Wednesday 9 January 2013

Colin Jarvis - dominic martello. c. 2006

[exchange of emails on receiving CWU Employment Tribunal Rep refusal.]
TO:DOMINIC MARTELLO  Sunday, 29 October 2006, 20:41
Dom, I won't actually call him a cocksucker just yet, but I fear it will have to be said eventually. Listen, I'm a bit behind schedule with casework, letters to friends etc so need to ask you to delay Tony's couple of hours out with us till I get letter/card off to him okay?. Don't forget to let me have your new mobi number when you have it and also let me have your btmobi for emergencies. Thats it for now. I will await bushbaby's fucking excuses and bullshit this coming week. If the union think I am going to take the pressure off they are so fucking wrong gumba, so fucking wrong. Still all / everyone will find out soon enough how fucking aggrieved and angry I am. Then I'll sit back and watch as every fucker dives for cover.
Fuck em man, it's got to be done!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll be in touch.

I would like you if you get a chance to say to that prick andy fucking bushbaby that if he feels concerned enough for what ever the conversation was with his union saftey rep to mention to her that AYLESBURY IS A RACIST YARD,why does he not feel compelled to do something about it,coz if this is how he feels about aylesbury then why dont he stick with you gumba right to the end.

Colin Jarvis - brian prince c. Dec. 2010

Location: in BT vehicle in S4 exchange carpark nr Dunstable - (finished manhole/pole 20pr c/o with frank - the plank- hackett. i.e. dominic martello's banker)

b prince: ...I read your article in the union mag, it's good...

Colin Jarvis:...Have they sent the mag out then? I ain't got it yet. I bet they didn't published the thing in full?

bp:... Well it's got your name on it. To be honest Colin I'm embarrassed that I believed all the things I was being told about you...

Colin Jarvis:...Like what brian?

b prince: ... (silence).

NB From first working with and alongside brian prince c. early 2008 (when external copper network Operatives first took up residence in HP19 8BP upstairs office under s wingrove and k woodward) up until Aug. 2011 b prince was always guarded and very careful about what details and specifics he was willing to reveal / state / impart to me in all conversations which I had had with him and in which he voluntarily engaged me.

The reasons* for the obvious reticence / reluctance / guardedness on the part of b prince and indeed the same 'workplace behaviour' on the part of his friend dominic martllo, (or - danger mouse, as I had christened martello much to prince's amusement - as indeed I was amused, entertained and somewhat surprised by brian prince's originality when in February 2011 in the course of a private conversation with brian prince concerning Oxford BT operatives lee foulkes and phillip douglas, b prince christened BT employee/CWU-CC&TV member phillip douglas - Phil the nigger!) and on the part of all other BT /employees whom BT's racist in residence and his followers had deliberately and wholly unjustifiably poisoned and contaminated against me - I being the black BT Operative who had totally outed and exposed BT's C1 racist in residence BNP wayne BUNCE c. Dec.2005 to June 2012. ...the reasons* will be described  in full within forthcoming blog / social media posts.

Colin Jarvis - dominic martello c. 2007

DOMINIC MARTELLO Sunday, 18 February 2007, 16:54 <> wrote:

Hope you are ok,not heard from you in a while,dont worry my friend on the beaches we fought,the trenches we did not hide,and now comes the time to prade ourselves for we are the unsung heros of this battle,
P.S if you ever get out reds do you remember the name of that place

Saturday 5 January 2013

Claimant's objection to BTs application to strike out my claim.

From: Colin Jarvis <>
Sent: Saturday, 16 June 2012, 10:58
Subject: Fw: Mr C Jarvis v BT plc. (and others) - case number 2702940/2011

Dear ReadingET

I refer to the application made by the First Respondent that a PHR be listed urgently in order for the Respondent’s application to strike out my claim in its entirety be heard by the Tribunal. BT Legal stating the grounds on which that application is made. The Claimant asserts to the Tribunal the stated grounds upon which BT Legal stand is without foundation or merit. I therefore would respectfully seek the Tribunal’s leave to state the Claimant’s objection and the grounds on which that legal objection is based.

Threatening behaviour

The Claimant’s statement, which we understand he has sent to the tribunal, contains numerous personal attacks on individuals employed by the First Respondent, including but not limited to the other named Respondents. His comments are aggressive, inflammatory and extremely threatening. For example, the Claimant includes the following statement (with his own emphasis):
You can be assured I won’t play back and I won’t kickback.
Instead of which I, me, this black man, this BME BT employee; will teach you - and your BT Friends and/or your TU Friends – a lesson that you will never forget.
I will adverselyimpact upon and affect your life. Your work life and your home life, your private life, your personal life; profoundly, irrevocably and to all intent and purpose, permanently....

I refute that totally. I have not engaged in threatening behaviour in any way in the course of my witness statement. What I have engaged in is stating the facts of the matter, as reflected in disclosed BT documents c. November 2010 to 13 June 2012. BT documents (substantial quantities) of BT In-confidence documents, BT privileged documents.The information contained therein as that relates to this BME BT employee who is the Claimant and my just, equitable and reasoned reactions / responses to becoming party to that information - as that information relates to the Claimant, relates to the other Respondents to my claim and relates to other involved / concerned individual BT employees - does not constitute threatening behaviour. I respectfully submit what that constitutes is a natural human response to being so maliciously, damagingly, dangerously and destructively presented against by other BT employees, both field team and line management, BME and none BME BT employees alike.
I have no need to use threatening behaviour. I simply have to point to that which has been presented in substantial quantities of BT documents which are attributable to other BT employees and their BT Friend(s).

The Claimant’s detailed witness statement contains very considerable references to exact pages of BT provided documents for a reason. Please note: I have lived with the contents of those BT documents since early December 2011. Just as I have lived with the BT workplace consequences of taking workplace action and Tribunal proceedings against a workplace racist coward in BT who was, and still remains, popular amongst other BT employees in this part of BT plc.. Please do not view the Respondent’s application and the grounds on which that application is made as, in any way, valid, proportionate or in any way justifiable. With respect, I worked with and alongside these men, nobody, I repeat nobody, within BT Legal has. They, unlike me, are therefore in large measure ignorant of the facts, the reality, the actuality of the what I have complained to BT about and have now succeeded in bringing before an Employment Judge and Tribunal panel. ReadingET viewing my claim as meriting hearing over five days. My employer instructing their legal representatives to resist my claim. BT also placing the full weight of their organisation’s legal expertise at the service of the five white BT employees on whom I served ET1s separately.

Is it proportionate that a legitimate listed Tribunal claim be struck out because the Respondents are irate at the fact that the contents of the Claimant’s witness statement has presented the facts of my empirical BT workplace experience and my deep knowledge, as that relates to case 2702940/2011.

Please note, I am, also, irate (as in; I have been made to feel extremely sick and unwell and continue to be so) at the contents of BT documents disclosed to this BME BT employee as a result of my instigating Tribunal proceedings against five white BT employees individually and against my employer. Irate(ness), irrespective of quoted case law relied upon by BT, is not legitimate grounds on which to base an application to withhold from a citizen of this country his right to access legal due process and considered legal judgement, in respect of my workplace rights and entitlements as a BME BT employee.

BT plc.’s obvious concern for five white BT employees to be now kept away from and safeguarded from public accountability for those BT employee’s workplace actions is confusing to the Claimant. Why should grown men not be exposed to questioning from the BME BT employee those grown men freely, happily and with malice chose to target and pick on, in a cowardly, gang mentality manner because of my race and my visible TU workplace role and activity?

Are BT afraid those grown men may somehow come to some harm?
An Employment Judge and Tribunal panel will be there to ensure that that doesn’t happen, and that the law is fairly, impartially, proportionately, equitably and justly administered. That is my, admittedly limited, understanding of Employment Tribunal proceedings.

The fact that those grown men will be obliged / compelled to either retract and withdraw their current stated evidence or perjure themselves in the public forum of an Employment Tribunal is not the Claimant’s fault or my responsibility.

The retraction of evidence in the legal arena of a Tribunal or committing perjury in the legal arena of a Tribunal is a natural consequence of the law taking its natural course, as a result of a BME BT employee upholding my workplace rights, my workplace dignity and my self respect as a BME employee and as a black man outside of my workplace. Why the First Respondent considers they have to be protective of grown men who are workplace perpetrators of cowardly gang- mentality bullying, harassing and victimisation on the grounds of another BT employee’s race and TU workplace visibility is puzzling to the Claimant. For example, the witness statements in my possession - from the five white BT employees whom the First Respondent seeks to protect from being spoken to by the BME BT employee who was those grown men erstwhile victim and target – speaks to the necessity for the listed case to be allowed to proceed without interference. The witness statements from the BT employee Respondents are not only highly offensive to the BME BT employee Claimant. The contents of those witness statements are simply, factually and actually wholly mendacious and without merit. That is it say; untrue, false, lies.
The Claimant seeks the right to put the case of those aforementioned facts to the grown men who are the five white BT employee Respondents. The grown man who is the Claimant, undertakes not to, in any way, be horrible and/or nasty to any of those other grown men who are the Other Respondents, when I put to them individually, and in front of an impartial and independent Employment Judge and Tribunal panel - the fact of their unlawful workplace conduct those grown men carried out against me in BT’s workplace simply because of the fact that I am a black BT employee and that I engaged myself in visible TU workplace activity. Therefore I assert, to grant a PHR in order to hear an application to strike out should be refused by the Tribunal.

Discriminatory behaviour

In addition, the Claimant makes a large number of racially derogatory accusations against a colleague, who is not a Respondent to the claim and will not be a witness at the hearing. The comments, reproduced below, are discriminatory and vindictive. The Claimant’s personal opinions of Mr Prince are entirely irrelevant to the allegations made in his claim and can therefore only have been included out of malice.

The Claimant does not retract a single syllable of the Claimant’s personal statement. Please see (i) BT documents contained within the First Respondent’s bundle disclosed to the Claimant in respect of the evidence given to BT IMs by the BME BT employee Brian Prince. Please also see (ii) CMD 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 10.1 and 10.2. Please also see (iii) FS1GC documents from the Claimant.
The first set of documents contain evidence which is discriminatory and vindictive toward me, and was submitted in malice and with malice aforethought by Brian Prince. That I am afraid, and with the greatest of respect, is a simple fact. The fact that BT Legal are not in a position to concur with that fact is something over which the Claimant has no control and which I am helpless to influence. The second set of documents demonstrates the actions taken by the Claimant in my attempt to hold this BME BT employee accountable for the wilful and malicious harm done to me by the lies, the false, and the egregiously misleading evidence he submitted to BT IMs in August and September 2011. I failed in that attempt. The third set of documents I rely upon as a part of my claim in respect of my employer’s FS1GC and GA procedures in relation to Brian Prince. (I am deliberately not referring to Brian Prince as *****-*** Prince in the course of this objection to the assertion of discriminatory behaviour by BT Legal, out of proper respect for the legal proceedings this objection is a part of. I wish also to be respectful of ReadingET, respectful of my employer and respectful of their legal representative.

I respectfully ask my employer to acknowledge this fact. That which I presented to BT IMs at FS1GC and GA stage was presented by me with the knowledge that that evidence, written and verbal, could be subject to being revealed and disclosed to another person. The offensive utterly offensive, cowardly and wholly mendacious evidence presented verbally by that BME BT employee B Prince was submitted by Prince in the 100% certainty that what he, Prince, stated and gave into evidence to BT IMs in the privacy of BT’s internal FS1GC and GA procedures would nevern ever never ever be known by the black BT employee he, Prince, was deliberately wilfully and with malice aforethought, to all intent and purpose; destroying, when he chose to give into evidence to BT the sick, cowardly, disgusting lies, fabrications and egregiously misleading statements which he, Prince , presented at FS1GC and GA hearing investigations (sic)....*

Please do not talk to me about malice, vindictiveness, discriminatory behaviour in respect of my workplace and Brian Prince if you do not know, if you are totally and utterly unaware and without knowledge of the facts of the matter.

*....would nevern ever never ever be known by the complaining black BT employee Colin Jarvis. 
Incidentally and factually the above (sic) is fundamentally applicable to every single other BT employee involved in this whole dirty business. That fact of absolutely assured confidentiality within the employer’s internal procedures is the driving force behind all those BT employee’s conduct during the course of BT’s internal procedures. A fact upon which all the perpetrators and administrators concerned rely. i.e. The victim, the complaining BME BT employee Colin Jarvis - will never ever know! Will the reader please note the fact that no such anonymity and confidentiality exists in Tribunal proceedings. That’s why they all resist when served to appearing in front of an independent judicial body which is external to the privacy and confidentiality of their employer’s workplace.

The Claimant, in his witness statement, makes reference to the phrase ‘Uncle Tom’ 9 times in reference to a black colleague. This is a racially derogatory phrase and is undoubtedly intended to humiliate, vilify and offend. The Claimant’s conduct in presenting this discriminatory content is clearly unwarranted, unreasonable and scandalous.

The racially derogatory phrase referred to is indeed intended to humiliate, vilify and offend. Of that there is no dispute and I do not seek to hide that fact from any. The fact that I have attributed, repeatedly so, that, so loathed, attribution to a black person, in this instance BT employee Brian Prince, was the point of the Claimant’s personal statement in respect of my workplace and that particular BME BT employee whom I have worked with and/or alongside for some five years. Unfortunately (maybe that should read - fortunately?) the reader is not Colin Jarvis. Therefore I can only state the fact that what I have read of what was presented by Prince to BT IMs. Prince’s intention was, demonstrably, to humiliate me, vilify me and be offensive, highly offensive to me, but privately. That is to say, in the total privacy of an employer’s internal confidential procedures.  Do you, the reader understand, comprehend the point which I am making? If the reader does not comprehend and/or understand the point, I cannot help that. I am helpless to change reality. The content the Claimant’s personal statement is anything but discriminatory, unwarranted, unreasonable and/or scandalous. I respectfully request the Tribunal reject the Respondent’s assertions as, in part, grounds for striking out the listed claim granted to the Claimant in November 2011.

Course of conduct
The Claimant’s witness statement insults numerous individuals, a large number of whom are unrelated to the Claim that he is currently bringing. The Claimant refers to 3 previous tribunal claims brought against this employer and the First Respondent considers that this demonstrates a vexatious course of conduct designed to discredit the First Respondent and its employees. It is clear from the Claimant’s statement that his motive in bringing proceedings is to vilify, distress and personally impact the Respondents to the claim. This is a motive that is entirely vexatious. The Claimant makes further threats as follows: 
Do those things, choose to do those things and you may well discover for yourself that doing those things to another employee in BT’s workplace comes at a heavy price. Comes with, a whole life impacting price - previously inconceivable to you - attached to doing those things to this BME BT employee.
The fact that numbers of BT employees and/or TU member’s now realise and fully comprehend that they and their BT Friend(s) prohibited unacceptable and unlawful conduct and abhorrent behaviour, in a workplace and/or in a trade union-place context has; unwelcome consequences for those “persons” and their BT Friend(s) i.e. perpetrators of such sick, backward, bullying, harassing and targeted cowardly workplace conduct. The resulting, very serious and far reaching; unwelcome consequences for those “persons” are; their fault. (ii) their problem. (iii) their responsibility”.
The contents of the BT documents within the bundle are  insulting in the extreme to the Claimant. Insulting, highly offensive, and wholly damaging to me in my workplace. I assert BT’s bundle demonstrates the numerous individuals named have behaved in a wholly insulting manner toward me as a legitimate and valid BME BT employee, and have been wholly insulting of that small degree of intelligence which I possess. Insults, whether justified or otherwise is not justifiable grounds on which BT are, in part, seeking the wholesale termination of legal proceedings legally/lawfully brought against them and/or their employees.
The First Respondent cannot have grasped the point 1-4 in witness statement. Please note: January 2006 ET1 served following CWU recommendation and advise. After which the CWU washed their hands of this BME member. I carried that ET1 as best I was able but was struck out in November 2006. Please note: February 2007 ET1 served (2 Respondents) via a no win no fee Solicitor. That following my return to work after 12 months on sick leave.I returned to work to be subjected to affecting and affective detrimental treatment by the racist employee BT IMs had left in place following FS1GC and GA, and by his many ‘mates’ in BT South Mids patch. That ET1 was my attempt to cause that detriment to cease. It didn’t work. The affective and affecting detriment continued in one form or another up until the present time*. Please note: October 2011, hence* this current listed claim. (...You’re not working me like a nigger.....laugh laugh.... repeated) ( Yeah, its called; The Whipped Nigger....laugh laugh... repeated) ( Yeah, you’re up on the toilet door...laugh laugh)- this current ET1 encountering sustained and determined resistance from the employer BT plc who is the First Respondent. Please note: January 2012 ET1; Why are you, BT plc. giving legal representation to five white grown men on whom I have served a claim? In March 2012 that claim is withdrawn by the Claimant. That totals four ET1s. Those four ET1s, with respect, does not demonstrate a vexatious course designed to discredit my employer. What that demonstrates is expressed accurately, precisely and concisely within the Claimant’s witness statement. The fact that the First Respondent is of the view they have expressed, as a consequence of reading the Claimant’s witness statement is not grounds on which to strike out a legitimate claim. The First Respondent is entitled to hold the views expressed. That does not justify attempting to gag and silence a BME employee who is pursuing a legitimate Tribunal claim granted by ReadingET. I assert, the First Respondent’s expressed point of view is not legal justification for a PHR which seeks to have my claim struck out. Please refuse the First Respondent’s application. Please note, I have absolutely no desire whatsoever to discredit my employer. Unlike, of course, the actual individuals named and identified by me in the Claimant’s   witness statement. Those named BT employee’s workplace actions, conduct, behaviours, reactions and responses to lawful action brought by a legitimate BME BT employee, wholly discredit and undermine the First Respondent.

My motive in bringing proceeding is simple. I refuse to compromise my dignity and self respect as a BME BT employee. Regardless of whatever the First Respondent believes my motive to be. I am helpless to prevent by employer holding that opinion and that point of view.
Will my employer (and the Tribunal) please note. Your employees, BME and none BME, have vilified me, distressed me and personally impacted on my life to a not inconsiderable degree. [Please excuse that understatement. I am somewhat irate at being obliged to submit a legal objection to being called vexatious for determining to hold onto my dignity and self respect against numbers of workplace cowards and their BT Friend(s) and mates.]
Course of conduct Re: It is clear from the Claimant’s statement that his motive in bringing proceedings is to vilify, distress and personally impact the Respondents to the claim. This is a motive that is entirely vexatious ...(sic) 

Is, therefore, the First Respondent’s implication by the above (sic) that the Tribunal should "feel sorry for", "feel sympathy for" these grown men in an employer’s -BT's -  workplace and so let them off  attending a legitimate listed Tribunal hearing?  Purely because of the factual and demonstrably true (reference BT documents) contents of the Claimant’s witness statement in respect of those , supposedly, fully grown, responsible adults  -who work for BT?
Please refuse the Respondent’s outrageous application which seek to, in effect, impede the full and proper administration of Employment Law against Respondents on whom I had individually served ET1s in September 2011.
The Claimant makes further threats as follows:....

I, and with respect, repeat. I have not made any threats whatsoever to anybody within my witness statement. I cannot be held responsible for the Respondent’s interpretation of their reading of the Claimant’s witness statement. An Employment Tribunal is by necessity... (i.e. justice been seen to be done, demands it be so) a public forum. The fact that some many BT employees consider BT’s workplace to be their personal private environment and a place where they are perfectly entitled to be none-compliant of those workplace laws they disagree with as not being applicable to them, is not grounds on which to shield those grown men from Tribunal accountability and responsibility. Which is what the Respondent’s application seeks to achieve.

Fair trial no longer possible....

I respectfully ask the reader to please note: Those matters which I cannot, which I am unable to bring before my employer. e.g. c. March 2011: an unidentifiable liquid (possibly urine) poured onto the door handle of my private vehicle parked at Aylesbury TEC. (photograph taken). c. March 2011: a bag full of copper coins posted through my front door. (Thames Valley Police URN 378.(01/04/2011)- Give us a name/names please Colin! I can’t, I didn’t see them do it) e.g. c. April 2011: Drawing pins through eyes, bloody noses, faces scared/marked on photo ID’ed workplace posted notices (Thames Valley Police.-Give us a name/names please Colin! I can’t I didn’t see them do it) e.g c.June 2011: “Murder Please” notice posted adjacent to my photo ID’ed notice at Aylesbury Stores Hub. (Thames Valley Police URN 1496(07/06/2011)- Give us a name/names please Colin! I can’t, I didn’t see them do it).

Fair trial no longer possible....

The Respondents are concerned that, if the Claimant’s claim is allowed to continue, he will use the proceedings and the hearing itself to continue these personal attacks and this aggressive and threatening behaviour. We assert that a fair trial is no longer possible in light of the Claimant’s express threat that he will permanently and profoundly impact the personal lives of those involved in the claim. The Claimant has named five Respondents, all of whom wish to give evidence in order to defend their position in this case. As a direct result of the threats contained in the Claimant’s witness statement those Respondents will no longer be able to give that evidence without fear of the consequences. The Respondents rely on Force One Utilities Ltd v Hatfield UKEAT/0048/08in support of the contention that the Claimant’s intimidating conduct ought to lead to a strike out  

Please do not talk to me about what is and what is no longer possible in respect of “fairness”. It just causes me to become irate with my employer. Please do not talk to me about personal attacks inside of or outside of my employer’s workplace. It causes me to become irate with my employer. Please do not talk to me about aggressive threatening behaviour. It causes me to become irate with my employer Please do not talk to me about fear of the consequences. It causes me to become irate with my employer. Please do not talk to me about expressed threats. It causes me to become irate with my employer.

I assert to the Tribunal, please do not grant the Respondent’s application. Please refuse that application for PRH to strike out and instead please order the Respondents to proceed to attend the listed claim at Tribunal wherein they are named Respondents.

Strike out a proportionate response

...Allowing the case to continue will allow the Claimant further opportunity to vilify and threaten those involved in his claim. The Respondents assert, in accordance with Rule 11(3) that a strike out will ensure that the Claim is dealt with expeditiously and fairly and that the Respondents are not required to attend and subject themselves to the Claimant’s scandalous, unreasonable and vexatious conduct.

People in BT’s workplace who vilify, threaten, harass, bully and intimidate another person at work simply because of that person’s race and because that person has chosen to do a visible TU workplace activity and because that person chooses to formally holds BT employees accountable within a workplace context, is not being opportunistic. Providing to the Other Respondents a comprehensive and detailed witness statement the Claimant wishes to place before an Employment Judge and Tribunal panel is not being opportunistic nor vilifying, neither is it threatening or anything of the sort. What it is, is a BME BT employee properly and with serious and appropriate appreciation of the facts, and with thought and application, using my lawful workplace rights to uphold, defend and safeguard my workplace dignity and self respect as a BME BT employee inside of and outside of BT’s workplace.

Sir / Madam I respectfully assert to ReadingET; for the First Respondent to apply for a strike out and that the Respondents be not required to attend Tribunal because they would be subject to cross examination as hostile by the BME BT employee who was those person’s erstwhile victim and target in the First Respondent’s workplace is itself: scandalous, unreasonable and vexatious conduct on the part of the Respondents, and as such should not be entertained by the Tribunal. But rather the Respondent’s application be refused and the Respondent’s ordered to comply with Tribunal orders and directions as currently exists.

Respectfully I contend to the Tribunal, to grant the Respondent’s application would be unjust, wholly disproportionate and send a seriously detrimental and affecting message to every victims of workplace bullying and harassment, whether that be of a racist nature or of another protected characteristic. And conversely will send out a clear message to the perpetrators of cowardly gang mentality workplace bullying and harassment. That message will be; You can get away with it in BT, we’ve proved you can!

I assert for the Respondents to be granted a strike out application will defeat and render unachievable the overriding objective of the listed hearing of my case, and the deny the Claimant due process to achieve a considered legal judgement to my claim against BT Group and the Other Respondents. Please, therefore, do not permit the Respondent to deny me and withhold from the BME BT employee who is the Claimant those legal workplace rights in law which is every employees - none BME and BME employees alike.
I confirm by copy of this email to the Respondents that the above constitutes the Claimant’s full, just, equitable, proportionate, expeditious and proper objection to the Respondent’s application.

Your faithfully

Colin Jarvis.