Thursday 3 October 2013

Two detailed examples of BT Group's workplace practices. (nick)Griffin Ln. HP19 8BP. c.1999 - 2012. 1) Retaliatory harassment and victimisation of a complaining black BT operative by workplace halfwit, stupid, vindictive bullying cowards. 2) April. 2011 following BTs management's March 2011 attempt to transfer me onto BTs Aylesbury CST workgroup, an attempt which blew up in their faces when I made clear to BTs management that it was unsafe for me to be placed on the same workgroup as andy ruzicKA, dean newporthall and their CST mates n.b. an Uncle Tom Prick black person had previously avoided the same Aylesbury CST trap, from whence he had come c.Jan 2008, in the previous Oct of 2010 citing 'a bad back' therefore I'm unable to climb poles with ladder etc.[there being absolutely nothing wrong with UTPs back, I know this because I KNOW the exact details of how he is suppose to have suffered 'back injury' causing his "bad back" in a tiny little fender bender RTA, when I actively helped and assisted him secure a BT compensation payout in my role as a CWU CC&TV USR. Bullshit 'bad back' as in UTPs manually pulling in repeated extensive lengths of cable on his "new" DSLAM workgroup Nov. 2010 proved. I noted Uncle Tom Prick's cringing embarrassment with hilarity when he would regale me with great it is on his "new" DSLAM group blah blah blah. ..No problems with your back then b____? Ahhh, no no, me backs alright now. SAD UTP TWAT.] 2) April 2011 contd... UTP quote...Colin, I was telling to Keith (Holmer) about pete martin and them trying to get rid of you onto CST, Keith said the only people he trusts are you and me. unquote. I looked at Uncle Tom Prick and thought: You sad, stupid as pig shit coward, we'll see what comes out of the arsehole you call a mouth when you are in front of BTs white management in the not too distant future. 2Bcontd...

1. The end of Sept. 2007

A bog standard 20pr cable pull in and install from a JF4(a BT hole in the ground) into a customer's comms. room on Tring Icknied Way Indust Est.

Work allocator, joe cochraine, was being fucked around by external copper network operatives on line manager steve wingrove's group to whom he was tasked to allocate job packs as in: I haven't got flat roof training joe (which was of course complete bollocks) so I can't do it, give it to someone else (sic). So the allocator BT operative j. cochraine gives me the job and I tell him, sorry mate I, like those other BT operatives who are bullshitting you and refusing to take the job, also haven't got up to date flat roof safety accreditation. ( n.b. the planner's job pack states a part of the route of the 20pr telecomm cable is to be fitted along  the flat roof of the customer's premises) (n.b. "I have no up to date safety training accreditation for so and so"... is a commonly used ruse by BT external operatives to abuse their employment with BT which enables them to throw back to the allocator job packs issued to them which they do not "fancy" doing.).

The allocator, joe cochraine tells me that a (nick)Griffin Ln. CST operative phillip galletly... (a long serving BT operative whom I have never had any problems nor difficulties with c.1999 to 2011 and who is not involved in any of the sick racist bullying and harassment shit that is prevalent within BTs (nick)Griffin Ln TEC and which is perpetrated by numbers of cowardly, stupid, halfwit arseholes who pass for BT Openreach employees) ...who has got up to date flat roof safe working accreditation will be my assist on the flat roof part of the job pack and I am to contact p. galletly who has been told about the job assist required of him. p. galletly was at the time managed by a BT line manager named paul oliver. Following accepting the job pack from j cochraine I see paul oliver existing the MTW that same afternoon and say to him, I have been allocated a flat roof working assist of his CST operative phil galletly. p.oliver confirms that yes, he knows about this.

I contact p. galletly and he confirms to me, yes he has been told about the flat roof assist which I require, but that he has his own CST jobs to do that morning and cannot say if or when he will be able to assist me on site in Tring.

7:30/7:45 a.m. on the following morning I meet p.galletly in the TEC signing on room and in full sight of other CST operatives etc I seek confirmation from him that: yes he will come to the customer's Tring job site and assist me on the flat roof part of the job pack that same morning. I am again given the run around by p.galletly. ..I've got my own jobs to do first...I can't say when... (sic)
I respond to p. galletly by saying: okay mate, it's up to you.

Following which I leave the signing on room and call s. wingrove, my line manager, and from the dead drop locker area I inform him of the situation and of galletly's ...I can't say when... bullshit. I tell wingrove that I cannot rely on p. galletly's assist to safely complete the job and that I will request his fma ivan major to come on site from Oxford and assist me with the flat roof 20pr install part of the job. s. wingrove says: yes do that.
Later that morning ivan major arrives on site and I and he complete the install into the customer's comms room etc by 1 p.m. major returns to Cowley Barracks Oxford and I complete the rest of the fit i.e. JF4 joint, PCP etc. At approx 12 o'clock when ivan major had been on site with me for some time and we were working to complete the job, phillip galletly call me and says: do I want his assist on the flat roof. I tell him no, it is completed and any assistance he was instructed to give me was now null and void. I said to galletly: I've completed the flat roof install without you mate, ivan major have done the job with me, you're no longer needed, bye. and I hung up. 
That was the total involvement of BT CST operative phillip galletly on that job pack, precisely NIL. 

Okay so far? Goody good!

So following my: ...I tell s. wingrove that I cannot rely on phillip galletly's assist to safely complete the job etc. I then go to my dead drop stores locker and to the MTW and then I return to the signing on room area where I was met with the following sight in the exact BT workplace area depicted in the two pictures below. n.b. The photos are included to show the reader the BT workplace area I am referring to in this blog post. Contd...

The location I am referencing in relation to BT CST operative phillip galletly and his two BT PEU mates is approx where the red/white cone is positioned.
The location I am referencing in relation to seeing phillip galletly in conversation with his two BT PEU C1 buddies is approx where is positioned the person on all fours in front of a another person.
n.b. FYI: the person on all fours having previously stating directly to me c. 2006/7 & 11 the fact that he commonly and habitually referred to the person looking down on him as ...a cunt  and/or as a fat cunt (sic)
NOTE BENE: Including the occasion when the person on all fours detailed and described to me c.2011, the incident of the stand up confrontation he had  had with the person looking down on him in this photo, in front of a CST line manager... (when those two persons had on occasion to work alongside each other and other BT operatives c.2007/8/9) ...and I quote: Gumba, yeah, in front of _____... (I cannot recall which of the CST managers the person on all fours was talking about when he was describing his pathetic tale of woe to me) ...that fat cunt was shouting name's ruzicKA, ruzicKA, KA, say it fucking right...(sic) and Gumba I (the person on all fours) told the fat cunt to fuck off and that I was going to take out a grievance complaint against him, and the fucking manager was in the middle between the fat man and me trying to persuade me to drop it... (2Bcontd...)
Contd... The sight which met my eyes as I return from the MTW and my dead drop locker area was: BT CST operative phillip galltely being, what appeared to me to be, being cornered and accosted by two BT Overhead & Polling (sic) operatives C1s, one a "substantive" C1{I'm a substantive, not like the fat man (sic)} - both of whom (along with their Colindale TEC & Reading TEC line manager mates) I had raised FS1GC against in Dec. 2005 and Jan. 2006 with BTs management in an attempt to OUT all those BT employees - line management and their shop floor suck buddies - for what they are and what they do in BTs workplace, abusively , contemptuously and diligently wiping their arse with BT Group's workplace policies part of their contract of employment within BT Openreach.

When those three individuals registered my approach, I was less than ten metres from them when I surprised the two C1s and their mate with my sudden unexpected presence. The two C1s immediately turned on their heels and fled back into the signing on room like a pair of startled skunks, leaving phillip galltely standing there abandoned, looking for all the world like a spare prick at a wedding. As I walked passed phillip galletly I said: Hello mate! p. galletly's reply: alright Colin.

I then left that scum BT(nick)Griffin Ln. racist bullying, gang mentality, coward's BT yard and drove to the job site in Tring.

So what why did the two BT PEU CI operatives hurriedly turn and retract back into the PEU office attached to the signing on room? They saw me then retract with the speed of the sphincters of two startled arseholes who had been interrupted in the middle of a dump. Yes they moved that fast, when I had unexpectedly disturbed their tet-a-tet with BT CST operative p. galletly.

Qu. What were those two PEU Overhead & Polling (sic) C1's talking about and discussing with p. galletly? 
Answ: I don't know. I have not the faintest idea. I was not a part of that conversation, so I have absolutely no idea. 
I cannot speak about the content of that conversation I had, obviously, interrupted in mid flow, because I do NOT make up and/or I do not invent fictitious conversations.

What I do know, what I can speak about is this:

2. The beginning of Oct. 2007.

I (alongside another black BT operative from s. wingrove's group named haydyn adolph) was attending a two week e-side jointing course at BTs Yarnfield training site in Staffs. (n.b. in future blog posts I will detail in full, my six months max. BT workplace experience of the absolute stupid, totally self deluded, lazy as they come, moron whom I knew to be h. adolph, including h. adolph's close connection and close friendship with a sad pathetic Uncle Tom Prick black person BT operative with whom he, h adolph, teamed up with c.2008 on s. wingrove's group. h. adolph being a prominent FB friend (one of only a few whom I could see on Uncle Tom's FB friends list) when Uncle Tom Prick himself took it upon himself to initiate contact with me on my FB page in Sept. 2012 without my consent or invitation. I know about h. adolph on UTP's FB friends list because UTPs FB page was visible to the public in Sept. 2012 and not as it is now, hidden away and out of open public access as it has been since Dec. 2012.)

During the course of that two week e-side jointing course I received a phone call from line manager s. wingrove. That conversation went as follows:

s.w: Colin, that 20pr flat roof job pull in & Box Con install you did in Tring that you told me about, why have you booked 36 hours assist on the closed job pack?

CJ: I booked 9 hrs. on that job pack with no assist hours steve. ivan major is your fma and his assist time, which was approx the 3 hrs he spent on site assisting me is not bookable. I am not permitted to book/claim for an fma's assist, no one is.

s.w: I'm going through everybody's time sheets now Colin and the job you completed in Tring shows your nine hours and shows 36 hrs assist and busted the job which has been booked to my group from line manager's paul oliver's CST group for which I am being charged. Please explain to me why you are shown as receiving 36 hrs assistance from that manager's CST group, which has now being taken out of my group's budget for the week in question? Why did you book 36 hrs assist Colin and who from paul oliver's CST group assisted you for, according to this closed job estimate number, assisted you for a full week on a job which you say you have booked as being completed in one nine hour workday?

CJ: I am telling you that I received no assistance from phillip galletly and I booked no assist hours on the job estimate number when I closed the job, and when I closed the job it was not busted, alright steve? Bye.

That same evening I repeated the facts in an email I sent to the wingrove.

On my return to Aylesbury TEC, on a p.m. I can across phillip galletly, his CST line manager paul oliver and other CST operatives in the signing on room. 
BTs (nick)Griffin Ln. TEC signing on room. The door is/was the PEU Overhead & Polling (sic) office door.

I said: hello phil and received an: alright Colin. (n.b. the reader will know the ...ah I've got to be somewhere else - all of a sudden like - ...response that people react with when that person desperately desires to not engage with the person who has just spoken to them. That was galletly's reaction when I said hello and was obviously going to continue speaking to galletly.) I stayed galletly's shit scared walking away ruse, and in front of p. oliver I said to p. galletly that my line manager has told me 36 hrs CST assist had been booked on the flat roof job estimate number busting the job completely and I asked galletly if he knew how this had occurred? With a  please stop talking to me shit scared look on his boat race p. galletly said, no he didn't know anything. Then he ran away. I looked at galletly's back and then I looked at his line manager paul oliver and I smiled. My smile conveyed: what a sad bunce of bullying, resentful vindictive cowardly morons you people are.

I then stepped out of the signing on room into the area depicted here...

...and called my line manager s. wingrove. I told wingrove that I had just spoken to p. galletly in front of his line manager paul oliver about the fictitious 36 hrs CST assist booked against my job estimate and that galletly stated he knew nothing about this. I then asked wingrove what he was going to do about the fact that a job pack's estimate number of mine has been interfered with fraudulently busting the job pack? steve wingrove said: Colin their manager, paul oliver, will have to give me those hours back. 
I said: What about the person and/or persons who entered the fraudulent details onto the job estimate steve, which I was responsible for, in order to bust the job? This is victimisation, it is harassment and bullying steve. 
s. wingrove replies: yeah I know. 
I said to wingrove: What are you going to do about it steve?
s. wingrove replied: ah, let me know if it happens again Colin.

I said to s. wingrove that he and BT are pathetic. s.wingrove did not respond. I hung up.

The reader will know that in BT Group white people protect scum white people protect bullying harassing racist cowards white people. 
The reader will know that in BT Group white people are right up other white people's arseholes for no other reason that they are white people.

This was only one of multiple cases of retaliatory victimisation, harassment and bullying I was targeted with in 2007 on my RTW in BTs scum(nick)Griffin Ln. workplace. This conduct continued in one form or another until I left BTs workplace in Aug. 2011.

What makes the situation ball achingly funny and so so pathetic is the fact that a perjurious BNP supporting racist bullying coward and his gobshite suck buddy poozicKA on the one hand collar a BT operative like phillip galletly, who they know they can manipulate like a glove puppet, use him to target me for retaliatory victimisation harassment and bullying and on the other hand that same sad, special measures, racist arsehole squeaks out perjurious drivel into the public record against me to other white people, such tripe as: I make him sick because he chooses to leave his allotment plot and goes back to the rabbit hutch he calls a home and pukes up, simply because he - that once gobby BNP supporting bullying lying racist - has seen a black man - me - working on my allotment plot and the fucking law believe the saddo. 

You could not make this shit up...


2. April 2011