Thursday 21 February 2013

wayne bunce BT acting FMA c. March 2001

High Wycombe.

An example for uncle tom prince's enjoyment. 

Onsite with Graham Davis, Dick Ingermels and Andy Nash.

A carrier-pole put up in progress mid morning. BNP dunce bunce, in his capacity as acting FMA turned up onsite for no other reason than to show off and mouth off, like the racist gob shite he is. (dunce bunce was able to be a law unto himself under  BT line manager ron ryall. (ryall was of exactly the same - absolutely useless BT manager calibre as, for example: peter martin, malcolm aubrey, paul allington et al i.e. good-for-nothing.)

Across the road from the c/p put up was a large detached house which belonged to a black man who was a very recently (2001) retired BT engineer of many years standing. The man had recently had a little write up plus photo in the CWU branch magazine OBSERVER about his career in BT and wishing him well on his retirement. The man came over to talk and have a chat with us when dunce racist cunce bunce was onsite.

I asked him how he was enjoying his retirement and what was he up to now? He replied that, yes, he was enjoying himself and intended to carry on doing so. The man then went on to tell us that he was building a house on a piece of land he had bought back in Jamaica. BNP racist bunce jumped in with: "What a mud hut, you building another fucking mud hut?" Followed by that puke inducing scummy gap tooth grin (a truly disgusting sight if ever there is one) which is that racist twat's trademark whenever he chose to deploy his racist cowardly filth within BT's workplace. 

Unfortunately BNP dunce is not willing to deploy that same inbred racist trait outside of BT. For example, when I see him on my allotment plot.

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