Saturday 22 December 2012

BT Employees / CWU members

Every and all workplace conversations I engaged in with the following BT employees / CWU members will be reproduced verbatim within this blog.

In other words, every utterance - what was said by whom it was said and about whom it concered,- that was expressed directly to me by the named individuals, will be very accurately, very precisely and very concisely reproduced word for word within this blog, for the benefit of all persons concerned, for benefit of those person's family, friends and acquaintances.
(Oh! and also for my benefit.)

I am greatly assisted in this regard by the fact that, as all named individuals concerned well know, from their first hand experience, that I have very very good recall.
(Y'u get me !!!)

BT employees / CWU members: (in no particular order):
wayne (dunce racist cunce)bunce, brian prince, dominic martello aka - destefano, andrew ruzicka,
tony williams, geoff williams, John Ivey (friend), Jason Jennings (friend), steve wingrove, keith benwell, ray lasan, peter martin, ken woodward, philip douglas, steve halsey, lee foulkes, martin northfield, bob reader, martin lock, mathew gordon, mark vincent, dale leacock, andy bushrod, chic mcglnn, gordon mason, andrew macdonald.

The above list of names is not by any means exhaustive.  

Sunday 2 December 2012

c. Jan. / Feb. 2006.

Jan 2006. Haddenham exchange.

After the departure of a.ruzicka and t.bromwich, I and Jason Jennings had a conversation with dominic martello concerning the recent (10/01/2006) suspension from work a PEU C1- a BNP workplace racist bullying coward by the name of wayne bunce. - whom ruzicka, Jason and I worked with.

It was common knowledge that d. martello, had recently come up against a brick wall - we were given the fucking run-around by those BT manager cunts and that fucking useless union bushbaby Rep. (sic) as he-martello- had put it - when he and John Ivey - a black BT employee - had previously attempted to report racist bullying and harassment which they had both been subjected to by white BT racist cowards who worked at BT(nick)Griffin Ln.

d. martello - in the course of that conversation in Haddenhan exchange about the recent suspension of the BT racist in residence wayne m. bunce - d. martello became very agitated and loud when insisting that "..absolutely fuck all is going to happen to fucking watch, the cunt will get away with it, you'll see..." I pointed out to dominic martello that the racist coward, the racist twat - bunce - had already been suspended, which in itself amounted to a bit more than  ...fuck all...
From martello's reactions during the course of the discussion, it was obvious to Jason and I that martello was extremely irate about the manner in which BT's white management had conned and tricked dominic martello and Jon Ivey when BTHR and BT Aylesbury line management had "investigated" their formal grievance complaint of racist bullying harassing by white dishonest cowards BT employees. When I was in the PEU office in the company of andy poozicKA and about to go home dominic martello-distefano called me and said he was sorry for flying off the handle about ...that cunt bunce (sic). I remember that I walked out of the office because I had spoken his name when answering his call and did not want the cunce licking walking-haemorrhoid andy ruzicKA overhearing what I said to dominic martello.   

Feb. 2006
Sat. pm. I received phone call from dominic martello who sounded very agitated and concerned for me. 
"... Colin, I was in the yard (Griffin Ln HP19 8BP) this afternoon and heard that cunt howard chalmers and those others say that dean newport-hall is going to report you for being racist, saying " Oi white boy" to him last Thursday afternoon...."

I then had a conversation with dominic martello to ascertain as much exact information as to what was being alleged and by whom - in respect of the accusation of racist harassment being leveled against me by newport-hall. newport-hall being a new BT employee and a stupid little retarded little boy and the daughter-like son of the BT(nick)Griffin Ln. garage manager.  dominic martello was very forthcoming and helpful in regard to telling me what ...those cunts in the yard are up to... - as Martello put it - and then carried on to tell me that he would report back whatever else he heard and saw from now on. dominic martello-distefano finishing the phone call with ...I'll watch your back in here Colin. They fucking did me and Jonny just like they're doing you. I said thanks Dominic I appreciate that mate. Stay in touch Dom. I then called an ex (nick)Griffin Ln. workmate Tony Williams on that same night to inform him of what dominic martello had told just informed me of. I said to Tony Williams that it looks as though the retaliation has started now that the racist BNP twat bunce has been outed and suspended by BT management.

I then emailed the CWU local branch Rep and described exactly the retaliatory conduct of some stupid, retards white BT employees at HP19 8BP  which d. martello had informed me about. 
For my own safety I then signed off work on sick leave and I did not return to work until a year later in  Feb. 2007.

Late Feb. 2006. at my invitation d. martello and Jon Ivey paid me an evening visit at my Penn Rd home where we discussed in detail the BNP racist inbred wayne bunce's suspension, BT management and their internal FS1GC procedures and the guilty and culpable BT employees involved etc. etc... at some length.

From Feb. 2006 until Feb. 2007 d. martello - voluntarily and enthusiastically - acted as my eyes and ears within BTs workplace HP19 8BP - relaying to me all the information that he was able too in respect of what was happening, was being said and by whom etc. I, in turn I fed martello all the information I was sensibly able too in respect of how I was trying to progress on-going formal stage 1 grievance complaints and grievance appeals etc. with BT management, including the actions of the CWU branch Reps involved.

Re: the below email. If the reader is that stupid that you need clarification of the obvious, here it is. The below email was SENT FROM dominic martello/distefano TO ME. 

I had and I have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the phrase ...SIR DOMINIC WINSTON CHURCHILL MARTELLO (sic) coming into being. That is how dominic martello referred to HIMSELF within HIS email to ME.  (geddit?)  

Just as similarly I had ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the phrase ...Phil the nigger (sic) as in ...Who Phil the nigger? (sic) coming into being. 

n.b. As I have already stated elsewhere, I would be more than happy, I would be very glad, I would be delighted to be able to claim to be the inventor of and the first person  to have used the phrase ...Phil the nigger (sic) but I can't.  

I'd be lying if I did and I don't lie. I have no reason to lie. I don't NEED to lie. Unlike some.

Doubtful? Sceptical? Then feel free to ask: link>phil-nigger-aka-bt-employee/cwu-cc&tv member-phillip douglas. & Co.

No no no. I'm delighted... (n.b. Let me be clear: I could not give a flying fuck about any Uncle Tom black person's subsequent denials made to ATVP and/or made to his white BT(massas) colleagues (sic) state that the actual 'honour' and the 'personal pleasure(in front of only black people, naturally!) of that: ...Who Phil the nigger? (sic) claim to fame belongs entirely to the black person BT employee who spoke that phrase to me c. Feb. 2011 @ HP19 8BP :-)

i.e. An Uncle Tom Prick black person who is very 'brave' and very 'outspoken' when discussing BT workplace white racists and BT workplace white bullies when Uncle Tom Prick is in private, in other black people's company! innit, John (Coffey) bwoy! 

DOMINIC MARTELLO Sunday, 18 February 2007, 16:54 <> wrote:
Hope you are ok,not heard from you in a while,dont worry my friend on the beaches we fought,the trenches we did not hide,and now comes the time to prade ourselves for we are the unsung heros of this battle,
P.S if you ever get out reds do you remember the name of that place

(n.b. I have NO clue as to what is being referred to in the P.S (sic) above. The reader will have to ask dominic martello distefano for clarification on that specific.)

FYI c. 2006: A quote from d. martello.
d. martello speaking to me about one of his many many conversations with his colleague brian prince in relation to what was occurring within BT HP19 8BP as a result of my actions throughout 2006.
[quote]. "...Colin, brian(prince) said to me " do you know all this dominic?" [unquote]
[quote]. ..I said to him: "...I make it my business to know brian..." [unqote] 

end of blog draft.