Thursday 28 February 2013

CWU Central Counties & Thames Valley Branch

10 Jan.2013 CWU CC&TV Branch has laid formal charges against Colin Jarvis...

I cannot help but notice that the then CWU's Combined Central Counties Branch DID NOT choose to lay formal charges against a trade union hating lying workplace racist coward BT employee and CWU-CCC member wayne m. bunce, when I, in April 2006, I attempted to lay formal charges with the CWU's NDC against that same lying workplace bullying racist coward & trade union hating BT employee wayne m. bunce.

The CWU's NDC finally notifying the trade union hating lying workplace racist coward BT employee and CWU-CCC member wayne m. bunce, in late Nov. 2006, as to the formal charge laid against him by a BME CWU-CCC member. The NDC furnished the trade union hating lying workplace racist coward BT employee and CWU-CCC member wayne m. bunce, with the evidencial bundle provided by the charging CWU-CCC BME member and summoning the trade union hating lying workplace racist coward BT employee and CWU-CCC member wayne m. bunce, to a NDC hearing on 1 Dec. 2006. Whereupon the bullying lying workplace racist coward BT employee and CWU-CCC member wayne bunce immediately told the CWU's NDC what they could do with their summons and resigned his membership of the CWU with immediate effect. 
Whereupon the CWU's NDCs officer John Baldwin - in turn, in effect, told me, the charging CWU-CCC BME member Colin Jarvis - what I could do with my formal charge laid, some eight months previously, with the CWU's NDC against the trade union hating lying BT workplace bullying lying workplace racist coward BT employee and (former)CWU-CCC member wayne m. bunce,

Please note: The trade union hating BT employee workplace lying racist bullying coward and CWU-CCC member BNP racist wayne m. bunce was represented, advised and accompanied by CWU Luton Branch Secretary John Grey on - 21 Dec. 2005 when he, BNP racist w bunce, appeared before BTs FS1GC investigating manager Colin Wood and Accenture HR Specialist Steve Lawson.

Trade union hating BT employee and CWU-CCC member BNP lying workplace racist coward wayne m. bunce was again represented advised and accompanied by CWU Luton Branch Secretary John Grey on 10 Jan. 2006 when BTs FS1GC investigating manager Colin Wood brought dunce racist coward bunce before him in order to suspend him from BTs workplace.

Trade union hating BT employee and CWU-CCC member BNP lying workplace bullying racist coward wayne m. bunce was again represented, advised and accompanied by CWU Luton Branch Secretary John Grey on 7 April 2006 when BTs FS1GC deciding manager Garry Lawrence - brought BT employee and CWU-CCC member BNP lying workplace bullying racist coward wayne m. bunce before him to tell the BNP racist coward that his job is safe with BT and to be more careful in future when he spreads his ignorant backward sick and stupid BNP racist filth within BTs workplace. "...Now have a couple of weeks annual leave holiday wayne, and come back to work rested and refreshed...okay. Don't you agree John...?"(sic)

An aside - Dominic Martello called me on that Fridat night and "informed"(sic) me as to what he had witnessed that afternoon - ...Colin, fucking hell gumba, guess what, I saw that racist cunt buncey this afternoon... the yard was fucking deserted, fucking oliver had a fucking heart attack when he saw me...what you doing here..etc etc.
Martello's unexpected / unanticipated presence was to the great surprise and annoyance of BT volume manager paul olive - who, apparently, was supposed to make certain that no BT operatives were presnt in the HP19 8BP Griffin Ln yard that afternoon when BNP racist dunce bunce, his CWU-CCC Rep John Grey and BT manager Garry Lawrence were there to dish out bunce's final written warning and welcome the lying cowardly bullying BNP racist twat back to BTs workplace.

So - the CWU CC&TV branch has laid formal charges against Colin Jarvis have they? I will answer those charges when I rejoin the CWU c.2013.  I will also, at a time of my own choosing exercise my right to public protest, naming shaming and identifying BME and none BME CWU members for what they are, who they are and what they represent, and the CWUs filthy cowardly dishonest, sick cowardly hypocrisy. Just like the CWUs puppet masters BT Group Plc.
In the meantime - chic mcgylnn, john grey, gordon mason, dick sermon, mark french, eamonn mclauglin and all the other - many many many good, decent and honest men and women within CC&TV branch BME and none BME members alike, should, in all decency and honesty, acknowledge this unpalable fact, Many many many BT employees and/or trade union members including the likes of: w bunce, a ruzicka, p douglas, l foulkes, p allington, d wise, a nash, a macdonald, d thorp, k benwell, d martello, b prince, d leacock, m vincent, m gordon, h chalmers, p jarret, p carnie, r spanswick, b oakley, r guy, et al... to a man, hold you all, your trade union positions, your trade union involvement, your trade union participation in total complete and utter contempt, and those same 'persons' KNOW that all of you trade union reps /officials will, to a man - come running to their aid, assistance and support, the moment those afore named BT workplace bullying, lying cowards - click their fingers at you CWU branch "officers".





Saturday 23 February 2013

CWU's NDC: Jan. 2013

A letter of 10/01/13 from the CWU Assistant Secretary Simon Sapper to me reads ...The Central Counties & Thames Valley Branch has laid formal charges against Mr Colin Jarvis under the terms of Rule 14.  

Okay fair enough. Then Simon Sapper goes on to state  ...Copies of the correspondence from the charging branch are attached. Which is untrue, false, a lie. No such correspondence from the charging branch was attached and/or accompanied the letter of notification. All that was included were copies of Rule 14 and the Bye-laws which govern.... Both of which, incidentally appears to have undergone some significant changes during 2011 / 2012. I wonder why? I wonder if the whole CWU membership was consulted on those significant changes made to the CWU rulebook and by-law by a closed group of white senior CWU officials?

This is not, unsurprisingly, the first time that the CWU's NDC and the officials therein have made untrue, false and wholly disingenuous and dishonest submissions within correspondence to me. e.g. In letter of 30.03.2012 NDC official Simon Sapper states: ...Obviously the NDC is not a legally qualified body, so it can only bring to bear the judgement and experience of its lay membership; but again it seems to me that if a lay body has been deficient in some regard....

A full-time trade union official of many many years standing, who sits on the CWU's NEC describes himself and his NDC colleagues as and I quote ...not a legally qualified body... and implies that these full time CWU officials are ...lay members.

Somebody, please please please have a little peek at Simon Sapper's trade union official's profile on the CWU website and that of his NDC colleagues and tell me whether you, the reader, considers those full time professional union officials to be ...lay members and/or part of the CWU's lay membership ?

Still not to worry, that's par for the course for how some CWU officials choose to carry out their trade union duties and obligations in law. Not very dissimilar from a great many BT line management and BT HRBP management. That is to say - white people protecting white people protecting white people. Whilst BME members and employees keep their heads well down and hidden, to cowardly, unprincipled and frightened to do the right thing and stand up and be counted.  

When I rejoin the CWU c. 2013/14 I will, no doubt, be ordered to appear in front of the NDC on the charges laid against me by the CC&TV. As in: ...should the charged member rejoin the CWU at some stage in the future, the NDC (i.e. its lay membership, yes?) will revisit the situation at that time.

But first, I have the extremely serious matter of judicial proceedings of a criminal nature brought against me, to address. After which I will exercise my right to peaceful protest in respect of particular and specific trade union members and/or particular and specific corporation's employees. 


Thursday 21 February 2013

wayne bunce BT acting FMA c. March 2001

High Wycombe.

An example for uncle tom prince's enjoyment. 

Onsite with Graham Davis, Dick Ingermels and Andy Nash.

A carrier-pole put up in progress mid morning. BNP dunce bunce, in his capacity as acting FMA turned up onsite for no other reason than to show off and mouth off, like the racist gob shite he is. (dunce bunce was able to be a law unto himself under  BT line manager ron ryall. (ryall was of exactly the same - absolutely useless BT manager calibre as, for example: peter martin, malcolm aubrey, paul allington et al i.e. good-for-nothing.)

Across the road from the c/p put up was a large detached house which belonged to a black man who was a very recently (2001) retired BT engineer of many years standing. The man had recently had a little write up plus photo in the CWU branch magazine OBSERVER about his career in BT and wishing him well on his retirement. The man came over to talk and have a chat with us when dunce racist cunce bunce was onsite.

I asked him how he was enjoying his retirement and what was he up to now? He replied that, yes, he was enjoying himself and intended to carry on doing so. The man then went on to tell us that he was building a house on a piece of land he had bought back in Jamaica. BNP racist bunce jumped in with: "What a mud hut, you building another fucking mud hut?" Followed by that puke inducing scummy gap tooth grin (a truly disgusting sight if ever there is one) which is that racist twat's trademark whenever he chose to deploy his racist cowardly filth within BT's workplace. 

Unfortunately BNP dunce is not willing to deploy that same inbred racist trait outside of BT. For example, when I see him on my allotment plot.