Sunday 4 August 2013

The hilarious debacle that was the BT Openreach - Beaconsfield exchange e-side cable change over. c. Oct. 2008.

info: I was on site 8:45 a.m.-6:45 a.m. 22hrs / pete cairnie & paul farmer 3:45 p.m.-7:00 a.m. 15 hrs. / steve. cox & andy c. 8 a.m.-3:00 a.m. 19 hrs. / john wilmore 8 a.m.-3:00 p.m. 7 hrs. / k.woodward 11:30 a.m - 3:45 p.m. 4+ hrs. / steve. wingrove 10:45 a.m. - 12:00 & 11:00 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. 2 hrs. / ivan major 10:30 - 10:45 a.m. 15 min.

So if there is anybody who knows exactly how that 1400 pr. cable c/o was conducted, I do. :-) 

n.b. I do not know whether john wilmore - the other manhole chamber top man/safety man - was involved in the formal disciplinary case that was carried out by a BT line manager following the hilarious debacle of this particular BT customer stitch up, but I know that the BT operative who was on site for the longest period of time and saw/observed exactly how that 'text book' cable c/o was worked was not invited (surprise surprise) to give evidence to that cover-up disciplinary investigation, not invited to give my version of what happened to BTs disciplinary investigation manager.  Hmmm... :)))  From what I later understood to be the case peter cairnie, paul farmer (p.farmer to me c. Dec 2008 wife's said an official looking letter has come from BT...(sic) steve cox and andy c. were disciplined. fma ken woodward and line manager steve wingrove were not. But I cannot say for certain re: woodward & wingrove.

What I can say for certain is that pete cairnie and paul farmer were allegedly ...left totally fucking speechless (sic) ...could not believe what they were being told (sic) when at discipline investigation they were informed of their fma's i.e. ken woodward's - evidence that woodward had given to the BT investigating manager (carrying out the discipline case) which allegedly went along the lines of: ...I did not do any of the c/o. I just opened the joint and set up the old and new cables for pete and paul. I i.e. woodward, had no hand in the c/o fuck up which ensued. Allegedly ! :-(  (more later..! :-) 

Anyway  ...for my own amusement and the reader's enlightenment and at no extra cost JARVIS PRODUCTIONS presents: The totally ludicrous failure - and wholly preventable farce - that is the infamous Beaconsfield ATE exchange-side cable c/o debacle that was played out at the expense of bill paying customers (i.e. 1400 BT customers) by eight BT operatives: steve cox & andy cavnere: Woodstock Rd. TEC / pete cairnie, paul farmer, john wilmore & Colin Jarvis:(nick)Griffin Ln. Aylesbury TEC / steve wingrove & ken woodward - line manager and manager's assistant:(nick)Griffin Ln. Aylesbury TEC.

I received an end of the day call on a Tuesday from a joe cochraine - a 'bright spark' (i.e. a very sad, slow, pitiful individual - one of many such in BTs workplace!) work allocator for all external operatives on s. wingrove's group. ...Colin tomorrow at Beaconsfield exchange, safety man e-side c/o a cable's gone down. (sic) ...Will do mate ( moronic cretin).

I arrived at the exchange and (I'm sorry but) I had to laugh... it was funny as fuck.

Coxy, his mate andy c. and john wilmore were standing over the open manhole outside the exchange chatting away without, seemingly, a care in the world. Greetings were exchanged then I asked coxy: ...Why aren't you down the hole setting up, what's the hold up? coxy explained that yes the new cable was in situ. - ken woodward and co. had pulled in a 110 metres of 1400 pr cable last night - but he didn't have a generator or air blower or a pump(water) on site. coxy said that neither he nor andy had brought any of that mandatory safety equipment with them and john w. was refusing to be their safety man if they went down the hole to work without the genny and blower operating. wilmore and andy c. nodded in agreement with coxy's summary as to the hold up. I asked coxy why he didn't have the kit required to work down a manhole with them? coxy explanation was that they'de both come in transits and had no room for genny etc. I said to him  ...that is so fucking funny coxy... does wingrove know yet? coxy said that his fma ivan major was bringing a genny and blower from Oxford and should be here 'soon' and yes wingrove probably did know by now. john wilmore repeated that he won't be their safety man if coxy or andy go down the hole to work - they could go down 'quick' to ID the old cable but not to open joints or set up the new etc. 
I said ...righty-ho john I agree with you. I then sat down lent against the exchange wall, rolled a ciggy and had a good old natter with my 'BT colleagues' as we waited for coxy's fma ivan major (oh and waited for line manager s.wingrove) to turn up on site.

After 10:30 ivan major arrives, unloads the genny etc. whilst grinning and chatting to coxy and his mate about traveling to a manhole c/o without the mandatory safety kit? I took no notice of coxy's waffling in reply to major, I was busy smiling at steve wingrove's arrival as he turned into the exchange car park. I said's steve now boys... and then waited with eager anticipation to hear what wingrove would have to say to coxy and co.

I wasn't disappointed + the fact that the cable breakdown situation was more desperate and farcical than I had realised.

So, coxy ivan and andy are 'busying themselves' unloading and setting up the genny etc. when wingrove walks round the corner after parking up. No ...good morning, no're things going, none of that small talk. wingrove ignores the rest of us and looks straight at coxy and says ...why the fuck didn't you bring a genny and blower?  Before coxy could start waffling, wingrove continued's gone half ten and you haven't started, why? what you've been doing? Before coxy could reply wingrove speaks to ivan major come they came out with no kit? ivan major said he didn't know why. coxy replies ...we've ID'ed the old cable steve and we've ...blah blah blah. wingrove ripped into coxy some more and then walked back to the car park closely followed by yours truly. I was pretending to go to my van. ...How's it going then steve... I says. Not good Colin, they're screaming about this breakdown it's a 1400 pr. they want it back on by fucking yesterday, they're chasing me arse for it. Can you stay on tonight? An alarm bell went off in my head on being asked that. Is this man seeking to have a huge fuck-off 1400 pr. e-side cable changed over in one hit, in one go? Yeah steve I'll stay, going into a night shift is it? Yeah, ken's got pete and paul coming back from their course to do the other end.

Oh dear me. A very experienced and knowledgeable line manager is anticipating achieving a 1400 pr. c/o completion in one single hit and from the sounds of it under pressure to get the repair completed priority. He's, presumably, assured the great and the good to whom he is accountable, that this breakdown - as a result of the low pressure compressed air supply to the exchange-side cable being turned off - will be sorted in quick time and BTs 1400 Beaconsfield customers would all be as happy as larry by this time tomorrow. Oh dear oh dear. (p.s. from what I gathered later, it was into December before the majority of those crossed residential and business telephone lines were rectified! :-0 PTOs, CSTs in their numbers from all patches flooded that exchange area when the shit hit the fan, apparently :-(   (got to laugh in't ya )


Anyway, after dropping off the genny and blower i.major beats a hasty retreat, coxy and his mate disappear down the hole to begin working (at long last :), their top man john w. me and wingrove watching them. wingrove saying that his fma ken woodward is coming to begin the other end of the c/o and shouldn't be too long and that pete cairnie and paul farmer are going to take over from him this afternoon, and I'm the top man for the other manhole (located approx 110 mtrs adjacent to the roundabout junction on Beaconfield high street.)

Sure enough about 11:30 woodard arrives and parks up by the other point of intervention. I busy myself setting up the roadworks-guarding signs, gate guards, traffic cones, the genny, blower, pump etc. whilst wingrove and woodward have a natter and a cup of tea in his tonner. woodward descends into the other manhole about 11:45 and emerges 45 mins. later for some lunch. I watched him the whole time. steve wingrove left about then, thinking that all his troubles were over. How wrong can a man be!!! Talking about leaving, s. wingrove voluntarily left BTs employ just over twelve months later. :-(

Due to his long experience ken woodward can work very fast indeed (not always correctly and accurately, but fast - yes) when needs must... (and he does - more time to fuck off onto his allotment plots in work hours, which was - and may still be who knows? -  that fma's habitual practice over many years -  you scratch my back... a common manager/fma understanding within BTs external field operatives! p.s. Just so the accuracy and fact of my memory and recall is not doubted: re: ken woodward - I worked on a 1000+ pr. e-side breakdown c/o with woodward (+g.hill et al. Hemel Hempstead crew on a day&night shift over 3 days - on Bicester Rd. Aylesbury in March 2000. the PTO was s.muir, his first major fault find as a PTO. An Oxford jointer, george gallacher(soon to be PEU line manager ron ryall's(ReadingTEC) fma) was the joint opening bod on that breakdown which started a 5 p.m. on a Tuesday I think it was, and didn't complete until approx 2 a.m. sean muir wasn't taking any chances and gallacher ended up opening a huge paper lead joint. richard walter MK line bod brought out KFC grub for us at about ten-ish. I worked on the c/o day shift top-man and saw first hand how quick woodward can operate on twisted-joint c/o etc. ) by the time woodward climbed out the manhole he had carried out the following: removed the huge lead joint from the old 1400 pr. set up the 3Ms jig & fixture, opened and prepped the new cable and laid in the first 25 pr. of the new cable into the mechanical jointing kit. Coxy and his mate were carrying out the same procedure in the exchange manhole and being just as quickly as woodward. They all wanted to complete the c/o as quickly as possible and go home. We all knew that it was going to be a long long night. A 1400 pr. cable is a big c/o by any measure.


After lunch coxy and his mate came over to woodward's "hole" to discuss the c/o progress. as in: how far into the c/o have you got ken, where are you up too? We've done such and such...etc. Then they went back to their hole and woodward climbed back into his hole to continue the 'text book' c/o. :-) or should that be :(

FYI -  When carrying out a exchange side cable c/o it is mandatory, strict mandatory practice, for all BT operative(s) to follow and carry out laid down procedure by: Firstly individually identify and verify every single telephone copper wire that is to be changed over from the old existing cable onto the new replacement cable with the BT operative(s) in the other remote point of intervention who are carrying out the same c/o procedure. 
This is achieved in a very simple way known as 'clocking' i.e. by the exchange side operative disconnecting/cutting the existing "old" un-serviceable telephone wire and attaching a small voltage to the wire - via a small volt meter i.e. the 'clock' - then that exchange-side operative, in this case steve cox and his mate andy c. informs/tells (using a simple BT comms. devise called a 'tapper') the operative(s) at the other remote POI, in this case ken woodward and then p. cairnie & p. farmer, exactly which single copper wire the identifying voltage is connected too, the other operative then verifies he/they have identified and are going to 'cut down' and c/o the same telephone wire by means of receiving and reading the exact same voltage reading on his 'clock' to that which is on the sender's 'clock' doing so by shorting the identified copper wire. In this way the customers existing telephone lines are correctly swapped over / changed over from the old unuseable pair of telephone lines within the old cable bundle  (in this case - 1400 pr. cable) onto the new usable pair on the replacement 1400 cable, accurately and precisely. If this very simple and straightforward procedure is not carried out the affected BT customers will be connected to another BT customer's subscription number. 

This mandatory, very simple procedure was as - a matter of simple fact - totally ignored, overridden and deliberately and intentionally bypassed by BT operatives fma ken woodward and his buddies pete cairnie, paul farmer, steve cox and andy c. That is the exact reason as to why in Oct./Nov. 2008 the majority of those 1400 Beaconsfield BT customers were for a considerable period of time - i.e. weeks - deprived of and were unable to receive the BT telecomm. service they pay to receive

How so? 2Bcontd... 


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