Wednesday 9 January 2013

Colin Jarvis - brian prince c. Dec. 2010

Location: in BT vehicle in S4 exchange carpark nr Dunstable - (finished manhole/pole 20pr c/o with frank - the plank- hackett. i.e. dominic martello's banker)

b prince: ...I read your article in the union mag, it's good...

Colin Jarvis:...Have they sent the mag out then? I ain't got it yet. I bet they didn't published the thing in full?

bp:... Well it's got your name on it. To be honest Colin I'm embarrassed that I believed all the things I was being told about you...

Colin Jarvis:...Like what brian?

b prince: ... (silence).

NB From first working with and alongside brian prince c. early 2008 (when external copper network Operatives first took up residence in HP19 8BP upstairs office under s wingrove and k woodward) up until Aug. 2011 b prince was always guarded and very careful about what details and specifics he was willing to reveal / state / impart to me in all conversations which I had had with him and in which he voluntarily engaged me.

The reasons* for the obvious reticence / reluctance / guardedness on the part of b prince and indeed the same 'workplace behaviour' on the part of his friend dominic martllo, (or - danger mouse, as I had christened martello much to prince's amusement - as indeed I was amused, entertained and somewhat surprised by brian prince's originality when in February 2011 in the course of a private conversation with brian prince concerning Oxford BT operatives lee foulkes and phillip douglas, b prince christened BT employee/CWU-CC&TV member phillip douglas - Phil the nigger!) and on the part of all other BT /employees whom BT's racist in residence and his followers had deliberately and wholly unjustifiably poisoned and contaminated against me - I being the black BT Operative who had totally outed and exposed BT's C1 racist in residence BNP wayne BUNCE c. Dec.2005 to June 2012. ...the reasons* will be described  in full within forthcoming blog / social media posts.

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