very fucking branch in which your  CWU SLS&NH white Rep colleagues fall over themselves to accommodate, to keep out of harms way, to look after and to protect that closet racist lying cunt andrew macdonald. Whilst black CWU Reps like you hear no evil see no evil and do great evil when you run away from such pig ignorant, stupid, cowardly, lying racist bullies white racist twat  as CWU  SLS&NH Rep andrew macdonald.

a. macdonald, a racist dunce cunce who openly voiced - with a big confident secure grin on his racist twat's face - his filth racist belief that black people are ...niggers who should to be whipped. (sic) in a room full of white men CWU members and one solitary black man member. 
And YOU Colin Bell et al. do fuck all, do absolutely fuck all about that lying racist cunt andrew macdonald. 

Or did you and you black CWU Rep Equality Rep. colleagues(sic) hold Linda Roy's hand and take yourselves off to another BT equality seminar or conference and cozy up to two faced white BT men and women in suits and said how ...we are all in agreement with each other. (sic)  bullshit !

Well don't concern yourselves  Colin Bell, Gus Alleyne, Winston Richards, Ian Taylor et al.  
I, me, Colin Jarvis am doing something and will further do, something about it, about the likes of that lying bullying racist twat CWU Rep white racist cunce andrew macdonald and CWU members such as phillip douglas, lee foulkes et al. 

That closet lying racist retard andrew macdonald's public OUTING is inevitable regardless of the passage of time. The passage of time is totally utterly and completely irrelevant to the FACTS of the matter and always will be. Okay!

Along with the public OUTING naming and shaming of those other BT/CWU white racist dunce cunce and an Uncle Tom Prick black person BT whipping boy et al. involved in this LITTLE matter of principle. :)

Fucking spineless hypocrites BT/CWU black people.

Did you same CWU black people know that chic mcgylnn's/gordon mason's et al. CWU CC&TV branch brought and laid formal charges against me c.Jan 2013 via that duplicitous mendacious CWU NDC  'lay member' simon sapper...(Yes that's right, didn't you know? CWU NEC member & NDC officer(HA!) simon sapper is a "lay member" of the CWU. I have the letter (one of many such, which will all be published in the fullness of time) in which that full time, very experienced, professional TU official states to me that he and his National Discipline Committee colleagues are all lay members. (sic) Hmmm, yeah that's right lay members who have only scant knowledge of employment law and of CWU trade union internal procedures and of legislation governing the duties and responsibilities of a trade union to its members. Funny innit Colin? Gus? Winston? Ian? et al.) ...and his NDC white buddies? The same NDC white members who, along with your white CWU SLS&NH branch colleagues (sic) protected and safeguarded the racist cunce CWU Rep andrew macdonald for over 18 months?
Up until Joshua Munro QC on behalf of Billy Hayes and Co. & an Employment Judge named Richard Lewis, twice, kicked the fuck out of me in Sept. 2012. 

Question: Did you Colin Bell  CWU SLS&NH  branch Equality Rep. and your white CWU SLS&NH Rep. colleagues bring and lay formal charges against that lying closet racist cunt andrew macdonald with the CWUs NDC c. 2011/12?

No don't tell me Colin, let me guess !!!
