Saturday 22 December 2012

BT Employees / CWU members

Every and all workplace conversations I engaged in with the following BT employees / CWU members will be reproduced verbatim within this blog.

In other words, every utterance - what was said by whom it was said and about whom it concered,- that was expressed directly to me by the named individuals, will be very accurately, very precisely and very concisely reproduced word for word within this blog, for the benefit of all persons concerned, for benefit of those person's family, friends and acquaintances.
(Oh! and also for my benefit.)

I am greatly assisted in this regard by the fact that, as all named individuals concerned well know, from their first hand experience, that I have very very good recall.
(Y'u get me !!!)

BT employees / CWU members: (in no particular order):
wayne (dunce racist cunce)bunce, brian prince, dominic martello aka - destefano, andrew ruzicka,
tony williams, geoff williams, John Ivey (friend), Jason Jennings (friend), steve wingrove, keith benwell, ray lasan, peter martin, ken woodward, philip douglas, steve halsey, lee foulkes, martin northfield, bob reader, martin lock, mathew gordon, mark vincent, dale leacock, andy bushrod, chic mcglnn, gordon mason, andrew macdonald.

The above list of names is not by any means exhaustive.  

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