Tuesday 17 September 2013

Once upon a time... n.b. The part played by the Uncle Tom Prick black person c. Feb - Sept 2011, who's reporting back to me at BT(nick)Griffin Ln TEC c.Feb 2011 played a decisive role in I raising and pursuing FS1GC against BT operatives phillip douglas aka phil the nigger and his puppet master lee foulkes, will be summarily explained and described within: Once Upon a Time & also in more detail in my other blogs, posts, etc. NOTA BENE: I consider that ignorant, blamelessly ignorant, BT employees/CWU members have a right and entitlement to know the true facts in order to make up their own minds in relation to the underhanded, surreptitious, covert, guarded, unattributable, planned, secret, deliberate actions. misconduct and behaviour of white BT line & HRBP management operatives and CWU Reps. with regards to BT Group's workplace policies and the proper, honest and truthful implementation thereof.

Once upon a time...There was this black man who was properly, honestly and conscientiously earning a living as a manager in a white employer's workplace for some considerable number of years. Contributing fully and totally correctly to his employer's business, doing so alongside his other workplace colleagues, the vast majority of whom are, obviously, white men.

One day this black employee manager was directed to conduct a FS1GC investigation as a result of formal complaints of workplace racist bullying and harassment perpetrated by white employees against a black employee. 

n.b. A brief and totally accurate and factual summary of exactly how this black manager carried out that statutory obligation that is place on his employer BT, who in turn, delegated that responsibility to the black BT manager employee in question - exactly how that responsibility was executed can be found within this doc. 

nota bene: It is the contents of this document which BTs hypocritical, two faced, dishonest white management used to summarily sack me after twelve and a half years employment, half of which was spent being subjected to BT workplace persistent racist bullying and harassment from a racist halfwit and his mates and the other half of that employment spent fighting the repercussion and victimisation of taking on, outing and kicking the shit out of white BT workplace racists, bullying cowards and their BT mates in Aylesbury, Colindale and Oxford. That sacking of a black employee says more about BT Group's pathetic white management operatives and BT Legal than it does about anything else.

So the story goes thus: This thoroughly honest, thoroughly decent black manager grade employee takes on the task of conducting a BT workplace FS1GC investigation. But ay! stop! This man is very good at what he does for a living but he knows naff all about conducting a serious statutory responsibility undertaking that is placed on those people who manage the FTSE 100 who is his employer! But: No worries, that is what BT HRBP are for, via the many HR specialists... specialist! HA! what an absolute fucking joke that this so-called BTHR specialist moron d. roberts.... (specialist in shit, perhaps?) ...fell over himself in his pathetic rush to comfort & cuddle closet racist, cowardly, lying twats BT Openreach white employees who I had legitimately held accountable. I would not piss on that HR specialist moron if he were on fire in front of me) ...which that business partner has available to offer HR professional assistance to the investigating manager. So that's okay then! innit :) 

Plus the fact that contained on BTs vast intranet data base there exists all the BT policies and procedures guidance and information templates a person could ever wish for, including step by step, idiot proof follow these instructions on 'how to carry out FS1GC / GA investigations. :)

Piece of cake thus far. Right !

I will, for the present, skirt over the fact that I raised those FS1GC with BTHR on 3rd February and was not interviewed by BTs FS1GC investigating manager until 13 April. I will, for the present skirt over the fact that at that 13 April FS1GC fact finding hearing at which I submitted detailed written evidential bundles, the fact that the BT HRBP "specialist" moron present, made the black investigating manager look small and made it clear that he was in charge of running t'ings as far as my FS1GC was concerned, I will, for the present, skirt over the fact that the black investigating manager seemed very nervous and uncertain. It was very obvious that the investigating manager was working from and being guided by the BT intranet online guidance and instruction templates he was working from. I will shirt over all of those details for the present and return to them later.

So, accompanied by CWU CC&TV branch chair gordon mason, I attended an ninety minutes long FS1GC hearing on 13 April. The next time I spoke to that BT investigating manager was on 4/7/11 eleven weeks later. 
When I called and spoke to him on Mon. 4/7/11 I informed him that on the 3/7/11 I had noted that he had closed my FS1GC investigation on my BT HRBP case file and asked him why? He seemed very surprised to learn that I knew what stage he had reached and he replied that he had just completed and concluded his investigations and was in the process of inviting me to receive his outcome letter on the 7/7/11. In that phone conversation this same investigating manager said to me: There's a load of stuff I've got to read first..(sic) [He was referring to the BT intranet templates for concluding/closing a FS1GC investigation.] I said I looked forward to seeing him on the 7/7/11 and receiving his 'outcome' letter. What I did not know (until Dec. 2011 that is) is the fact that this same investigating manager was issuing his 'outcome' letters to the two white employees I had complained of on 4/7/11, the very Monday on which I had called him and asked why my FS1GC investigation was recorded as concluded and closed by him on the 3/7/11. 

Those 'outcome' letters of that black BT investigating manager gave both white BT employees whom I had complained of complete exoneration and a complete clean bill of health in relation to the FS1GC of racist bullying and harassment against them. Thanks in no small measure to the input, the assistance, the support and the backing given to those two white BT employees by their BT Woodstock Rd. TEC. Oxford  line manage paul allington and by a BT HRBP specialist d. roberts. 

So, the initial questions fair minded people would ask are: 

(i) What was BT Group HRBP doing from 3/2/11 when I raised the FS1GC to the 13/4/11? 

(ii) What was this black investigating manager and BT HPBP doing from 13/4/11 until 7/7/11 when he handed me the product of 11 weeks work ?

Once upon a time - 2Bcontd...

Between Feb and April BT HRBP attempted to get a number of BT line managers to conduct the FS1GC raised by me. It is worth noting for future reference that BT line manager paul allington was approached and declined to take up that responsibility. Why that was will, again, be clearly explained by me here, as I have previously done in this ET document link> pages: 4 to 18. 

FTR - Contrast and compare BT line manager paul allington's absolute eagerness and enthusiasm for conducting my 5/11/2006 FS1GC... (when he was instructed, in writing, to do so by BT Openreach CEO Steve Robertson. paula allington concluded that FS1GC and handed me his 'sad/pathetic' outcome letter on 15/01/2007) ...with allington's absolute aversion to conducting the FS1GC raised by me in Feb. 2011. That glaring contrast is due in whole to that BT line manager's, paula allington's desperation in wanting to support, to back up and to speak up for and to protect white BT operatives lee foulkes and phillip douglas within the FS1GC investigation to be carried out against his two BT Woodstock Rd TEC suck buddieS.(2Bcontd...)

Anyway, BTs HRBP, a BT department full to the rafters of HR 'specialists' took eight weeks to assign my FS1GC to a BT line manager, finally settling on the manager grade unfortunate black employee identified within my 14/6/11 ET doc. So that is (i) explained.

As for (ii) I assert that the black manager  grade employee FS1GC investigating manager was on a looser from the very start and stood absolutely no chance of achieving a grievance complaint upheld outcome, when I attempted to hold the three cited white BT employees accountable and responsible for BT workplace racist bullying and harassment perpetrated against me. The man did NOT HAVE A HOPE IN HELL of succeeding. 

Why? Because that black BT FS1GC investigating manager was up against extremely determined white BT operatives. Mendacious, lying, dishonest, cowardly white BT operatives who had BT line managers, CWU reps and a compliant HRBP moron who sympathised and empathised with the white BT workplace lying, cowards I had brought to BTs FS1GC procedures. And that black manager grade employee lacked the mental courage and integrity as a black man to stand up to the bullshit puked up to him by desperate sad cowardly gang mentality white BT operatives and their white line manager BT Friend(s) and white HRBP Friends and supporters.  

The man did NOT HAVE A HOPE IN HELL of succeeding.


23/9... So, (ii) What was this black investigating manager and BT HPBP doing from 13/4/11 until 7/7/11, when he handed me the product of 11 weeks work?

Once I had been informed by Uncle Tom Prick of the details of the conversations he had had with a Oxford BT operative by the name of Andy Caviner. who works out of the same BT Woodstock Rd. TEC as phil the nigger (sic) and his string puller lee foulkes, I told Uncle Tom that I am not going to accept what he, Uncle Tom Prick, was gleefully, telling me was being done to me, was being harmfully and damagingly presented against me by the two BT operatives twtas phil the nigger (sic) and his puppet master lee foulkes. I told Uncle Tom Prick that he will have to repeat what he had presented to me to a FS1GC investigating manager.

I am not exaggerating when I say: You could see the fear and trepidation in Uncle Tom Prick's eyes when I told him that there was to be serious repercussions for douglas & foulkes as a result of what he Uncle Tom Tit sorry I mean Uncle Tom Prick (its just that he had got tits) had just stated to me on that early Feb. afternoon re: BTs Woodstock Rd TEC, andy caviner, lee foulkes and phillip douglas aka phil the nigger etc.

So, I raised a FS1GC with BT HRBP in early Feb. against BT operatives lee foulkes and his puppet phil the nigger (sic). It is reasonable to surmise that by mid March phil the nigger (sic) and foulkes had learnt of the FS1GC raised against them by me. After all, in Feb./March their BT line manager BT Friend paul allington had been approached by HRBP as a possible investigating manager into my FS1GC and had declined the opportunity. Unlike in Nov.2006.

In April 2011 three significant and telling things happened at BTs(nick)Griffin Ln. TEC. 
(i) an Uncle Tom Prick, who had recently RTW (working alongside Oxford DSLAM operatives) after an extended holiday, brought me up to date on the situation at BTs Woodstock Rd. TEC. Uncle Tom Prick, with badly concealed pleasure, informed me... (UTP's is very good at informing people of things re: 29/11/12 UTP gobbing off to other BT(nick)Griffin Ln. BT operatives about Colin Jarvis and "informed" (sic) a BNP supporting racist BT operative) ... Colin I've heard that phil the nigger has gone off work on the sick, the word is he's got a bad throat. That's what I've bin told by andy and lee and them. (sic). I, unsuccessfully, attempted to glean future info in relation to phil the nigger's sudden 'bad throat' condition, UTP was wary of imparting more detailed info to me and being asked more questions by me.
(ii) After attending 13/4/11 FS1GC interview I saw UTP in the BT(nick)Griffin Ln. TEC outside the signing on room on the same day and told him of the fact that a black BT manager was conducting the investigation. UTP asked me if I was going up to the office? I said yes. UTP said: I'll be up in a minute. In the office, over half an hour I detailed to UTP all that had happened at the FS1GC interview and answered all the questions put to me by UTP. Both I and UTP were optimistic that BT management would conduct itself decently and properly and impartially with a black line manager conducting the FS1GC.
Later that same month, UTP, on his return from working with BT operatives from BTs Woodstock Rd. TEC took delight in informing me that: