Saturday 27 July 2013

Fight the power...with equal power & white power !!!

Seeing the London 2012 Olympics Anniversary Games I recall being a 10 y/o schoolboy watching the Mexico Olympic Games with my family and us all seeing, discussing and understanding the import of this unprecedented and most powerful a global declaration by two black men and one white man, as the world bore witness to that awe inspiring sight: 

A profound message delivered to the whole world by three men of colour. i.e. The colour black and the colour white. These three brave, courageous, selfless and principled men made the "white man" who controlled this world of ours in 1968 so very very unhappy!  

Being the cause of making the "white man" and/or the "black man" unhappy is NOT any longer a crime in the second decade of the twenty first century!...  

(Or so I thought. No doubt the police and the CPS are going to tell me different.) 

...Speaking from first hand personal experience I think, in fact I'm 100% certain that I made the "white man" - and made the white man's compromised, deceitful and dishonest hypocrite BT workplace "white breden" - so so very unhappy (and paradoxically, so very very happy - at one and the same time) by telling the "white man" that is BT Group's white management a few home truths


By providing to the BT Group "white man" the true, the accurate, the factual, the legitimate and the wholly justified honest comment content that comprised a black BT employee's / CWU member's - Colin Jarvis's - 'Overriding objective' which I sent to all RESPONDENTS i.e. the corporate machine that is BT Legal and to the five lying,  stupid,  halfwit, cowardly arseholes who were the five white BT employees CWU members(3of) 'Other Respondents'. 

Reference the 2 documents which were, which are and which will always remain my absolute pride and joy in respect of sticking it to BT hypocrites, cowardly, dishonest white management hypocrites. links> Colin Jarvis 14 June 2011 Reading ET Claimant's Witness Statement. & Colin Jarvis 25 July 2011 Reading ET Claimant's Witness Statement.

Well, fairs fair. That same deceitful, dishonest, compromised hypocrite "white man" did after all disclose and send to me some 300+ pages of the "white man's" private (sic) in confidence (sic) confidential (sic) highly confidential (sic) accenture copyright (sic) BT documents. 
BT documents which revealed exactly what the "white man" gets up to in the privacy of their dishonest, compromised, perverse and perverted BT  formal grievance complaints processes and procedures.

That BT (&CWU c.June - Sept. 2012) bullshit as documented, as disclosed and as entered into public employment tribunal proceedings - had the effect of making me so very very unhappy. Which is, happily, not a crime.  

It would appear that the BT "white man" and his sick BT/CWU mates like giving but those same dishonest deceitful cowards objects to receiving. It appears that the BT "white man" and his stupid BT/CWU mates are ...happy to talk the talk but object to being made to walk the walk.  

Well that's... as my erstwhile - BNP supporting halfwit twat - "substantive" C1 Grade BT IT Gold User team leader supervisor white racist BT employee / ex CWU member (i.e. resigned his membership of the CWU-CCC c.Nov.2006 - all of a sudden like!) would oft say: ...tough!

So fairs fair. Ay!

(Honest comment: The "white man" = Cowardly fucking hypocrites! That same BT "white man" hypocrites is - as a matter of fact and reality - held in contempt and scorn by those same white persons within BT whom the "white man" falls over himself to protect, to defend and to keep safe and out of harms way and to keep secure within a white employer's workplace and within a white trade union's workplace)

Free expression, free speech, free comment, honest comment. Kill those things and you kill yourself.

1.facebook account: Colin Deryck Jarvis. Disabled by FB Inc. 8/9/13.

2.facebook: Colin Jarivs. 

3.twitter: colindjarvis1 (please see all of my photos / videos - re: the 11/7/13 "evidence" given under oath by the Crown against me!)

4.twitter: ColinJarvis27 (please see all of my photos / videos - re: the 11/7/13 "evidence" given under oath by the Crown against me!)

5.facebook: Colin Jarvis - I swear by Almighty God that the evidence...  Disabled by FB Inc. 8/9/13.

6.facebook page: Confronting challenging and exposing racists, bullies, cowards and liars! Disabled by FB Inc. 24/9/13.

7.Google+ R-acist B-igots 53 W-hite M-an's B-urden! RB WMB / UTP.

8.Google+ Colin Jarvis!  RB WMB / UTP.

9.tumblr. Colin Jarvis!

10.facebook: ChrisRock - (n.b. Colin Jarvis's C.Rock DVD played for and then given to BT employee CWU member - dominic martello/distefano at my HP20 2EL home c.Nov. 2006. dominic dumbstefano then passed that DVD onto his Uncle Tom Prick black person BT suck buddy! :-) (innit!)

11.Public Enemy - Fight the power !

12.Labi Siffre - Something inside so strong. 

 B  Blogger

13.Colin Jarvis: ...he is paranoid ...made worse by his use of cannabis. (sic) 1/3/13.

14.Colin Jarvis: ...he has psychological issues. (sic) 3/12/12. 

15.Colin Jarvis - Autobiography / Memoir (drafts) 1999 - 2013.

16.One black man vs cowards liars bullies and racists within BT and the CWU c.1999 - Sept. 2012.

17.Colin Jarvis: BT Plc & Communication Workers Union - People and Places c.1999 - 2012


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